Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/patch/sorry/fs-alltzdst/portdat.h

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 * fundamental constants and types of the implementation
 * changing any of these changes the layout on disk

#define SUPER_ADDR	2		/* block address of superblock */
#define ROOT_ADDR	3		/* block address of root directory */

#ifdef OLD
 * compatible on disk with the old 32-bit file server.
 * this lets people run this kernel on their old file systems.
#define	NAMELEN		28		/* max size of file name components */
#define	NDBLOCK		6		/* number of direct blocks in Dentry */
#define NIBLOCK		2		/* max depth of indirect blocks */

typedef long Off;	/* file offsets & sizes, in bytes & blocks */

#else			/* OLD */

/* the glorious new, incompatible (on disk) 64-bit world */

/* keeping NAMELEN ≤ 50 bytes permits 3 Dentrys per mag disk sector */
#define	NAMELEN		56		/* max size of file name components */
#define	NDBLOCK		6		/* number of direct blocks in Dentry */
#define NIBLOCK		4		/* max depth of indirect blocks */

 * file offsets & sizes, in bytes & blocks.  typically long or vlong.
 * vlong is used in the code where would be needed if Off were just long.
typedef vlong Off;

#endif			/* OLD */

/* constants that don't affect disk layout */
#define	MAXDAT		8192		/* max allowable data message */
#define	MAXMSG		128		/* max size protocol message sans data */
#define	OFFMSG		60		/* offset of msg in buffer */

#define	C0a		59		/* time constants for filters */
#define	C0b		60
#define	C1a		599
#define	C1b		600
#define	C2a		5999
#define	C2b		6000

/* more fundamental types */
typedef vlong Wideoff; /* type to widen Off to for printing; ≥ as wide as Off */
typedef short	Userid;		/* signed internal representation of user-id */
typedef long	Timet;		/* in seconds since epoch */
typedef vlong	Devsize;	/* in bytes */

 * tunable parameters
enum {
	Maxword = 200,			/* max bytes per command-line word */
#define NDRIVE		16		/* size of drive structure */
#define NTLOCK		200		/* number of active file Tlocks */
#define	LRES		3		/* profiling resolution */
#define NATTID		10		/* the last 10 ID's in attaches */

 * derived constants
#define	BUFSIZE		(RBUFSIZE-sizeof(Tag))
#define DIRPERBUF	(BUFSIZE/sizeof(Dentry))
#define INDPERBUF	(BUFSIZE/sizeof(Off))
#define FEPERBUF	((BUFSIZE-sizeof(Super1)-sizeof(Off))/sizeof(Off))
#define	RAGAP		(300*1024)/BUFSIZE		/* readahead parameter */
#define CEPERBK		((BUFSIZE-BKPERBLK*sizeof(Off))/\
#define	BKPERBLK	10

typedef struct	Alarm	Alarm;
typedef struct	Auth	Auth;
typedef	struct	Conf	Conf;
typedef	struct	Label	Label;
typedef	struct	Lock	Lock;
typedef	struct	Mach	Mach;
typedef	struct	QLock	QLock;
typedef	struct	Ureg	Ureg;
typedef	struct	User	User;
typedef	struct	Fbuf	Fbuf;
typedef	struct	Super1	Super1;
typedef	struct	Superb	Superb;
typedef	struct	Filsys	Filsys;
typedef	struct	Startsb	Startsb;
typedef	struct	Dentry	Dentry;
typedef	struct	Tag	Tag;
typedef struct  Talarm	Talarm;
typedef	struct	Uid	Uid;
typedef struct	Device	Device;
typedef struct	Qid9p1	Qid9p1;
typedef	struct	Iobuf	Iobuf;
typedef	struct	Wpath	Wpath;
typedef	struct	File	File;
typedef	struct	Chan	Chan;
typedef	struct	Cons	Cons;
typedef	struct	Time	Time;
typedef	struct	Tm	Tm;
typedef	struct	Rtc	Rtc;
typedef	struct	Hiob	Hiob;
typedef	struct	RWlock	RWlock;
typedef	struct	Msgbuf	Msgbuf;
typedef	struct	Queue	Queue;
typedef	struct	Command	Command;
typedef	struct	Flag	Flag;
typedef	struct	Bp	Bp;
typedef	struct	Rabuf	Rabuf;
typedef	struct	Rendez	Rendez;
typedef	struct	Filter	Filter;
typedef		ulong	Float;
typedef	struct	Tlock	Tlock;
typedef	struct	Cache	Cache;
typedef	struct	Centry	Centry;
typedef	struct	Bucket	Bucket;

#pragma incomplete Auth
#pragma incomplete Ureg

struct	Lock
	ulong*	sbsem;		/* addr of sync bus semaphore */
	ulong	pc;
	ulong	sr;

struct	Rendez
	User*	p;

struct	Filter
	ulong	count;			/* count and old count kept separate */
	ulong	oldcount;		/*	so interrput can read them */
	int	c1;			/* time const multiplier */
	int	c2;			/* time const divider */
	int	c3;			/* scale for printing */
	Float	filter;			/* filter */

struct	QLock
	Lock;			/* to use object */
	User*	head;		/* next process waiting for object */
	User*	tail;		/* last process waiting for object */
	char*	name;		/* for diagnostics */
	int	locked;		/* flag, is locked */

struct	RWlock
	int	nread;
	QLock	wr;
	QLock	rd;

 * send/recv queue structure
struct	Queue
	Lock;			/* to manipulate values */
	int	size;		/* size of queue */
	int	loc;		/* circular pointer */
	int	count;		/* how many in queue */
	User*	rhead;		/* process's waiting for send */
	User*	rtail;
	User*	whead;		/* process's waiting for recv */
	User*	wtail;
	void*	args[1];	/* list of saved pointers, [->size] */

struct	Tag
	short	pad;		/* make tag end at a long boundary */
	short	tag;
	Off	path;

struct	Device
	uchar	type;
	uchar	init;
	Device*	link;			/* link for mcat/mlev/mirror */
	Device*	dlink;			/* link all devices */
	void*	private;
	Devsize	size;
		struct			/* wren, ide, (l)worm in targ */
			int	ctrl;	/* disks only */
			int	targ;
			int	lun;	/* wren only */
		} wren;
		struct			/* mcat mlev mirror */
			Device*	first;
			Device*	last;
			int	ndev;
		} cat;
		struct			/* cw */
			Device*	c;	/* cache device */
			Device*	w;	/* worm device */
			Device*	ro;	/* dump - readonly */
		} cw;
		struct			/* juke */
			Device*	j;	/* (robotics, worm drives) - wrens */
			Device*	m;	/* (sides) - r or l devices */
		} j;
		struct			/* ro */
			Device*	parent;
		} ro;
		struct			/* fworm */
			Device*	fw;
		} fw;
		struct			/* part */
			Device*	d;
			long	base;	/* percentages */
			long	size;
		} part;
		struct			/* byte-swapped */
			Device*	d;
		} swab;

typedef struct Sidestarts {
	Devsize	sstart;			/* blocks before start of side */
	Devsize	s1start;		/* blocks before start of next side */
} Sidestarts;

struct	Rabuf
			Device*	dev;
			Off	addr;
		Rabuf*	link;

/* user-visible Qid, from <libc.h> */
struct Qid
	uvlong	path;			/* Off */
	ulong	vers;			/* should be Off */
	uchar	type;
} Qid;

/* bits in Qid.type */
#define QTDIR		0x80		/* type bit for directories */
#define QTAPPEND	0x40		/* type bit for append only files */
#define QTEXCL		0x20		/* type bit for exclusive use files */
#define QTMOUNT		0x10		/* type bit for mounted channel */
#define QTAUTH		0x08		/* type bit for authentication file */
#define QTFILE		0x00		/* plain file */

/* DONT TOUCH, this is the disk structure */
struct	Qid9p1
	Off	path;			/* was long */
	ulong	version;		/* should be Off */

struct	Hiob
	Iobuf*	link;

struct	Chan
	char	type;			/* major driver type i.e. Dev* */
	int	(*protocol)(Msgbuf*);	/* version */
	int	msize;			/* version */
	char	whochan[50];
	char	whoname[NAMELEN];
	void	(*whoprint)(Chan*);
	ulong	flags;
	int	chan;			/* overall channel number, mostly for printing */
	int	nmsgs;			/* outstanding messages, set under flock -- for flush */
	Timet	whotime;
	Filter	work;
	Filter	rate;
	int	nfile;			/* used by cmd_files */
	RWlock	reflock;
	Chan*	next;			/* link list of chans */
	Queue*	send;
	Queue*	reply;

	uchar	authinfo[64];

	void*	ifc;
	void*	pdata;

struct	Filsys
	char*	name;			/* name of filsys */
	char*	conf;			/* symbolic configuration */
	Device*	dev;			/* device that filsys is on */
	int	flags;
		#define	FREAM		(1<<0)	/* mkfs */
		#define	FRECOVER	(1<<1)	/* install last dump */
		#define	FEDIT		(1<<2)	/* modified */

struct	Startsb
	char*	name;
	Off	startsb;

struct	Time
	Timet	lasttoy;
	Timet	bias;
	Timet	offset;

 * array of qids that are locked
struct	Tlock
	Device*	dev;
	Timet	time;
	Off	qpath;
	File*	file;

struct	Cons
	ulong	flags;		/* overall flags for all channels */
	QLock;			/* generic qlock for mutex */
	int	uid;		/* botch -- used to get uid on cons_create */
	int	gid;		/* botch -- used to get gid on cons_create */
	int	nuid;		/* number of uids */
	int	ngid;		/* number of gids */
	Off	offset;		/* used to read files, c.f. fchar */
	int	chano;		/* generator for channel numbers */
	Chan*	chan;		/* console channel */
	Filsys*	curfs;		/* current filesystem */

	int	profile;	/* are we profiling? */
	long*	profbuf;
	ulong	minpc;
	ulong	maxpc;
	ulong	nprofbuf;

	long	nlarge;		/* number of large message buffers */
	long	nsmall;		/* ... small ... */
	long	nwormre;	/* worm read errors */
	long	nwormwe;	/* worm write errors */
	long	nwormhit;	/* worm read cache hits */
	long	nwormmiss;	/* worm read cache non-hits */
	int	noage;		/* dont update cache age, dump and check */
	long	nwrenre;	/* disk read errors */
	long	nwrenwe;	/* disk write errors */
	long	nreseq;		/* cache bucket resequence */

	Filter	work[3];	/* thruput in messages */
	Filter	rate[3];	/* thruput in bytes */
	Filter	bhit[3];	/* getbufs that hit */
	Filter	bread[3];	/* getbufs that miss and read */
	Filter	brahead[3];	/* messages to readahead */
	Filter	binit[3];	/* getbufs that miss and dont read */

struct	File
	Qid	qid;
	Wpath*	wpath;
	Chan*	cp;		/* null means a free slot */
	Tlock*	tlock;		/* if file is locked */
	File*	next;		/* in cp->flist */
	Filsys*	fs;
	Off	addr;
	long	slot;		/* ordinal # of Dentry with a directory block */
	Off	lastra;		/* read ahead address */
	ulong	fid;
	Userid	uid;
	Auth	*auth;
	char	open;
		#define	FREAD	1
		#define	FWRITE	2
		#define	FREMOV	4

	Off	doffset;	/* directory reading */
	ulong	dvers;
	long	dslot;

struct	Wpath
	Wpath*	up;		/* pointer upwards in path */
	Off	addr;		/* directory entry addr */
	long	slot;		/* directory entry slot */
	short	refs;		/* number of files using this structure */

struct	Iobuf
	Device*	dev;
	Iobuf*	fore;		/* for lru */
	Iobuf*	back;		/* for lru */
	char*	iobuf;		/* only active while locked */
	char*	xiobuf;		/* "real" buffer pointer */
	Off	addr;
	int	flags;

struct	Uid
	Userid	uid;		/* user id */
	Userid	lead;		/* leader of group */
	Userid	*gtab;		/* group table */
	int	ngrp;		/* number of group entries */
	char	name[NAMELEN];	/* user name */

/* DONT TOUCH, this is the disk structure */
struct	Dentry
	char	name[NAMELEN];
	Userid	uid;
	Userid	gid;
	ushort	mode;
		#define	DALLOC	0x8000
		#define	DDIR	0x4000
		#define	DAPND	0x2000
		#define	DLOCK	0x1000
		#define	DREAD	0x4
		#define	DWRITE	0x2
		#define	DEXEC	0x1
	Userid	muid;
	Qid9p1	qid;
	Off	size;
	Off	dblock[NDBLOCK];
	Off	iblocks[NIBLOCK];
	long	atime;
	long	mtime;

/* DONT TOUCH, this is the disk structure */
struct	Super1
	Off	fstart;
	Off	fsize;
	Off	tfree;
	Off	qidgen;		/* generator for unique ids */
	 * Stuff for WWC device
	Off	cwraddr;	/* cfs root addr */
	Off	roraddr;	/* dump root addr */
	Off	last;		/* last super block addr */
	Off	next;		/* next super block addr */
	vlong	magic;		/* for byte-order detection */
	/* in memory only, not on disk (maybe) */
	int	flags;

/* DONT TOUCH, this is the disk structure */
struct	Fbuf
	Off	nfree;
	Off	free[FEPERBUF];

/* DONT TOUCH, this is the disk structure */
struct	Superb
	Fbuf	fbuf;

struct	Label
	ulong	pc;
	ulong	sp;

struct	Alarm
	Alarm*	next;
	int	busy;
	int	dt;		/* in ticks */
	void	(*f)(Alarm*, void*);
	void*	arg;

struct Talarm
	User	*list;

struct	Conf
	ulong	nmach;		/* processors */
	ulong	nproc;		/* processes */
	ulong	mem;		/* total physical bytes of memory */
	ulong	sparemem;	/* memory left for check/dump and chans */
	ulong	nalarm;		/* alarms */
	ulong	nuid;		/* distinct uids */
	ulong	nserve;		/* server processes */
	ulong	nfile;		/* number of fid -- system wide */
	ulong	nwpath;		/* number of active paths, derived from nfile */
	ulong	gidspace;	/* space for gid names -- derived from nuid */
	ulong	nlgmsg;		/* number of large message buffers */
	ulong	nsmmsg;		/* number of small message buffers */
	Off	recovcw;	/* recover addresses */
	Off	recovro;
	Off	firstsb;
	Off	recovsb;
	ulong	nauth;		/* number of Auth structs */
	uchar	nodump;		/* no periodic dumps */
	uchar	ripoff;
	uchar	dumpreread;	/* read and compare in dump copy */

	short	minuteswest;	/* minutes west of Greenwich */
	short	dsttime;	/* dst correction */

	ulong	npage0;		/* total physical pages of memory */
	ulong	npage1;		/* total physical pages of memory */
	ulong	base0;		/* base of bank 0 */
	ulong	base1;		/* base of bank 1 */

	ulong	idedma;		/* flag: use DMA & RWM on IDE disks? */

 * message buffers
 * 2 types, large and small
/* flags from cpu kernel; not implemented in fs kernel yet */
enum {
	Bipck	=	(1<<6),		/* ip checksum */
	Budpck	=	(1<<3),		/* udp checksum */
	Btcpck	=	(1<<4),		/* tcp checksum */
	Bpktck	=	(1<<5),		/* packet checksum */
struct	Msgbuf
	short	count;
	short	flags;
		#define	LARGE	(1<<0)
		#define	FREE	(1<<1)
		#define BFREE	(1<<2)
		#define BTRACE	(1<<7)
		#define Mbrcvbuf (1<<15) /* to free, call (*free)(this) */
	Chan*	chan;
	Msgbuf*	next;
	ulong	param;
	int	category;
	uchar*	data;		/* rp or wp: current processing point */
	uchar*	xdata;		/* base of allocation */
	/* added for cpu kernel compatibility - geoff */
	void	(*free)(Msgbuf *);

 * message buffer categories
	Mxxx		= 0,

struct	Mach
	int	machno;		/* physical id of processor */
	int	mmask;		/* 1<<m->machno */
	Timet	ticks;		/* of the clock since boot time */
	int	lights;		/* light lights, this processor */

	User*	proc;		/* current process on this processor */
	Label	sched;		/* scheduler wakeup */
	Lock	alarmlock;	/* access to alarm list */
	void*	alarm;		/* alarms bound to this clock */

	void	(*intr)(Ureg*, ulong);	/* pending interrupt */
	User*	intrp;		/* process that was interrupted */
	ulong	cause;		/* arg to intr */
	Ureg*	ureg;		/* arg to intr */
#ifdef CPU
	int	loopconst;

	Lock	apictimerlock;
	int	cpumhz;
	uvlong	cyclefreq;		/* Frequency of user readable cycle counter */
	uvlong	cpuhz;
	int	cpuidax;
	int	cpuiddx;
	char	cpuidid[16];
	char*	cpuidtype;
	int	havetsc;
	int	havepge;
	uvlong	tscticks;
	uchar	stack[1];

#define	MAXSTACK 16000
#define	NHAS	300
struct	User
	Label	sched;
	Mach*	mach;		/* machine running this proc */
	User*	rnext;		/* next process in run queue */
	User*	qnext;		/* next process on queue for a QLock */
	void	(*start)(void);	/* startup function */
	char*	text;		/* name of this process */
	void*	arg;
	Filter	time[3];	/* cpu time used */
	int	exiting;
	int	pid;
	int	state;
	Rendez	tsleep;

	Timet	twhen;
	Rendez	*trend;
	User	*tlink;
	int	(*tfn)(void*);

		ulong	pc[NHAS];	/* list of pcs for locks this process has */
		QLock*	q[NHAS];/* list of locks this process has */
		QLock*	want;	/* lock waiting */
	} has;
	uchar	stack[MAXSTACK];

#define	PRINTSIZE	256
	int	machs;
	int	exiting;
} active;

struct	Command
	char*	arg0;
	char*	help;
	void	(*func)(int, char*[]);

struct	Flag
	char*	arg0;
	char*	help;
	ulong	flag;

struct	Tm
	/* see ctime(3) */
	int	sec;
	int	min;
	int	hour;
	int	mday;
	int	mon;
	int	year;
	int	wday;
	char	zone[4];
	int	tzoff;

struct	Rtc
	int	sec;
	int	min;
	int	hour;
	int	mday;
	int	mon;
	int	year;

typedef struct
	/* constants during a given truncation */
	Dentry	*d;
	Iobuf	*p;			/* the block containing *d */
	int	uid;
	Off	newsize;
	Off	lastblk;		/* last data block of file to keep */

	/* variables */
	Off	relblk;			/* # of current data blk within file */
	int	pastlast;		/* have we walked past lastblk? */
	int	err;
} Truncstate;

 * cw device

/* DONT TOUCH, this is the disk structure */
struct	Cache
	Off	maddr;		/* cache map addr */
	Off	msize;		/* cache map size in buckets */
	Off	caddr;		/* cache addr */
	Off	csize;		/* cache size */
	Off	fsize;		/* current size of worm */
	Off	wsize;		/* max size of the worm */
	Off	wmax;		/* highwater write */

	Off	sbaddr;		/* super block addr */
	Off	cwraddr;	/* cw root addr */
	Off	roraddr;	/* dump root addr */

	Timet	toytime;	/* somewhere convienent */
	Timet	time;

/* DONT TOUCH, this is the disk structure */
struct	Centry
	ushort	age;
	short	state;
	Off	waddr;		/* worm addr */

/* DONT TOUCH, this is the disk structure */
struct	Bucket
	long	agegen;		/* generator for ages in this bkt */
	Centry	entry[CEPERBK];

 * scsi i/o
	SCSIread = 0,
	SCSIwrite = 1,

 * Process states
	Dead = 0,

 * Lights
	Lreal	= 0,	/* blink in clock interrupt */
	Lintr,		/* on while in interrupt */
	Lpanic,		/* in panic */
	Lcwmap,		/* in cw lookup */

 * devnone block numbers
	Cwio1 	= 1,

 * error codes generated from the file server
	Ebadspc = 1,

 * device types
	Devnone 	= 0,
	Devcon,			/* console */
	Devwren,		/* scsi disk drive */
	Devworm,		/* scsi video drive */
	Devlworm,		/* scsi video drive (labeled) */
	Devfworm,		/* fake read-only device */
	Devjuke,		/* jukebox */
	Devcw,			/* cache with worm */
	Devro,			/* readonly worm */
	Devmcat,		/* multiple cat devices */
	Devmlev,		/* multiple interleave devices */
	Devil,			/* internet link */
	Devpart,		/* partition */
	Devfloppy,		/* floppy drive */
	Devide,			/* IDE drive */
	Devswab,		/* swab data between mem and device */
	Devmirr,		/* mirror devices */
	Devmarvsata,		/* Marvell sata disk drive */

 * tags on block
/* DONT TOUCH, this is in disk structures */
/* also, the order from Tdir to Tind4 (Tmaxind) is exploited in indirck() */
	Tnone		= 0,
	Tsuper,			/* the super block */
#ifdef OLD
	Tdir,			/* directory contents */
	Tind1,			/* points to blocks */
	Tind2,			/* points to Tind1 */
	Tfile,			/* file contents */
	Tfree,			/* in free list */
	Tbuck,			/* cache fs bucket */
	Tvirgo,			/* fake worm virgin bits */
	Tcache,			/* cw cache things */
	Tconfig,		/* configuration block */
#ifndef OLD
	/* Tdir & indirect blocks are last to allow for greater depth */
	Tdir,			/* directory contents */
	Tind1,			/* points to blocks */
	Tind2,			/* points to Tind1 */
	Tind3,			/* points to Tind2 */
	Tind4,			/* points to Tind3 */

#ifdef OLD
	Tmaxind = Tind2,
	Tmaxind = Maxtind - 1,

 * flags to getbuf
	Bread	= (1<<0),	/* read the block if miss */
	Bprobe	= (1<<1),	/* return null if miss */
	Bmod	= (1<<2),	/* buffer is dirty, needs writing */
	Bimm	= (1<<3),	/* write immediately on putbuf */
	Bres	= (1<<4),	/* reserved, never renamed */

extern	register	Mach*	m;
extern	register	User*	u;
extern  Talarm		talarm;

Conf	conf;
Cons	cons;
#define	MACHP(n)	((Mach*)(MACHADDR+n*BY2PG))

#pragma	varargck	type	"Z"	Device*
#pragma	varargck	type	"T"	Timet
#pragma	varargck	type	"I"	uchar*
#pragma	varargck	type	"E"	uchar*
#pragma	varargck	type	"W"	Filter*
#pragma	varargck	type	"G"	int

extern int (*fsprotocol[])(Msgbuf*);
extern Rendez dawnrend;

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