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("AT&T"). A copy of AT&T's Source Code Agreement is available at
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If you received this software without first entering into a license
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#pragma prototyped
#include "neato.h"
#include "simple.h"
static void
sgnarea(l,m,i) struct vertex *l,*m; int i[];
/* find the sign of the area of each of the triangles
formed by adding a vertex of m to l
also find the sign of their product */
{ double a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,t;
a = l->pos.x; b = l->pos.y;
c = after(l)->pos.x - a; d = after(l)->pos.y - b;
e = m->pos.x - a ; f = m->pos.y - b ;
g = after(m)->pos.x - a; h = after(m)->pos.y - b ;
t = (c*f) - (d*e); i[0] = ((t == 0)?0:(t>0?1:-1));
t = (c*h) - (d*g); i[1] = ((t == 0)?0:(t>0?1:-1));
i[2] = i[0]*i[1];
static int
between(f,g,h) /* determine if g lies between f and h */
double f,g,h;
{ if((f==g)||(g==h)) return(0); return((f<g)?(g<h?1:-1): (h<g?1:-1)); }
static int
online(l,m,i) /* determine if vertex i of line m is on line l */
struct vertex *l,*m;
int i;
{ struct position a,b,c;
a = l->pos; b = after(l)->pos; c = (i == 0) ? m->pos : after(m)->pos ;
return((a.x == b.x) ? ((a.x == c.x) && (-1 != between(a.y,c.y,b.y))) :
static int
struct vertex *l,*m;
double *x,*y;
int cond; /* determine point of detected intersections */
{ struct position ls,le,ms,me,pt1,pt2;
double m1,m2,c1,c2;
if (cond <= 0) return(0);
ls = l->pos ; le = after(l)->pos ;
ms = m->pos ; me = after(m)->pos;
switch(cond) {
case 3: /* a simple intersection */
if (ls.x == le.x)
{ *x = ls.x; *y = me.y + SLOPE(ms,me) * (*x - me.x); }
else if (ms.x == me.x)
{ *x = ms.x; *y = le.y + SLOPE(ls,le) * (*x - le.x); }
{ m1 = SLOPE(ms,me); m2 = SLOPE(ls,le);
c1 = ms.y - (m1*ms.x); c2 = ls.y - (m2*ls.x);
*x = (c2-c1)/(m1-m2); *y = ((m1*c2) -(c1*m2))/(m1-m2); }
case 2: /* the two lines have a common segment */
if (online(l,m,0) == -1) /* ms between ls and le */
{ pt1 = ms;
pt2 = (online(m,l,1) == -1)?((online(m,l,0) == -1)?le:ls):me;
else if (online(l,m,1) == -1) /* me between ls and le */
{ pt1 = me ;
pt2 = (online(l,m,0) == -1)?((online(m,l,0) == -1)?le:ls):ms;}
else {
/* may be degenerate? */
if (online(m,l,0) != -1) return 0;
pt1 = ls; pt2 = le;
*x = (pt1.x + pt2.x)/2; *y = (pt1.y + pt2.y)/2;
case 1: /* a vertex of line m is on line l */
if ((ls.x-le.x)*(ms.y-ls.y) == (ls.y-le.y)*(ms.x-ls.x))
{ *x = ms.x; *y = ms.y; }
else { *x = me.x; *y = me.y; }
}/* end switch */
/*detect whether lines l and m intersect */
find_intersection(struct vertex *l,
struct vertex *m,
struct intersection ilist[],
struct data *input)
{ double x,y;
int i[3];
if (i[2] > 0) return;
if (i[2] < 0) {
if (i[2] > 0) return;
if (!intpoint(l,m,&x,&y,(i[2]<0)?3:online(m,l,ABS(i[0])))) return; }
else if (!intpoint(l,m,&x,&y,(i[0] == i[1])?
2*MAX(online(l,m,0),online(l,m,1)) : online(l,m,ABS(i[0]))))
if (input->ninters >= MAXINTS) {
agerr(AGERR, "using too many intersections\n");
exit(1); }
ilist[input->ninters].firstv = l;
ilist[input->ninters].secondv = m;
ilist[input->ninters].firstp = l->poly;
ilist[input->ninters].secondp = m->poly;
ilist[input->ninters].x = x;
ilist[input->ninters].y = y;