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#include <vis.h>
#ifdef DMALLOC
#include "dmalloc.h"
COORD unseen = (double)INT_MAX;
/* shortestPath:
* Given a VxV weighted adjacency matrix, compute the shortest
* path vector from root to target. The returned vector (dad) encodes the
* shorted path from target to the root. That path is given by
* i, dad[i], dad[dad[i]], ..., root
* We have dad[root] = -1.
* Based on Dijkstra's algorithm (Sedgewick, 2nd. ed., p. 466).
* This implementation only uses the lower left triangle of the
* adjacency matrix, i.e., the values a[i][j] where i >= j.
int* shortestPath (int root, int target, int V, array2 wadj)
int* dad;
COORD* vl;
COORD* val;
int min;
int k, t;
/* allocate arrays */
dad = (int*)malloc(V * sizeof(int));
vl = (COORD*)malloc((V+1) * sizeof(COORD)); /* One extra for sentinel */
val = vl + 1;
/* initialize arrays */
for (k = 0;k < V; k++) {
dad[k] = -1;
val[k] = -unseen;
val[-1] = -(unseen + (COORD)1); /* Set sentinel */
min = root;
/* use (min >= 0) to fill entire tree */
while (min != target) {
k = min;
val[k] *= -1;
min = -1;
if (val[k] == unseen) val[k] = 0;
for (t = 0; t < V; t++) {
if (val[t] < 0) {
COORD newpri;
COORD wkt;
/* Use lower triangle */
if (k >= t) wkt = wadj[k][t];
else wkt = wadj[t][k];
newpri = -(val[k] + wkt);
if ((wkt != 0) && (val[t] < newpri)) {
val[t] = newpri;
dad[t] = k;
if (val[t] > val[min]) min = t;
free (vl);
return dad;
/* makePath:
* Given two points p and q in two polygons pp and qp of a vconfig_t conf,
* and the visibility vectors of p and q relative to conf,
* compute the shortest path from p to q.
* If dad is the returned array and V is the number of polygon vertices in
* conf, then the path is V(==q), dad[V], dad[dad[V]], ..., V+1(==p).
* NB: This is the only path that is guaranteed to be valid.
* We have dad[V+1] = -1.
int* makePath (Ppoint_t p, int pp, COORD* pvis,
Ppoint_t q, int qp, COORD* qvis,
vconfig_t* conf)
int V = conf->N;
if (directVis(p, pp, q, qp, conf)) {
int* dad = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*(V+2));
dad[V] = V+1;
dad[V+1] = -1;
return dad;
else {
array2 wadj = conf->vis;
wadj[V] = qvis;
wadj[V+1] = pvis;
return (shortestPath (V+1,V,V+2,wadj));