Snap mouse to border when grabbing to resize.
[rsc] --rw-rw-r-- M 4315 glenda sys 22788 Nov 9 16:18 sys/src/cmd/rio/rio.c
/n/sourcesdump/2005/1109/plan9/sys/src/cmd/rio/rio.c:887,892 -
return ni;
+ Point
+ cornerpt(Rectangle r, Point p, int which)
+ {
+ switch(which){
+ case 0: /* top left */
+ p = Pt(r.min.x, r.min.y);
+ break;
+ case 2: /* top right */
+ p = Pt(r.max.x,r.min.y);
+ break;
+ case 6: /* bottom left */
+ p = Pt(r.min.x, r.max.y);
+ break;
+ case 8: /* bottom right */
+ p = Pt(r.max.x, r.max.y);
+ break;
+ case 1: /* top edge */
+ p = Pt(p.x,r.min.y);
+ break;
+ case 5: /* right edge */
+ p = Pt(r.max.x, p.y);
+ break;
+ case 7: /* bottom edge */
+ p = Pt(p.x, r.max.y);
+ break;
+ case 3: /* left edge */
+ p = Pt(r.min.x, p.y);
+ break;
+ }
+ return p;
+ }
whichrect(Rectangle r, Point p, int which)
/n/sourcesdump/2005/1109/plan9/sys/src/cmd/rio/rio.c:928,935 -
int which, but;
p = mouse->xy;
- startp = p;
which = whichcorner(w, p);
+ startp = cornerpt(w->screenr, p, which);
+ wmovemouse(w, startp);
+ readmouse(mousectl);
r = whichrect(w->screenr, p, which);
drawborder(r, 1);
or = r;