* title: uni.c
* abstract: Uniterm Terminal Window interface for Metafont.
* author: T.R.Hageman, Groningen, The Netherlands.
* created: May 1990
* modified:
* description:
* Uniterm (Simon Poole's terminal emulator for the Atari ST)
* emulates a `smart' Tektronix 4014 graphics terminal,
* and allows selective erasing of the graphics screen.
* (I do not know whether this is a standard feature of smart Teks
* or an invention of Mr. Poole)
* This file is offered as an alternative to the "standard"
* tektronix driver (which I find rather slow...)
* {{a possible way to improve the standard TEK driver would be to
* remember the (merged) transition lists instead converting to
* a bit map and back again.}}
#define EXTERN extern
#include "../mfd.h"
#ifdef UNITERMWIN /* Whole file */
#define WIDTH 1024
#define HEIGHT 780
* Send a vector to the graphics terminal
* (in a slightly optimized way).
static void
sendvector(x, y)
register unsigned x, y;
static int Hi_Y, Lo_Y, Hi_X; /* remembered values */
register int Lo_Y_sent = 0;
register int t;
#ifdef DEBUG
if (x >= WIDTH) /* clip... */
x = WIDTH - 1;
if (y >= HEIGHT)
y = HEIGHT - 1;
* Send Hi_Y only if it has changed.
if ((t = 0x20|(y >> 5)) != Hi_Y) {
Hi_Y = t, putchar(t);
* Likewise, send Lo_Y only if it has changed.
* (and remember that it has been sent)
if ((t = 0x60|(y & 0x1f)) != Lo_Y) {
Lo_Y_sent = 1;
Lo_Y = t, putchar(t);
* A slight complication here. If Hi_X has changed,
* we must send Lo_Y too, but only if we didn't already send it.
if ((t = 0x20|(x >> 5)) != Hi_X) {
if (!Lo_Y_sent)
Hi_X = t, putchar(t);
* Lo_X is always sent, so don't bother to remember it.
t = 0x40|(x & 0x1f), putchar(t);
* Tektronix has origin in lower-left corner, whereas MetaFont
* has its origin in the upper-left corner.
* The next macro hides this.
#define VECTOR(col,row) sendvector((unsigned)(col),(unsigned)(HEIGHT-1-(row)))
* GS - `Dark' vectors are in fact invisible, i.e., a move.
* (Also switches from text- to graphics screen.)
#define DARK() putchar('\35')
* CAN - Switch from graphics- to text screen.
#define TEXT_SCREEN() putchar('\30')
* ESC STX(ETX) - Enable(disable) block-fill mode.
#define BLOCK(on) (putchar('\33'),putchar(2+!(on)))
* ESC / 0(1) d - Set black(white) ink.
#define INK(on) (putchar('\33'), putchar('\57'), \
putchar('\61'-(on)), putchar('\144'))
* US - Switch to `alpha mode'
#define ALPHA_MODE() putchar('\37')
* ESC FF - clear graphics&alpha screen.
#define ALPHA_CLS(); (putchar('\33'), putchar('\14'))
int mf_uniterm_initscreen()
return 1;
void mf_uniterm_updatescreen()
TEXT_SCREEN(); /* switch to text mode */
void mf_uniterm_blankrectangle P4C(screencol, left,
screencol, right,
screenrow, top,
screenrow, bottom)
if (top==0 && left==0 && bottom>=HEIGHT-1 && right>=WIDTH-1) {
VECTOR(left, top);
BLOCK(1); /* setup block erase mode */
INK(0); /* use white ink */
VECTOR(right-1, bottom-1); /* this draws the block */
BLOCK(0); /* back to (black) linedraw mode */
INK(1); /* black ink */
void mf_uniterm_paintrow P4C(screenrow, row,
pixelcolor, init_color,
register transspect, transition_vector,
register screencol, vector_size)
register int blank = !init_color;
#if 0
/* This is the basic */
VECTOR(*transition_vector++, row); /* move to first transition */
do {
INK(blank ^= 1);
VECTOR(*transition_vector++ - 1, row);
} while (--vector_size > 0);
register screencol col;
/* However, we optimize the amount of output a bit by blanking
out the row first (since each INK command takes 4 bytes) */
if (blank) {
VECTOR(transition_vector[((vector_size-1)&~1)+1] - 1, row);
VECTOR(*transition_vector++, row);
if (vector_size==1)
else {
if (vector_size > 1) {
VECTOR(transition_vector[vector_size & ~1] - 1, row);
VECTOR(transition_vector[1], row);
VECTOR(*transition_vector++, row);
do {
col = *transition_vector++;
if ((blank ^= 1) == 0)
DARK(); /* white -> black; move to first black pixel */
col--; /* black -> white; blacken to col-1 */
VECTOR(col, row);
} while (--vector_size > 0);
int uniterm_dummy;
#endif /* UNITERMWIN */