%% BEGIN: pstricks.con (for dvips driver)
%% Configuration file for PSTricks 97
%% Version 97 patch 2 (1997/04/28)
%% For use with Rokicki's dvips (tested with v5.74 and older)
\def\pstdriver{Rokicki's dvips}
{\catcode`\"=12\gdef\pstverb#1{\special{" #1}}} % Check catcode of "
\def\pstVerb#1{\special{ps: #1}}
\def\pstverbscale{SDict begin normalscale end}
% DG/SR modification begin - Apr. 28, 1997 (D. Carlisle + S. Rahtz)
% \def\pstheader#1{\special{header=#1}}
% We used to check for |\AtBeginDvi|, but that was broken in early release
% so we now check for the existence of |\textsuperscript| (added 1995/05/16)
% DG/SR modification end
%% In the following, CP is short for currentpoint.
%% The neg is necessary because dvips scales the coordinates by 1 -1.
%% \tx@NET means neg exch neg exch translate.
\def\pstrotate{CP CP translate 3 -1 roll neg rotate \tx@NET}
%% ****************** END Rokicki's dvips *****************************
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% !! CUSTOMIZATION STUFF GOES HERE: !! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% If you want to include your own customizations to pstricks.tex, then
%% uncomment the \pstcustomize command, and include your modifications
%% after \pstcustomize. These will be read in after pstricks.tex.
%% END: pstricks.con