Cwhat would a new page from a sandbox be?
A (
#Enter your text here. Entirely Aritrary
A (
#Enter your text here. Entirely Aritrary So far so good, but where
#did my comment go?
A (
#Syntax Notes:
#A blank line begins a new paragraph. If a paragraph contains only
#capital letters, it is a section heading. If a line begins with a *,
#it begins a new item in a bulleted list. If a line begins with a !,
#it is formatted in typewriter font and uninterpreted. This is useful
#for typescripts and program listings. A link is denoted by putting
#text in square brackets. The text can be "name of local link" or
#"url" or "text | url". Local link names are not case sensitive
A (
#Syntax Notes:
#A blank line begins a new paragraph. If a paragraph contains only
#capital letters, it is a section heading. If a line begins with a *,
#it begins a new item in a bulleted list. If a line begins with a !,
#it is formatted in typewriter font and uninterpreted. This is useful
#for typescripts and program listings. A link is denoted by putting
#text in square brackets. The text can be "name of local link" or
#"url" or "text | url". Local link names are not case sensitive
#[A friend for Glenda |
A (
#Syntax Notes:
#A blank line begins a new paragraph. If a paragraph contains only
#capital letters, it is a section heading. If a line begins with a *,
#it begins a new item in a bulleted list. If a line begins with a !,
#it is formatted in typewriter font and uninterpreted. This is useful
#for typescripts and program listings. A link is denoted by putting
#text in square brackets. The text can be "name of local link" or
#"url" or "text | url". Local link names are not case sensitive
#! comments
Aandrey (