[\tmversiondate Technical Memorandum]
% Changes:
% COPY FROM ARTICLE.STY (with changes by tla)
% 87-Apr-29 remove typeout for 'article'
% 87-Apr-29 change l@section, TOC style for section
% 87-Jun-10 change endthebibliography to allow capture
% of the number of references
% 87-Jun-12 change \tableofcontents add newpage to beginning
% 87-Jun-12 change \listoffigures add newpage to beginning
% 87-Jun-12 change \listoftables add newpage to beginning
% 87-Jun-12 change \thebibliography add newpage to beginning
% 88-Feb-03 add \thebibliography* to suppress the newpage
% 88-May-25 redefine bibitem to count reference
% remove change to endthebibliography
% 88-???-?? added copytocov & copytohere
% 88-Nov-02 added support for copyto lists longer than 1 pg
% 88-Nov-?? added makefacesignature
% 88-Dec-27 added labeled type list env
% 89-Jan-17 LaTeX extension that are of interest in other
% tm related styles moved to tmaddon.sty
% 89-Jan-20 fixed makeautherhead to allow for author's
% names that will not fit on one line.
% 89-Jan-20 fixed error for coversheet when no
% documentno's specified
% 89-Jan-25 added memo for file style coversheet, mffcoversheet
% 89-Jan-25 fixed bug in makesignature that removed parindent
% 89-Feb-28 fixed bug; undef tm@keywords if keywords not called
% 89-Mar-24 changed \topnumber from 2 to 5
% changed \bottomnumber from 1 to 5
% changed \totalnumber from 3 to 10
% to allow more figures and tables per page
% 89-Apr-10 fixed bug(?) in tm*.sty (is also in art*.sty)
% that causes \part to clear even user heads
% with markright in ps@myhead and ps@headandfoot.
% 89-May-19 fixed a bug in covereheet printing of document
% when two authors from same dept but diff
% document numbers (esp first with none)
% 89-May-19 fixed abstract to allow it to extend across
% page break on first page.
% 89-May-19 input localpatch.sty at end to allow local
% variants
% 89-Sep-05 removed call to \bibstyle in \makehead since
% newer (>0.98) versions of bibtex do not
% tolerate redefining.
% 89-Sep-12 fixed bug in number of pages when restofcopyto...
% 89-Oct-11 added additional ITDS locations
% 89-Oct-11 changed makeauthorhead to better handle long
% names and eaddresses
% 89-Oct-11 touched up coversheet spaces for names,eaddr
% 89-Oct-12 simplified makesignature
% 89-Nov-21 make facesignature autoload bitmap.sty
% 89-Dec-13 moved \@cite redef to tmaddon
% 89-Dec-19 fixed \title*
% 90-Jan-15 fixed wrong quote mark on coversheet
% 90-Jan-16 broke up coversheet into smaller pieces (ideas
% from Peter F. Patel-Schneider)
% 90-Jan-16 fixed coversheet font size regardless of
% document font size (ideas from pfps)
% 90-Jan-23 minor changes to appearence of cover sheet
% 90-Feb-11 added bibliography* to allow use of bibtex
% with thebibliography* (no new page)
% 90-Feb-15 shortened pan line on 2nd pg of coversheet
% 90-Feb-22 fixed marginparwidth in tm*.sty
% 90-Apr-05 fixed the spacing of facesig's with null faces
% 90-Sep-11 changed to new ``from'' format
% 90-Oct-26 add extrapages macro to add to page count
% without effecting page numbering.
% 90-Nov-29 start coversheet with clearpage rather than newpage
% 91-Feb-05 made \date{\today} a default.
% 91-Apr-08 fixed raggedright in makehead esp subject
% 91-May-31 added \marknone to cancel propr marks etc
% 91-Jul-11 added settextpages, settotalpages, setfigures,
% settables and setreferences to override automatic
% values on coversheet
% 91-Nov-13 change coversheet to support more approval
% sigs and add \approver to give names
% 95-Jul-7 (HWT) converted to LaTeX2e
% 1 coversheet still uses document's fonts sizes for proprietary
% mark and distribution lists
% 2 \regnotice does not print regbox properly when called in abstract
% 3 fix page numbering so that \mffcoversheet can be printed at
% beginning.
% article.cls <1994/12/18>
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% sizes not starting with 1 are supported.
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\newcommand{\listtablename}{List of Tables}
January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
\space\number\day, \number\year}
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% Appendices
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% approver stuff
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% NEW AUTHORHEAD LAYOUT for mm summer 1990
% - The appearance of the author's information in the "from"
% block on memoranda has changed. Also, the "x" extension
% prefix has been removed; the complete phone number (with
% area code) should be supplied as the 5th argument to the
% .AU macro. Given the author information:
% [ARG]
% the "from" block for each author looks like:
% Dept. DEPT
% ARG8
% ARG9
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\else\\ \his{tm@department}-\his{tm@documentdate}%
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\expandafter\ifnum\the\casenumber=1{\\ Work Project No. }%
\else{, }\fi\case{tm@chargecase}}
\expandafter\ifnum\the\casenumber=1{\\ File Case }\else{, }\fi\case{tm@filecase}}%
\item[{\footnotesize date:}]{\bfseries\@date}
\footnotesize from:\fi}]\makeauthorhead}
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% Coversheet macros
\else\itssamefalse\fi}% compares str1*str2*
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% The following are to allow an if comparison of string
% I can't find a more direct way.
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\ifx\tm@memotype\tm@IM{\hbox{\hfill\LARGEsf for Internal Memorandum}}\fi
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\cbox{{\bfseries Company {\footnotesize (if other than AT\&T--BL)}}}
\cbox{{\bfseries Document No.}}
\cbox{\his{tm@department}-\his{tm@documentdate}% print if defined
\cbox{{\bfseries Filing Case No.}}
\cbox{{\bfseries Work Project No.}}
This document supersedes or amends document number: \tm@prevdoc\fi
\newcommand{\cover@keywords}{{\bfseries Keywords:}\hfill\break
{\bfseries MERCURY Announcement Bulletin Sections}\hfill\break
\expandafter\if\csname tm@mercuryi\endcsname\relax{}\else
\expandafter\if\csname tm@mercuryii\endcsname\relax{}\else
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{\footnotesize No. Refs.\quad}\@ifundefined{manreferences}{\thetm@references}{\manreferences}
\hfill {\bfseries Mailing Label}\hskip90pt\ %
{\footnotesize tm.sty (\tmversiondate )}\hfill
{\bfseries Initial Distribution Specifications\hfill%
\def\tm@documentdatei{No Document Number}\fi%
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{\enskip\itshape (page ii of
\hfill {\bfseries Complete Copy}\hfill\hfill{\bfseries Cover Sheet Only}\hfill\
\hbox to \hsize{%
\hskip.25in\ }}
{\bfseries Government Security Classification}\hfill\classification}
\newcommand{\cover@futuredistribution}{{\bfseries Future AT\&T Distribution by ITDS}\hfill%
\ifitdsrelease\hfill Release to any AT\&T employee (excluding contract employees)%
\hbox{Do not release to any AT\&T employee without obtaining
appropriate approval}%
\medskip\hrule height\thinrule\medskip
{\bfseries Proprietary Classification or Other Organizational Approval:} (Department Head)
\hbox to \hsize{\@ifundefined{tm@propmark}{}{\usebox{\tm@propmark}}%
\hfill\vbox{\hrule width 3.5in\vskip20pt\hrule}}}
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\bfseries Author Signature\ifnum\authornumber>2 s\fi}
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\expandafter\if\csname tm@authorvi\endcsname\relax{}\else\tm@authorvi\fi\hfill\ }}\fi
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\expandafter\if\csname tm@authorix\endcsname\relax{}\else\tm@authorix\fi\hfill\ }}\fi
{\forallapprovers{\relax}%to set approver number to numberofapprovers+1
\bfseries Organizational Approval\ifnum\approvernumber>2 s\fi}
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