google: plumb a search on google, -g got google groups, -i for images. understands quoted args containing whitespace - use with abaco
cdrom: after a: etc, mount a cdrom from /dev/sd0D
chg: list files changed WRT the labs (ignoring /usr)
from: list email from/subject - no use against pop or imap
head: head of a file
loadave: load average of a cpu (not sure if this is mine of a gift)
ps2txt: crude postscript to txt using ghostscript
sysinfo: dump info that would be usefull in rebuilding this system
tzdump: dump plan9 timezone tables in human readable form
uk/traffic: UK traffic congestion info
uk/weather: UK weather (text and animated GIF)
undos: strip ctrl-m and ctrl-z's from a file
which: list all sources of an executable
elise: print headings or an article from the Elise BBS
growth: file growth rate, written whilst waiting for a big ftp to arrive
irclog: pretty print IRC logs from
chg: print files changed WRT the labs, stripped of obvious ones
lastlog: list users last login time/host
kstat: kernel stats, after unix's sa(1), author unknown
iwhois: pull IP or dns name lookup whois info from
kernel-print: prints the kernel source for Nemo's Plan9Rel3 commentry in the style of the Lyons Unix Ed6 book
what: total cpu/memory use per user
tcp8080: trivial web proxy (http and ftp only).
pull: glenda's pull script extended to print the change descriptions since the last pull
whitewash: sort /lib/grey/whitelist by reversed domain name (to simplify maintence)