Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/uriel/doc/charles/Refs

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%T The Organization of Networks in Plan 9
%A Dave Presotto
%A Phil Winterbottom
%J Proceedings of the Winter 1993 USENIX Conference
%P 271-280
%C San Diego, California
%D 1993

%T The Use of Name Spaces in Plan 9
%A Rob Pike
%A Dave Presotto
%A Ken Thompson
%A Howard Trickey
%A Phil Winterbottom
%J Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGOPS European Workshop
%C Mont Saint-Michel
%D 1992

%T Fossil, an Archival File Server
%A Sean Quinlan
%A Jim McKie
%A Russ Cox
%I Lucent Technologies Bell Labs
%C Unpublished memorandum
%D September 2003

%T Venti: a new approach to archival storage
%A Sean Quinlan
%A Sean Dorward
%J First USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies
%C Monterey, California
%D 2002

%T Acme: A User Interface for Programmers
%A Rob Pike
%J Proceedings of the Winter 1994 USENIX Conference
%P 223-234
%D 1994
%C San Francisco, California

%T 8½, the Plan 9 Window System
%J Proceedings of the Summer 1991 USENIX Conference
%D 1991
%P 257-265
%C Nashville
%A Rob Pike

%T Acid: A Debugger Built From A Language
%A Phil Winterbottom
%J Proceedings of the Winter 1994 USENIX Conference
%P 211-222
%D 1994
%C San Francisco, California

%T Plan 9 from Bell Labs
%A Rob Pike
%A Dave Presotto
%A Sean Dorward
%A Bob Flandrena
%A Ken Thompson
%A Howard Trickey
%A Phil Winterbottom
%J Computing Systems
%V 8
%N 3
%D Summer 1995
%P 221-254
%K overview

%T Security in Plan 9
%A Russ Cox
%A Eric Grosse
%A Rob Pike
%A Dave Presotto
%A Sean Quinlan
%J Proceedings of the 11th USENIX Security Symposium
%D 2002
%P 3-16
%C San Francisco
%K factotum

%T The Plan 9 File Server
%A Ken Thompson
%J Plan 9 Programmers Manual, Fourth Edition
%I Bell Labs Lucent Technologies
%D 2002
%V 2

%T Plan 9 Programmers Manual, Fourth Edition (Manual Pages)
%I Bell Labs Lucent Technologies
%D 2002
%V 1
%K pages

%A Sean Quinlan
%T A Cached WORM File System
%J Software: Practice and Experience
%V 21
%N 12
%P 1289-1299
%D 1991

%T rc - A Shell for Plan 9 and UNIX Systems
%A Tom Duff
%J Proceedings of the Summer 1990 UKUUG Conference
%C London
%D 1990
%P 21-33

%T Plumbing and Other Utilities
%J Proceedings of the USENIX Annual Conference
%C San Diego, California
%D June 2000
%A Rob Pike
%P 159-170

%T Graphics in Overlapping Bitmap Layers
%A Rob Pike
%J Transactions on Graphics
%V 2
%N 2
%P 135-160
%D 1982

%T The Hideous Name
%A Rob Pike
%A Peter Weinberger
%J Proceedings of the USENIX Summer 1985 Conference
%D 1985
%P 81
%C Portland, Oregon

%T The IL Protocol
%A Dave Presotto
%A Phil Winterbottom
%J Plan 9 Programmers Manual, Fourth Edition
%I Bell Labs Lucent Technologies
%D 2002
%V 2
%K reliable datagram

%T Real-time in Plan 9: a short Overview
%A Pierre Jansen
%A Sape Mullender
%I University of Twente

%T Real-time in a Real Operating System
%A Sape Mullender
%A Pierre Jansen
%I University of Twente

%T Lightweight EDF Scheduling with Deadline Inheritance
%A Pierre Jansen
%A Sape Mullender
%A Paul J M Havinga
%A Hans Scholten
%I University of Twente
%D 2003

%T The Styx Architecture for Distributed Systems
%A Rob Pike
%A Dennis M Ritchie
%J Bell Labs Technical Journal
%V 4
%N 2
%D April-June 1999
%P 146-152

%T Design and Implementation of the Sun Network File System
%A R Sandberg
%A D Goldberg
%A S Kleimann
%A D Walsh
%A B Lyon
%J Proceedings of the Summer 1985 USENIX Conference
%C Portland, Oregon
%D June 1985
%P 119-130

%T The Ubiquitous File Server in Plan 9
%A C H Forsyth
%I Vita Nuova Limited
%J Proceedings of the Libre Software Meeting
%D 5-9 July 2005
%C Dijon, France

%T XCPU operation
%R LA-UR-05-7562
%I Los Alamos National Labs
%D July 2005
%A Ron Minnich

%T A Brief Introduction to the Humanities Grid
%A Brian Hancock
%I Rutgers University Libraries
%C New Brunswick, New Jersey
%N 8
%P 32-33
%J Library Hi Tech News
%D 2004
%K data grid

%T Why Events Are A Bad Idea (for high-concurrency servers)
%A Rob von Behren
%A Jeremy Condit
%A Eric Brewer
%J Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems
%D 2003
%P 19-24

%T The Google File System
%A Sanjay Ghemawat
%A Howard Gobioff
%A Shun-Tak Leung
%J Proceedings of the Symposium on Operating System Principles
%C Bolton Landing, New York
%D 19-22 October 2003

%T MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters
%A Jeffrey Dean
%A Sanjay Ghemawat
%J Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation
%C San Francisco, California
%D December 2004

%T Interpreting the Data: Parallel Data Analysis with Sawzall (Draft)
%A Rob Pike
%A Sean Dorward
%A Robert Griesemer
%A Sean Quinlan
%I Google, Inc
%D 2005

%T Data streaming, workflow and firewall-friendly Grid Services with Styx
%A Jon Blower
%A Keith Haines
%A Ed Llewellin
%I e-Science Centre, University of Reading
%D 2005

%T The design and implementation of an intentional naming system
%A William Adjie-Winoto
%A Elliot Schwartz
%A Hari Balakrishnan
%A Jeremy Lilley
%J Operating Systems Review
%V 34
%N 5
%P 186-201
%D December 1999

%T End-to-end authorization
%A Jon Howell
%A David Kotz
%I Department of Computer Science, Dartmouth College
%C Hanover, NH

%T Authentication in distributed systems: theory and practice
%A Butler Lampson
%A Martin Abadi
%A Mike Burrows
%A Edward Wobber
%J ACM Transactions on Computer Systems
%V 10
%N 4
%P 265-310
%D November 1992

%T Computer Security in the Real World
%A Butler Lampson
%J Annual Computer Security Applications Conference
%D 2000

%T S-Expressions
%A Ronald Rivest
%I Network Working Group, Internet Draft
%C draft-rivest-sexp-00.txt
%D 4 May 1997

%T Owen - A Labour Exchange for Computational Grids
%A Roger Peppé
%I Vita Nuova Limited
%C York, England
%D April 2004

%T Using SPKI/SDSI for Distributed Maintenance of Attribute Release Policies in Shibboleth
%A Sidharth Nazareth
%A Sean W Smith
%R TR2004-485
%I Department of Computer Science, Dartmouth College
%C Hanover, NH
%D January 2004
%X SPADE Shibboleth federated adminstered system attribute release policy
	lightweight authorization PKI, reasons for not using x.509, users and roles,
	separation into domains

%T Inferno Programmer's Manual, Third Edition
%I Vita Nuova Limited
%D 2000

%T The Inferno Operating System
%A Sean Dorward
%A Rob Pike
%A David L Presotto
%A Dennis M Ritchie
%A Howard Trickey
%A Phil Winterbottom
%J Bell Labs Technical Journal
%V 2
%N 1
%D Winter 1997
%P 5-18

%T Condor - a Hunter of Idle Workstations
%A M Litzkow
%A M Livny
%A M W Mutka
%J Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Distributed Computing Systems
%P 104-111
%D June 1988

%T SPKI Certificate Theory
%A C Ellison
%A B Frantz
%A B Lampson
%A R Rivest
%A B Thomas
%A T Ylonen
%D September 1999
%I Internet RFC 2693

%T Simple Public Key Certificate
%A Carl M Ellison
%A Bill Frantz
%A Butler Lampson
%A Ron Rivest
%A Brian M Thomas
%D 26 July 1999
%I Internet draft. \f(CWdraft-ietf-spki-cert-structure-06.txt\fP

%T Web Services Architecture
%A David Booth
%A Hugo Haas
%A Francis McCabe
%A Eric Newcomer
%A Michael Champion
%A Chris Ferris
%A David Orchard
%R Technical Report
%I W3C
%D February 2004

%T The Globus Toolkit 4 Programmer's Tutorial
%A Borja Sotomayor
%I Department of Computer Science, University of Chicago
%D 2005

%T Re-factoring grid computing for usability
%A Bruce Beckles
%I University of Cambridge Computing Service
%C Cambridge, England
%D 2005

%T Styx-on-a-Brick
%A Chris Locke
%I Vita Nuova Limited
%C York, England
%D June 2000

%T Inferno Grid Applications
%A Michael Jeffrey
%I Vita Nuova Limited
%C York, England
%D June 2003

%T Ningaui: A Linux Cluster for Business
%A Andrew Hume
%A Scott Daniels
%A Angus MacLellan
%J Proceeding of USENIX 2002 Annual Technical Conference (FREENIX track)
%C Monterey, California
%D June 10-11, 2000
%P 195-206

%T Gecko: Tracking a Very Large Billing System
%A Andrew Hume
%A Scott Daniels
%A Angus MacLellan
%J Proceedings of 2000 USENIX Annual Technical Conference
%C San Diego, California
%D June 18-23, 2000

%T Utopia: A load sharing facility for large, heterogeneous distributed computing systems
%A S Zhou
%A J Wang
%A X Zheng
%A P Delisle
%J Software — Practice and Experience
%V 23
%N 12
%D December 1993
%P 1305-1336

%T Globus: A Metacomputing Infrastructure Toolkit
%A I Foster
%A C Kesselman
%J Intl Journal of Supercomputer Applications
%N 11
%V 11
%N 2
%P 115-128
%D 1997

%T Campus-wide Computing: Early Results Using Legion at the University of Virginia
%A Andrew S Grimshaw
%A Anh Nguyen-Tuong
%A William A Wulf
%R CS-95-19
%I University of Virginia
%D March 1995

%T A File System Abstraction for Sense and Respond Systems
%A Sameer Tilak
%A Bhanu Pisupati
%A Kenneth Chiu
%A Geoffrey Brown
%A Nael Abu-Ghazaleh
%J Workshop on End-to-End, Sense-and-Respond Systems, Applications and Services
%C Seattle WA
%D June 2005
%P 1-6

%T The Inferno Internet Explorer Plug-in
%A John Bates
%I Vita Nuova Holdings Limited
%D December 2000

%T Collaborative Name Spaces
%A C H Forsyth
%I Vita Nuova Holdings Limited
%D 14 November 2001

%T Application Experiences with the Globus Toolkit
%A I Foster
%A S Tuecke
%A et al
%J Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing
%D July 1998
%P 81-88

%T Grave Robbers from Outer Space: Using 9P2000 Under Linux
%A Eric Van Hensbergen
%A Ron Minnich
%J Proceedings of the USENIX 2005 Annual Technical Conference, FREENIX Track
%P 83-94
%C Anaheim, CA
%D April 2005

%T The Newcastle Connection or UNIXes of the World Unite!
%A D R Brownbridge
%A L F Marshall
%A B Randell
%J Software Practice and Experience
%V 12
%N 6
%P 1147-1162
%D 1982

%T A philosophical and technical comparison of Legion and Globus
%A A S Grimshaw
%A M A Humphrey
%A A Natrajan
%J IBM Journal of Reesearch and Development
%V 48
%N 2
%D 2004

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