% To produce a printed version of this errata file run this file through
% LaTeX. It will unpack a small class file (if not already present) and
% a configuration file with the extension .cfg. You might want to modify
% the setting in this configuration file to print only a partial errata
% suitable for your printed revision of this book, see details in the
% .cfg file.
% Copyright (C) 1997, Frank Mittelbach
[1997/12/31 v0.6b Mini class for errata files subject to change (FMi)]
\ifnum \myprinting < \if!#2!1000 \else#2 \fi
\ifnum \expandafter\erratagetnumber\erratastartdate\erratagetnumber <
\erratagetnumber#1\erratagetnumber \relax
\newcommand\includedentries{entries after = \erratastartdate}
\newcommand\printedentries{between \erratastartdate\space and}
\renewcommand\includedentries{all errata entries}%
\renewcommand\printedentries{up to}
\typeout{* Configuration file for \jobname.err found }
\typeout{* If you wish to generate an errata listing}
\typeout{* containing only errors found after a certain revision}
\typeout{* and/or only errors found after a certain date}
\typeout{* modify the information stored in \jobname.cfg}
\typeout{* Current settings are:}
\typeout{* \@spaces printing of your book = \myprinting}
\typeout{* \@spaces include \includedentries}
%% \erroronpage <page> <line info> <contributor> <date> <fixed in revision>
\typeout{Typesetting entry #1 #2 #3 #4}%
\typeout{Ignoring entry #1 #2 #3 #4}%
\hideamp \\%
\hideamp #2 \hideamp (\textsf{#3}) \hideamp
\multicolumn{4}{l}{\framebox[10cm][l]{\textbf{\normalsize\strut#1}}} \\}
Errata list for #1\\[5pt](\myprinting.\ printing)\\[10pt]
\large Includes all entries found \printedentries\space #2
\markright{Errata for #1 (\printedentries\space #2)}%
\newcommand\contributor[2]{\makebox[1cm][l]{\sffamily#1} #2\par}
% some special shortcuts overwriting existing commands:
% Configuration file for the errata listing of
% The LaTeX Graphics Companion
% \erratastartdate
% Specifies the date from which on
% errata entries should be listed.
% The format is YYYY/MM/DD.
% The default below ensures that all
% entries are typeset.
% \myprinting
% Specifies which (revised) printing you
% own. For example, if you have the second
% printing set this to 2 so that errors
% already corrected in that printing will not
% appear in your errata listing.
% The default below ensures that all
% entries are typeset.
% \norevisionnumbers
% Specifies that all page numbers in the errata are shown in the same
% format (bold face) irregardless of whether or not they are fixed
% in some revision. The default is to print corrected errors in
% italic and add the revision number as a superscript.
% \showallerrors
% With this command you tell the program that all errata entries are
% supposed to be generated. This makes \myprinting and
% \erratastartdate basically obsolete so this isn't turned on by
% default.
\erratatitle{The \LaTeX{} Graphics Companion}{\erratafiledate}
author = {Michel Goossens and Sebastian Rahtz and
Frank Mittelbach},
title = {The {\LaTeX} Graphics Companion},
substitle = {Illustrating Documents with {\TeX} and PostScript},
series = "Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting",
publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
address = {Reading, Massachusetts},
year = 1997,
ISBN = "0-201-85469-4",
LCCN = "Z253.4.L38G663 1997",
pagenums = {xxv + 554},
source-infos = {yes},
bibliography = {yes},
index = {yes},
price = "US\$39.75",
The latest version of this file (\texttt{\jobname.err}) can be found
as part of the \LaTeX{} distribution.
The first column in the table shows the page number of the errata
entry. Superscript numbers in the first column refer to the printed
revision in which this entry was corrected. The second column gives
the precise location, negative line numbers are counted from the
bottom of the page. The third column shows the first finder of the
\CHAPTER{General }
We should give back references from plates to pages with the
original examples
\CHAPTER{Front matter }
that can't be the correct hyphenation, can it? unpara-lleled?
American english: un-par-al-leled
British english: un-pa-ral-lelled
Add the following information:
In order to save space on the pages, and make the example
code look less cluttered, we do not print self-contained code.
This means that you can not simply type in what you read, and feed it
to \LaTeX, or the other programs. In particular, we omit:
|\documentclass...| (\LaTeX) \\
|\begin{document}| and |\end{document}| (\LaTeX) \\
|beginfig...| and |endfig| (Metapost) \\
|input graph| (Metapost \S3.3.1) \\
|input boxes| (Metapost \S3.3.2)
However, we do always show \LaTeX{} |\usepackage| declarations as it
is not always obvious which packages have to be loaded.
If you have trouble reproducing one of the examples you should get
the example files from CTAN, which are all self-contained runnable
\CHAPTER{Chapter 1 }
\erroronpage{4}{l.2 of bulleted item}{PMcJ}{1998/06/11}{}
in form \> in the form
surprisingly \> surprising
\erroronpage{5}{last para, l.2}{VSc}{1997/06/12}{2}
Delete second "the" in: is perhaps the the most flexible one
to define an specialized \> to define a specialized
PSTricks packages most of \> PSTricks packages offer most of
Hewlett Package \> Hewlett-Packard
\erroronpage{21}{fig. 1.19}{AMM}{1998/11/11}{}
The explanation of plot lines ('decade.*') are awfully positioned
over the plot (this is the default positioning, perhaps a different
set of data sould be selected).
delete second `with' in ``with with the troff program.''
\texttt{.PE} statement \> a \texttt{.PE} command
AutoCAD for archaeologists \> AutoCAD for designers
(archaeologists are very very special users of AutoCAD, which is
much more popular among architects or engineers)
\CHAPTER{Chapter 2 }
add comma: TIFF\u{,} PCX
Replace ``the values'' by ``the value''.
suggestion: Replace ``above for defaults'' by ``above for the default''.
\erroronpage{39}{line 5}{DCa}{1997/06/18}{2}
orient key should be origin key (as shown on previous line;-)
\erroronpage{41}{table 2.2}{DCa}{1997/06/18}{2}
All the entries in the `ext' and `read-file' columns
ought to start with a `.', e.g., .ps .eps ...
Example should read:
\DeclareGraphicsRule{.ps.gz}{eps}{.ps.bb}{`gunzip -c #1}
\erroronpage{43--44}{ex. 2-3-6 and 2-3-8}{DGi}{1997/12/30}{}
\verb|K\"oln| and \verb|Rh\^one| should be 8-bit markup
(the 7 bits syntax make TeX appear paleothic)
\erroronpage{46}{fig 2.2}{JOl}{1997/10/31}{}
Replace ``centre'' by ``center'' to be consistent with the other two
``center's'' in the figure.
The definition of |\Bpara| doesn't show everything, add in front
and a closing |}| after |\end{picture}|
\erroronpage{51}{bottom}{FMi} {1997/04/01}{2}
Add a comment about \texttt{clockwise} and \texttt{counterclockwise}
options to define the direction of rotation.
\CHAPTER{Chapter 3 }
Missing space before 0
a object \> an object
is three real numbers between 0 and 1 for each read, green and blue,
\> \u{consists of} three real numbers between 0 and 1,
\u{corresponding to} red, green\u{,} and blue,
delete second `the' in ``to apply the the bbox command''
Why is the first peak rotated to the left? printing problem?
MP problem? or what? --- actually seems to be a data problem
Marek Ry{\'c}ko Jackowski (1995) \>
Marek Ry{\'c}ko (Jackowski 1995)
METAFONT code, , and \>
METAFONT code, \texttt{mftops.mf}, and
Second ref to Fig.~3.3 should reference Fig.~3.4 instead
\CHAPTER{Chapter 4 }
replace term ``curly brackets'' by ``braces'' (Commonwealth usage)
replace term ``curly brackets'' by ``braces'' (Commonwealth usage)
``so that you can use polar coordinates \ldots''
\> ``so that you can use several other powerful systems of coordinate
specification, such as polar coordinates \ldots''
\erroronpage{100}{ex. 4-2-5}{DGi}{1997/12/30}{}
would be better expressed as \verb|\psframe[dimen=inner](1,1)(4,4)|
Avoid line breaking after Chapter: ``\verb+Chapter~2+''.
``we recommend that \LaTeX{} users stick with the color package''
--- note that `color' is available with `plain' also.
\erroronpage{100--101}{ex 4-3-1}{DGi}{1997/12/30}{}
The \verb|\psclip ... \endpsclip|
syntax is not coherent with the choice made for pspicture on page 97.
It should be \verb|\begin{psclip}|
\ldots \verb|\end{psclip}|, with a note
like ``The special \LaTeX{} environment (plain \TeX{} users must code
\verb|\Environment_name| ... \verb|\endEnvironment_name|)''
analagous \> analogous
Replace para by:
This places \textit{stuff} in the direction \textit{refangle} at a
distance of \textit{labelsep} from $(x,y)$. If \textit{labelsep}
is not specified the current value of |\labelsep| (defaults to 5pt
in standard \LaTeX) is used. Since angles are \ldots
replace first `each' with `at' in ``print a dot each each of the''
\erroronpage{104}{ex.4-4-4 to 4-4-7}{FMi}{1997/04/01}{}
Missing refs to plates IIa-d
\erroronpage{106}{Table 4.4}{DGi}{1997/12/30}{}
diamond and diamond* results are the wrong way around
(it was an old bug corrected by DGi March 18, 1997)
|\usepackage{pstricks}| \> |\usepackage{pstcol}|
Missing |\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}| |\usepackage{ps-text}|
declaration on top of example
\erroronpage{114--120}{ex.4-6-1 up to 4-6-23}{UMu}{1997/07/18}{2}
Change |\usepackage {pstricks}| to |\usepackage {pstricks,pst-node}|
``describing the matrix and tree package' can be confusing as the reader
may believe that there is a `matrix' package---perhaps
``describing the matrix environment and tree package''
Missing ref to plate VIb
replace: successive columns to overlap
\erroronpage{128}{ex. 4-6-39}{DGi}{1997/12/30}{}
Avoid 7-bit coding, use 8-bit
Narrative says that the curves are $\sin(x)$, $\sin(x^2)$ and $\cos(x)$.
Code says |<x dup sin exch cos mul>|, which isn't $\sin(x^2)$, it's
$\sin(x)\cos(x)$ (aka $0.5 \sin(2x)$)
``(written in sh and awk, it is called pie-chart.sh and can be found in
the PSTricks distribution.)''
Note that it will be soon be reissued as \> PstChart, written in Perl.
Missing ref to plate IVa
pstpoly \> pst-poly
pstpoly \> pst-poly
\erroronpage{146}{ex. 4-10-7}{DGi}{1997/12/30}{}
\verb|\PstRegularPolygon| \> \verb|\PstPolygon|,
\verb|\RPolyCurves| \> \verb|\PolyCurves|,
\verb|\RPolyIntermediatePoint| \> \verb|IntermediatePoint|,
\verb|\RPolyNbSides| \> \verb|\PolyNbSides|, and
\verb|\RPolyOffet| \> \verb|\PolyOffet|. (changes in package)
pstVerb \> \verb|\pstVerb|
fi you need \>
if you need
delete \texttt{(x1,y1)} from end of psline entry
For gradbegin and gradend, note defaults of
0.0 0.1 0.95 and 0 1 1 (rbg values); default of gradlines would be 300 not 500
add ``arrows==style''
arrowlength default is 1.4
arrowinset default is 0.4;
tbarsize default is 2pt 5;
bracketlength default is 0.15;
rbracketlength default is 0.15;
arrowscale default is 0.1.
\verb|{text}| is very restrictive. In fact it can be a lot of other things.
\verb|stuff| in the PSTricks manual was clearer.
\verb|\Rnode(x,y){name}{text}| \>
(the syntax had changed in 1994)
ncdiag \verb|`rrows| \> `arrows'
default for edge is \verb|\ncline|
treenodes \> treenodesize
psxlabel \> pshlabel (twice)
psylabel \> psvlabel
\CHAPTER{Chapter 5 }
substract \>
\erroronpage{181}{exa 5-5-4}{NBe}{1997/07/11}{2}
The line from $L$ to $\Sigma^L$ in the upper left corner is too
long, and overlaps the first $L$.
%\erroronpage{181}{exa 5-5-4}{EGu}{1997/08/10}{2}
% Top-left: The edge starts from coordinate (-1,-1)
% relative to L, instead of coordinate (?,1).
% Edges that go upward or leftward have arrows at
% their end, but not the edges that go downward
% or rightward. Is this purposely so?
% Bottom right: Dotted arrow touches the H
\erroronpage{183}{exa 5-5-6}{EGu}{1997/08/10}{2}
The C / saved d[3] should be framed as well
assocated \> associated
\erroronpage{202}{exa 3-3-33}{EGu}{1997/08/10}{2}
The labels can be better spaced within the
windows they get from the curves
\erroronpage{203}{exa 3-3-34}{EGu}{1997/08/10}{2}
The labels can be better spaced within the
windows they get from the curves
\CHAPTER{Chapter 6 }
On the subject of typesetting rules for scientific texts, consider
adding a reference to Beccari (1997), TUGboat 18\#1, pp. 39--48,
which was published after the LGC, but should be a good reference
texts packages \> texts, packages
set of macros are needed \>
set of macros is needed
The voltmeter symbol looks the same as that of the current source
one line above, so you probably got the wrong symbol.
\CHAPTER{Chapter 7 }
missing space between `MuTeX' and `to'
The clefs on the left of the staves and a few other symbols like
|\allabreve| are positioned too high on the staves. How that could
have happened is beyond me---on my last printout before the actual
printing it is correct (FMi)
into an \texttt{music} \>
into a \texttt{music}
delete second ``with'' in ``with with
\texttt{\textbackslash r\ldots\ or \textbackslash l\ldots}''
\CHAPTER{Chapter 8 }
The chessfont used (chessf10) is not correct. The knight-character used
in the notation (not for the board) is supposed to look to the right, not
to the left. If one uses the font chess10f from the bdfchess-package and
renames it, that font is correct.
In the command description for |\whitepoint| and |\blackpoint| the position
and number of stones are reversed. Replace
\texttt{\{\textit{n}\}\{\textit{p}\}} with
\texttt{\{\textit{p}\}\{\textit{n}\}} twice.
\CHAPTER{Color Plates }
$\approx$ sign missing in print
that plate doesn't correspond to original!
what kind of pink is this by the way?
the triangle has no fill
this plate does not correspond to any earlier example. seems
to be a combination of two examples in fact
the circle has no fill
what kind of pink is that?
"white" column, "Egypt" row: joie \> joy
the horizontal lines should be normal width (.4pt)
This is nonsense, all the pics are the same!! they are
supposed to show progressive CMYK printing --- somebody thinking
very hard during the printing process?
\CHAPTER{Chapter 9 }
\erroronpage{312}{9.1.1, para 1, l.3 bottom}{MGo}{1997/07/02}{2}
``Isacc Newton'' should be ``Isaac Newton''
\erroronpage{312}{9.1.1, para 2, l.4}{BBe}{1997/08/01}{2}
Thomas Young, a\u{n} English doctor
\erroronpage{313}{9.1.2, l.2}{JRi}{1998/04/28}{}
``sub\u{s}tractive'' should be ``subtractive''
\erroronpage{313}{9.1.2, bullet 1, l.2}{MGo}{1997/07/02}{2}
``output devide'' should be ``output device''
\erroronpage{313}{9.1.2, bullet 1, l.3}{BBe}{1997/08/01}{2}
\textbf{Y}ellow, \u{B}lac\u{\textbf{k}}
\erroronpage{313}{9.1.2, bullet 1, l.4}{BBe}{1997/08/01}{2}
\textbf{B}rightness or \u{\textbf{V}}alue
\erroronpage{313}{9.1.2, bullet 2, l.2}{BBe}{1997/08/01}{2}
``phosphoros'' should be ``phosphorous''
The difference between these 3 pagestyle examples are nearly
invisible (plain has a number at the bottom and align has a page
number on the top-left corner and position marks on the three others.
can contains \>
can contain
\CHAPTER{Chapter 10 }
% Replace \textsf{lucbr} by \textsf{lucidabr} for latest PSNFSS?
% SPQR: not necessarily. they do different things. leave as is
Computer Modern, Euler Math, MathTime, and Lucida New Math.
\> Computer Modern, Concrete Math, Euler Math, MathTime,
and Lucida New Math. (See CTAN:fonts/concmath and
none of Computer Modern, Euler Math or Lucida work \>
none of Computer Modern, Euler Math\u{,} or Lucida work\u{s}
package file times.sty [the same typeface should be used]
download \>
organized up \>
(named \texttt{config.}\textit{Short Family Name} (e.g., \>
(named \texttt{config.}\textit{Short Family Name}, e.g.,
Adobe Garamond's short name is \texttt{pag} \> \texttt{pgm}
(3 times) (\texttt{pag} is AvantGarde!)
discusses of how \>
discusses how
0.0777779 \>
Add `might': \ldots\ if any of them is zero it might be omitted.
``V\ldots'' should be italic not bold
an old distribution of \texttt{dvips}\u{).}
are left undefined are for use \>
are left undefined for use
\erroronpage{392}{para 5, l.10}{DCa,FMi}{1997/06/24}{2}
Add \verb=|= twice: \verb!one one |=:|>> exclam ;!
creates a \texttt{mtx} \>
creates an \texttt{mtx}
Delete line as it is the same as code line nr 7.
Delete line as it is the same as code line nr 13.
line numbering should continue with 10
line numbering should continue with 13
Is the overfull hbox in ``bold-face math italic'' intentional?
applies \>
\erroronpage{411}{table 10.8}{SPQR}{1998/05/15}{}
Fontname code for ``hairline'' should be ``a'' not ``h''.
\CHAPTER{Chapter 11 }
The closing brace in the example about inserting literal
PostScript is misplaced. It probably should be:
|\special{"newpath 0 0 moveto 100 100 lineto stroke}|
\erroronpage{434}{11.3, l.5}{BDr}{1997/06/26}{2}
to-to-bottom \> top-to-bottom
\erroronpage{442}{11.4, l.3}{BBe}{1997/08/01}{2}
a very few PostScript\u{ }Level 2 features
to these. so that \>
to these, so that
brackets \>
\verb=doc\%02d.tif= \>
\verb=-sShingling= \>
\erroronpage{450}{sec. 11.4.4}{UVi}{1997/12/16}{}
Mention the existance of \textsf{gv} by Johannes Plass, a recent
development derived from \textsf{GhostView} by Tim Theissen?
Use sans font throughout: \textsf{Adobe Illustrator 3}
-Eextension \> -Eexpansion
preceed \>
Daniel Sebald suggested to explain in some detail how to use xfig with
\LaTeX. (So far we haven't checked this method.) He wrote:
The following is a description of how to use xfig to generate
quality postscript pictures then incorporate \LaTeX{} text. It
is a bit of a round-about method, but not too bad given the
flexibility and quality of output. Furthermore, because in
this method basically the only \LaTeX{} picture element used
is text (lines, etc. are PostScript) \LaTeX{} runs more efficiently
than if only \LaTeX{} picture elements are used.
1. Draw the picture in xfig and change the font types to
"LaTeX fonts". Use the xfig export feature that will
output the nice quality lines, circles, etc. to a PostScript
file and export the \LaTeX{} fonts and locations to a
separate \LaTeX{} file. The option is called "Combined PS/LaTeX
(both parts)". (Remember you must edit the font type
to be \LaTeX{} font.) The \LaTeX{} file includes the PostScript
file via the |\special| command.
A neat little trick is to type math using the \LaTeX{}
syntax directly on the xfig figure, e.g., |$\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}$|
then select "special" under the special flag in the
text edit box so that xfig doesn't add extra backslashes to generate
such things as |\$|, |\_|, etc. Then when compiling in the next step
the result is nicely formatted math text. Granted, the text
doesn't look right in xfig, but with only a bit of guessing
and using |left/center/right| alignment properly this is
no big problem.
Positioning can be done using the justification in the
text edit box to prevent extra white space appearing in
the final figure because xfig treats the whole text string
when computing figure borders. (If a long string of text
obstructs the figure in xfig the hidden flag can be selected
in the text edit box to hide the text string from the screen.)
2. Create a simple file such as follows:
then compile it under \LaTeX{}. Now use dvips to turn this
into an encapsulated PostScript file. That is
> dvips filename -E -o filename.eps
3. In your final document simply treat the generated eps
file just as you would any eps file. There are \LaTeX{}
packages that allow scaling of such figures. Because
the text is now in the eps file it gets scaled accordingly.
An alternate method instead of step 2 is simply to input
|filename.pstex_t| into the final \LaTeX{} document. This works
fine but the flexibility of scaling text may not exist.
4. Use your imagination! xfig allows importing PostScript
documents. So you can bring in pictures generated by
other programs, e.g., Matlab, and add annotation with the
method described above.
\CHAPTER{Appendix A }
this requires \ldots{} are given \>
this requires \ldots{} be given
[Subjunctive, rather than indicative, is called for here,
because ``require'' is a condition.]
%\erroronpage{471}{column 2, l.10}{BBe}{1997/08/01}{}
% \texttt{b3} (braggado) Braggadocio WHAT IS WRONG?????
\erroronpage{471}{column 4, l.8}{PMcJ}{1998/06/11}{}
\erroronpage{472}{column 3, l.17}{BBe}{1997/08/01}{2}
\erroronpage{473}{column 4, l.21}{BBe}{1997/08/01}{2}
\texttt{rw} (rockwell) Rockwel\u{lS}late
\erroronpage{475ff}{table heading}{BBe}{1997/08/01}{2}
Use uppercase: \u{ISO} Latin
the characters ``Table A.4:'' are set in the wrong size (too small)
guilsingleft and guilsingright \>
guilsinglleft and guilsinglright
you can use expressions such as \verb=\width{=\u{\textit{glyph}}\verb=}=
% add extra space in front of this line (and in similar places in
% that section)
\CHAPTER{Appendix B }
Add \texttt{ctan.tug.org} to the list of CTAN sites (others may
need update as well
it \> is
fonts/psfonts/adobe/garamond \>
see\u{ }\texttt{http//www.adobe.com./prodindex/framemaker/main.html}
remove surplus \verb=%=
The old URL is obsolete, a new one is
\CHAPTER{Bibliography }
Do not use typewriter for ``seminar.sty'' or
use typewriter also with next item.
\CHAPTER{Index }
\erroronpage{523}{graphicx depth key}{PMcJ,FMi}{1998/06/13}{}
Spurious entry, depth is no keyword for graphicx package
Add reference to p.48
\erroronpage{535}{Document classes}{FMi}{1998/04/31}{}
Document classes \> Document \u{C}lasses
\erroronpage{543}{graphicx depth key}{FMi}{1998/06/21}{}
Spurious entry, depth is no keyword for graphicx package
\erroronpage{546}{\texttt{\textbackslash heat}}{FMi}{1997/04/01}{2}
Typo: remove and add p.302 to |\heart| instead
\begin{multicols}{3}[Thanks to all who have found errors or
omissions. Listed are the people who found an errata entry first.]
\contributor{AMi}{Arno Mittelbach}
\contributor{AMM}{Alberto Maria Marchetti}
\contributor{AOg}{Arthur Ogawa}
\contributor{BBe}{Barbara Beeton}
\contributor{BDr}{Bernard Drapeau}
\contributor{BLu}{Ben Lukoschus}
\contributor{DCa}{David Carlisle}
\contributor{DGi}{Denis Girou}
\contributor{DSe}{Daniel Sebald}
\contributor{EGu}{Eitan Gurari}
\contributor{FMi}{Frank Mittelbach}
\contributor{JKr}{J\"urgen Kr\"amer}
\contributor{JOl}{Jeffrey D. Oldham}
\contributor{JRi}{Jonathan Rich}
\contributor{MGo}{Michel Goossens}
\contributor{MWa}{Michael Wanko}
\contributor{NBe}{Nelson H. F. Beebe}
\contributor{PGu}{Patrick Gundlach}
\contributor{PKa}{Peter Kabal}
\contributor{PMcJ}{Paul McJones}
\contributor{RFa}{Robin Fairbairns}
\contributor{SPQR}{Sebastian Rahtz}
\contributor{TJe}{Tarjei T. Jensen}
\contributor{TRa}{T.V. Raman}
\contributor{UMu}{Uwe M\"unch}
\contributor{UVi}{Ulrik Vieth}
\contributor{VSc}{Volker RW Schaa}
If you find further errors please report them to one of the authors
[email protected]\\
[email protected]\\
[email protected]
preferable in a form usable for this file, i.e.,
\textit{your-initials}|}{|\textit{date}|}{}| \\
\hspace*{2em}\textit{description of the the errata}
Here is an example:
surprisingly \> surprising