Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/uriel/changes/2007/0413/7

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% cat >/sys/lib/dist/changes/1176499807.1.txt << EOF
•	Fix comment style (more on the // -> /* */ rampage!)
 [geoff] --rw-rw-r-- M 121 glenda sys 4803 Apr 13 17:18 sys/include/mp.h
	/n/sourcesdump/2007/0413/plan9/sys/include/mp.h:3,19 - 
	  #define _MPINT 1
	- // the code assumes mpdigit to be at least an int
	- // mpdigit must be an atomic type.  mpdigit is defined
	- // in the architecture specific u.h
	+ /*
	+  * the code assumes mpdigit to be at least an int
	+  * mpdigit must be an atomic type.  mpdigit is defined
	+  * in the architecture specific u.h
	+  */
	  typedef struct mpint mpint;
	  struct mpint
	- 	int	sign;	// +1 or -1
	- 	int	size;	// allocated digits
	- 	int	top;	// significant digits
	+ 	int	sign;	/* +1 or -1 */
	+ 	int	size;	/* allocated digits */
	+ 	int	top;	/* significant digits */
	  	mpdigit	*p;
	  	char	flags;
	/n/sourcesdump/2007/0413/plan9/sys/include/mp.h:21,137 - 
	  	MPstatic=	0x01,
	- 	Dbytes=		sizeof(mpdigit),	// bytes per digit
	- 	Dbits=		Dbytes*8		// bits per digit
	+ 	Dbytes=		sizeof(mpdigit),	/* bytes per digit */
	+ 	Dbits=		Dbytes*8		/* bits per digit */
	- // allocation
	- void	mpsetminbits(int n);	// newly created mpint's get at least n bits
	- mpint*	mpnew(int n);		// create a new mpint with at least n bits
	+ /* allocation */
	+ void	mpsetminbits(int n);	/* newly created mpint's get at least n bits */
	+ mpint*	mpnew(int n);		/* create a new mpint with at least n bits */
	  void	mpfree(mpint *b);
	- void	mpbits(mpint *b, int n);	// ensure that b has at least n bits
	- void	mpnorm(mpint *b);		// dump leading zeros
	+ void	mpbits(mpint *b, int n);	/* ensure that b has at least n bits */
	+ void	mpnorm(mpint *b);		/* dump leading zeros */
	  mpint*	mpcopy(mpint *b);
	  void	mpassign(mpint *old, mpint *new);
	- // random bits
	+ /* random bits */
	  mpint*	mprand(int bits, void (*gen)(uchar*, int), mpint *b);
	- // conversion
	- mpint*	strtomp(char*, char**, int, mpint*);	// ascii
	+ /* conversion */
	+ mpint*	strtomp(char*, char**, int, mpint*);	/* ascii */
	  int	mpfmt(Fmt*);
	  char*	mptoa(mpint*, int, char*, int);
	- mpint*	letomp(uchar*, uint, mpint*);	// byte array, little-endian
	+ mpint*	letomp(uchar*, uint, mpint*);	/* byte array, little-endian */
	  int	mptole(mpint*, uchar*, uint, uchar**);
	- mpint*	betomp(uchar*, uint, mpint*);	// byte array, little-endian
	+ mpint*	betomp(uchar*, uint, mpint*);	/* byte array, little-endian */
	  int	mptobe(mpint*, uchar*, uint, uchar**);
	- uint	mptoui(mpint*);			// unsigned int
	+ uint	mptoui(mpint*);			/* unsigned int */
	  mpint*	uitomp(uint, mpint*);
	- int	mptoi(mpint*);			// int
	+ int	mptoi(mpint*);			/* int */
	  mpint*	itomp(int, mpint*);
	- uvlong	mptouv(mpint*);			// unsigned vlong
	+ uvlong	mptouv(mpint*);			/* unsigned vlong */
	  mpint*	uvtomp(uvlong, mpint*);
	- vlong	mptov(mpint*);			// vlong
	+ vlong	mptov(mpint*);			/* vlong */
	  mpint*	vtomp(vlong, mpint*);
	- // divide 2 digits by one
	+ /* divide 2 digits by one */
	  void	mpdigdiv(mpdigit *dividend, mpdigit divisor, mpdigit *quotient);
	- // in the following, the result mpint may be
	- // the same as one of the inputs.
	- void	mpadd(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *sum);	// sum = b1+b2
	- void	mpsub(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *diff);	// diff = b1-b2
	- void	mpleft(mpint *b, int shift, mpint *res);	// res = b<<shift
	- void	mpright(mpint *b, int shift, mpint *res);	// res = b>>shift
	- void	mpmul(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *prod);	// prod = b1*b2
	- void	mpexp(mpint *b, mpint *e, mpint *m, mpint *res);	// res = b**e mod m
	- void	mpmod(mpint *b, mpint *m, mpint *remainder);	// remainder = b mod m
	+ /* in the following, the result mpint may be */
	+ /* the same as one of the inputs. */
	+ void	mpadd(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *sum);	/* sum = b1+b2 */
	+ void	mpsub(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *diff);	/* diff = b1-b2 */
	+ void	mpleft(mpint *b, int shift, mpint *res);	/* res = b<<shift */
	+ void	mpright(mpint *b, int shift, mpint *res);	/* res = b>>shift */
	+ void	mpmul(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *prod);	/* prod = b1*b2 */
	+ void	mpexp(mpint *b, mpint *e, mpint *m, mpint *res);	/* res = b**e mod m */
	+ void	mpmod(mpint *b, mpint *m, mpint *remainder);	/* remainder = b mod m */
	- // quotient = dividend/divisor, remainder = dividend % divisor
	+ /* quotient = dividend/divisor, remainder = dividend % divisor */
	  void	mpdiv(mpint *dividend, mpint *divisor,  mpint *quotient, mpint *remainder);
	- // return neg, 0, pos as b1-b2 is neg, 0, pos
	+ /* return neg, 0, pos as b1-b2 is neg, 0, pos */
	  int	mpcmp(mpint *b1, mpint *b2);
	- // extended gcd return d, x, and y, s.t. d = gcd(a,b) and ax+by = d
	+ /* extended gcd return d, x, and y, s.t. d = gcd(a,b) and ax+by = d */
	  void	mpextendedgcd(mpint *a, mpint *b, mpint *d, mpint *x, mpint *y);
	- // res = b**-1 mod m
	+ /* res = b**-1 mod m */
	  void	mpinvert(mpint *b, mpint *m, mpint *res);
	- // bit counting
	- int	mpsignif(mpint*);	// number of sigificant bits in mantissa
	- int	mplowbits0(mpint*);	// k, where n = 2**k * q for odd q
	+ /* bit counting */
	+ int	mpsignif(mpint*);	/* number of sigificant bits in mantissa */
	+ int	mplowbits0(mpint*);	/* k, where n = 2**k * q for odd q */
	- // well known constants
	+ /* well known constants */
	  extern mpint	*mpzero, *mpone, *mptwo;
	- // sum[0:alen] = a[0:alen-1] + b[0:blen-1]
	- // prereq: alen >= blen, sum has room for alen+1 digits
	+ /* sum[0:alen] = a[0:alen-1] + b[0:blen-1] */
	+ /* prereq: alen >= blen, sum has room for alen+1 digits */
	  void	mpvecadd(mpdigit *a, int alen, mpdigit *b, int blen, mpdigit *sum);
	- // diff[0:alen-1] = a[0:alen-1] - b[0:blen-1]
	- // prereq: alen >= blen, diff has room for alen digits
	+ /* diff[0:alen-1] = a[0:alen-1] - b[0:blen-1] */
	+ /* prereq: alen >= blen, diff has room for alen digits */
	  void	mpvecsub(mpdigit *a, int alen, mpdigit *b, int blen, mpdigit *diff);
	- // p[0:n] += m * b[0:n-1]
	- // prereq: p has room for n+1 digits
	+ /* p[0:n] += m * b[0:n-1] */
	+ /* prereq: p has room for n+1 digits */
	  void	mpvecdigmuladd(mpdigit *b, int n, mpdigit m, mpdigit *p);
	- // p[0:n] -= m * b[0:n-1]
	- // prereq: p has room for n+1 digits
	+ /* p[0:n] -= m * b[0:n-1] */
	+ /* prereq: p has room for n+1 digits */
	  int	mpvecdigmulsub(mpdigit *b, int n, mpdigit m, mpdigit *p);
	- // p[0:alen*blen-1] = a[0:alen-1] * b[0:blen-1]
	- // prereq: alen >= blen, p has room for m*n digits
	+ /* p[0:alen*blen-1] = a[0:alen-1] * b[0:blen-1] */
	+ /* prereq: alen >= blen, p has room for m*n digits */
	  void	mpvecmul(mpdigit *a, int alen, mpdigit *b, int blen, mpdigit *p);
	- // sign of a - b or zero if the same
	+ /* sign of a - b or zero if the same */
	  int	mpveccmp(mpdigit *a, int alen, mpdigit *b, int blen);
	- // divide the 2 digit dividend by the one digit divisor and stick in quotient
	- // we assume that the result is one digit - overflow is all 1's
	+ /* divide the 2 digit dividend by the one digit divisor and stick in quotient */
	+ /* we assume that the result is one digit - overflow is all 1's */
	  void	mpdigdiv(mpdigit *dividend, mpdigit divisor, mpdigit *quotient);
	- // playing with magnitudes
	+ /* playing with magnitudes */
	  int	mpmagcmp(mpint *b1, mpint *b2);
	- void	mpmagadd(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *sum);	// sum = b1+b2
	- void	mpmagsub(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *sum);	// sum = b1+b2
	+ void	mpmagadd(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *sum);	/* sum = b1+b2 */
	+ void	mpmagsub(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *sum);	/* sum = b1+b2 */
	- // chinese remainder theorem
	- typedef struct CRTpre	CRTpre;		// precomputed values for converting
	- 					//  twixt residues and mpint
	- typedef struct CRTres	CRTres;		// residue form of an mpint
	+ /* chinese remainder theorem */
	+ typedef struct CRTpre	CRTpre;		/* precomputed values for converting */
	+ 					/*  twixt residues and mpint */
	+ typedef struct CRTres	CRTres;		/* residue form of an mpint */
	  struct CRTres
	- 	int	n;		// number of residues
	- 	mpint	*r[1];		// residues
	+ 	int	n;		/* number of residues */
	+ 	mpint	*r[1];		/* residues */
	- CRTpre*	crtpre(int, mpint**);			// precompute conversion values
	- CRTres*	crtin(CRTpre*, mpint*);			// convert mpint to residues
	- void	crtout(CRTpre*, CRTres*, mpint*);	// convert residues to mpint
	+ CRTpre*	crtpre(int, mpint**);			/* precompute conversion values */
	+ CRTres*	crtin(CRTpre*, mpint*);			/* convert mpint to residues */
	+ void	crtout(CRTpre*, CRTres*, mpint*);	/* convert residues to mpint */
	  void	crtprefree(CRTpre*);
	  void	crtresfree(CRTres*);

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