What The Hack
Auriel (
#When: 2005/07/28-31
#Where: near Den Bosch, The Netherlands ( 51.5545143 N / 5.3436764
#E ) ( Lat 51°33.270858 / Lon 5°20.620584)
#URL: [http://www.whatthehack.org]
#Who will be there?
# * mechiel lukkien
# * garbeam
# * 20h (arrival: 22nd or 23rd)
# * MTG
# * [uriel] (arrival: 24 or 25)
#Who may be there?
# * axel belinfante
# * charles forsyth
#Glenda Village:
#A proposal, how it could be organised, in a scheme:
#[http://www.r-36.net/glendavillage.GIF] (base)
#[http://www.r-36.net/glendavillage_pwr_ntw.GIF] (power and network)
#[http://www.r-36.net/presentation_WTH.GIF] (inner presentation tent)
#A summary, what we would need:
# * 1 big presentation tent (MTG: 1x)
# * a min of 5 boxes of good beer (20h: 2x)
# * Ethernet switches (20h: 1x(8port); uriel 1x(5port))
# * 2 junction boxes (20h: 2x)
# * 1 long extension cable (getting to the main power supply)
# * 2 extension cables (20h: 1x)
# * 1 long CAT5 cable (getting to the main network)
# * 2 CAT5 at 10m each (connecting the switches and the main server)
# (20h: 1x, uriel: 2x)
# * 2 picnic table (we get them from the organisers)
# * 1 camping table (Or do we still need some?)
# * 4 camping chairs (20h: 1x)
# * enough duct tape (20h)
# * some lights, because they still have day and night in the
# Netherlands (20h: 1x)
# * some way to do music(including speakers) (20h)
# * some way to do multimedia (xscr on a beamer?)
# * some CDs of Plan 9, Inferno and dtLinux to give them away(uriel:
# 15x of each)
# * some tents, so it does not look like a dead town (20h: 1x, uriel:
# 2x)
# * a way to keep the beer cool
# * flag mast
# * the flag (MTG: 2x)
# * someone who has and can play a trumpet, for the every morning
# flag flying
# * A bottle of Kernel Hackers JackDaniels to drink to Boyd's
# memory(uriel: 1x)
#The programme we could do:
# * (always) support for Plan 9 and Inferno
# * (always) help in installing Plan 9 and Inferno
# * (some) talks about Plan 9, Inferno, 9grid or whatever topic you
# want.
# * (some) talks for Plan 9 and Inferno users
# * micro-hackathons(try to get as much hacking done in X amount of
# hours)
#The presentations could either be done over a beamer, on a
#whiteboard or by telling the listeners, where to find the PDF of the
#Talks that could be done:
# * graphical programming in Plan 9
# * network programming in Plan 9
# * application programming in Plan 9
# * introduction to 9grid
# * Introduction to Plan 9
# * The importance of simplicity and the Unix Philosphy
#anyone else?