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dd��YZdad�ZdS(sBModule for parsing and testing package version predicate strings.
i�Ns'(?i)^\s*([a-z_]\w*(?:\.[a-z_]\w*)*)(.*)s^\s*\((.*)\)\s*$s%^\s*(<=|>=|<|>|!=|==)\s*([^\s,]+)\s*$cCsPtj|�}|s(td|��n|j�\}}|tjj|�fS(sVParse a single version comparison.
Return (comparison string, StrictVersion)
s"bad package restriction syntax: %r(tre_splitComparisontmatcht
ValueErrortgroupst distutilstversiont
t<s<=s==t>s>=s!=tVersionPredicatecBs)eZdZd�Zd�Zd�ZRS(s�Parse and test package version predicates.
>>> v = VersionPredicate('pyepat.abc (>1.0, <3333.3a1, !=1555.1b3)')
The `name` attribute provides the full dotted name that is given::
>>> v.name
The str() of a `VersionPredicate` provides a normalized
human-readable version of the expression::
>>> print v
pyepat.abc (> 1.0, < 3333.3a1, != 1555.1b3)
The `satisfied_by()` method can be used to determine with a given
version number is included in the set described by the version
>>> v.satisfied_by('1.1')
>>> v.satisfied_by('1.4')
>>> v.satisfied_by('1.0')
>>> v.satisfied_by('4444.4')
>>> v.satisfied_by('1555.1b3')
`VersionPredicate` is flexible in accepting extra whitespace::
>>> v = VersionPredicate(' pat( == 0.1 ) ')
>>> v.name
>>> v.satisfied_by('0.1')
>>> v.satisfied_by('0.2')
If any version numbers passed in do not conform to the
restrictions of `StrictVersion`, a `ValueError` is raised::
>>> v = VersionPredicate('p1.p2.p3.p4(>=1.0, <=1.3a1, !=1.2zb3)')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: invalid version number '1.2zb3'
It the module or package name given does not conform to what's
allowed as a legal module or package name, `ValueError` is
>>> v = VersionPredicate('foo-bar')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: expected parenthesized list: '-bar'
>>> v = VersionPredicate('foo bar (12.21)')
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: expected parenthesized list: 'bar (12.21)'
cCs�|j�}|s!td��ntj|�}|sItd|��n|j�\|_}|j�}|r�j|�}|s�td|��n|j�d}g|jd�D]}t|�^q�|_ |j s�d|��q�g|_ dS(s*Parse a version predicate string.
sempty package restrictionsbad package name in %rsexpected parenthesized list: %rit,sempty parenthesized list in %rN(
tstripRtre_validPackageRRtnametre_parentsplitRR(tselftversionPredicateStrRtparentstrtaPred((s0/sys/lib/python2.7/distutils/versionpredicate.pyt__init___s$+ cCs`|jrUg|jD] \}}|dt|�^q}|jddj|�dS|jSdS(Nt s (s, t)(RRRtjoin(Rtcondtvertseq((s0/sys/lib/python2.7/distutils/versionpredicate.pyt__str__zs 0cCs5x.|jD]#\}}t|||�s
WtS(s�True if version is compatible with all the predicates in self.
The parameter version must be acceptable to the StrictVersion
constructor. It may be either a string or StrictVersion.
__module__t__doc__RR!R%(((s0/sys/lib/python2.7/distutils/versionpredicate.pyRs? cCs�tdkrtjd�an|j�}tj|�}|sRtd|��n|jd�pdd}|r�tj j
|�}n|jd�|fS(s9Return the name and optional version number of a provision.
The version number, if given, will be returned as a `StrictVersion`
instance, otherwise it will be `None`.
>>> split_provision('mypkg')
('mypkg', None)
>>> split_provision(' mypkg( 1.2 ) ')
('mypkg', StrictVersion ('1.2'))
s=([a-zA-Z_]\w*(?:\.[a-zA-Z_]\w*)*)(?:\s*\(\s*([^)\s]+)\s*\))?$s"illegal provides specification: %riiN(t
_provision_rxtNonetretcompileRRRtgroupRRR(tvaluetmR((s0/sys/lib/python2.7/distutils/versionpredicate.pytsplit_provision�s((R(R+tdistutils.versionRtoperatorR,RRRRtlttleteqtgttgetneR"RR*R)R0(((s0/sys/lib/python2.7/distutils/versionpredicate.pyt<module>s !!n