Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/stallion/root/arm/go/src/runtime/os_darwin.go

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// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package runtime

import "unsafe"

type mOS struct {
	initialized bool
	mutex       pthreadmutex
	cond        pthreadcond
	count       int

func unimplemented(name string) {
	println(name, "not implemented")
	*(*int)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(1231))) = 1231

func semacreate(mp *m) {
	if mp.initialized {
	mp.initialized = true
	if err := pthread_mutex_init(&mp.mutex, nil); err != 0 {
	if err := pthread_cond_init(&mp.cond, nil); err != 0 {

func semasleep(ns int64) int32 {
	var start int64
	if ns >= 0 {
		start = nanotime()
	mp := getg().m
	for {
		if mp.count > 0 {
			return 0
		if ns >= 0 {
			spent := nanotime() - start
			if spent >= ns {
				return -1
			var t timespec
			t.setNsec(ns - spent)
			err := pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np(&mp.cond, &mp.mutex, &t)
			if err == _ETIMEDOUT {
				return -1
		} else {
			pthread_cond_wait(&mp.cond, &mp.mutex)

func semawakeup(mp *m) {
	if mp.count > 0 {

// The read and write file descriptors used by the sigNote functions.
var sigNoteRead, sigNoteWrite int32

// sigNoteSetup initializes an async-signal-safe note.
// The current implementation of notes on Darwin is not async-signal-safe,
// because the functions pthread_mutex_lock, pthread_cond_signal, and
// pthread_mutex_unlock, called by semawakeup, are not async-signal-safe.
// There is only one case where we need to wake up a note from a signal
// handler: the sigsend function. The signal handler code does not require
// all the features of notes: it does not need to do a timed wait.
// This is a separate implementation of notes, based on a pipe, that does
// not support timed waits but is async-signal-safe.
func sigNoteSetup(*note) {
	if sigNoteRead != 0 || sigNoteWrite != 0 {
		throw("duplicate sigNoteSetup")
	var errno int32
	sigNoteRead, sigNoteWrite, errno = pipe()
	if errno != 0 {
		throw("pipe failed")

	// Make the write end of the pipe non-blocking, so that if the pipe
	// buffer is somehow full we will not block in the signal handler.
	// Leave the read end of the pipe blocking so that we will block
	// in sigNoteSleep.

// sigNoteWakeup wakes up a thread sleeping on a note created by sigNoteSetup.
func sigNoteWakeup(*note) {
	var b byte
	write(uintptr(sigNoteWrite), unsafe.Pointer(&b), 1)

// sigNoteSleep waits for a note created by sigNoteSetup to be woken.
func sigNoteSleep(*note) {
	var b byte
	read(sigNoteRead, unsafe.Pointer(&b), 1)

// BSD interface for threading.
func osinit() {
	// pthread_create delayed until end of goenvs so that we
	// can look at the environment first.

	ncpu = getncpu()
	physPageSize = getPageSize()

const (
	_CTL_HW      = 6
	_HW_NCPU     = 3

func getncpu() int32 {
	// Use sysctl to fetch hw.ncpu.
	mib := [2]uint32{_CTL_HW, _HW_NCPU}
	out := uint32(0)
	nout := unsafe.Sizeof(out)
	ret := sysctl(&mib[0], 2, (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&out)), &nout, nil, 0)
	if ret >= 0 && int32(out) > 0 {
		return int32(out)
	return 1

func getPageSize() uintptr {
	// Use sysctl to fetch hw.pagesize.
	mib := [2]uint32{_CTL_HW, _HW_PAGESIZE}
	out := uint32(0)
	nout := unsafe.Sizeof(out)
	ret := sysctl(&mib[0], 2, (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&out)), &nout, nil, 0)
	if ret >= 0 && int32(out) > 0 {
		return uintptr(out)
	return 0

var urandom_dev = []byte("/dev/urandom\x00")

func getRandomData(r []byte) {
	fd := open(&urandom_dev[0], 0 /* O_RDONLY */, 0)
	n := read(fd, unsafe.Pointer(&r[0]), int32(len(r)))
	extendRandom(r, int(n))

func goenvs() {

// May run with m.p==nil, so write barriers are not allowed.
func newosproc(mp *m) {
	stk := unsafe.Pointer(mp.g0.stack.hi)
	if false {
		print("newosproc stk=", stk, " m=", mp, " g=", mp.g0, " id=",, " ostk=", &mp, "\n")

	// Initialize an attribute object.
	var attr pthreadattr
	var err int32
	err = pthread_attr_init(&attr)
	if err != 0 {
		write(2, unsafe.Pointer(&failthreadcreate[0]), int32(len(failthreadcreate)))

	// Find out OS stack size for our own stack guard.
	var stacksize uintptr
	if pthread_attr_getstacksize(&attr, &stacksize) != 0 {
		write(2, unsafe.Pointer(&failthreadcreate[0]), int32(len(failthreadcreate)))
	mp.g0.stack.hi = stacksize // for mstart
	//mSysStatInc(&memstats.stacks_sys, stacksize) //TODO: do this?

	// Tell the pthread library we won't join with this thread.
	if pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, _PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED) != 0 {
		write(2, unsafe.Pointer(&failthreadcreate[0]), int32(len(failthreadcreate)))

	// Finally, create the thread. It starts at mstart_stub, which does some low-level
	// setup and then calls mstart.
	var oset sigset
	sigprocmask(_SIG_SETMASK, &sigset_all, &oset)
	err = pthread_create(&attr, funcPC(mstart_stub), unsafe.Pointer(mp))
	sigprocmask(_SIG_SETMASK, &oset, nil)
	if err != 0 {
		write(2, unsafe.Pointer(&failthreadcreate[0]), int32(len(failthreadcreate)))

// glue code to call mstart from pthread_create.
func mstart_stub()

// newosproc0 is a version of newosproc that can be called before the runtime
// is initialized.
// This function is not safe to use after initialization as it does not pass an M as fnarg.
func newosproc0(stacksize uintptr, fn uintptr) {
	// Initialize an attribute object.
	var attr pthreadattr
	var err int32
	err = pthread_attr_init(&attr)
	if err != 0 {
		write(2, unsafe.Pointer(&failthreadcreate[0]), int32(len(failthreadcreate)))

	// The caller passes in a suggested stack size,
	// from when we allocated the stack and thread ourselves,
	// without libpthread. Now that we're using libpthread,
	// we use the OS default stack size instead of the suggestion.
	// Find out that stack size for our own stack guard.
	if pthread_attr_getstacksize(&attr, &stacksize) != 0 {
		write(2, unsafe.Pointer(&failthreadcreate[0]), int32(len(failthreadcreate)))
	g0.stack.hi = stacksize // for mstart
	mSysStatInc(&memstats.stacks_sys, stacksize)

	// Tell the pthread library we won't join with this thread.
	if pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, _PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED) != 0 {
		write(2, unsafe.Pointer(&failthreadcreate[0]), int32(len(failthreadcreate)))

	// Finally, create the thread. It starts at mstart_stub, which does some low-level
	// setup and then calls mstart.
	var oset sigset
	sigprocmask(_SIG_SETMASK, &sigset_all, &oset)
	err = pthread_create(&attr, fn, nil)
	sigprocmask(_SIG_SETMASK, &oset, nil)
	if err != 0 {
		write(2, unsafe.Pointer(&failthreadcreate[0]), int32(len(failthreadcreate)))

var failallocatestack = []byte("runtime: failed to allocate stack for the new OS thread\n")
var failthreadcreate = []byte("runtime: failed to create new OS thread\n")

// Called to do synchronous initialization of Go code built with
// -buildmode=c-archive or -buildmode=c-shared.
// None of the Go runtime is initialized.
func libpreinit() {

// Called to initialize a new m (including the bootstrap m).
// Called on the parent thread (main thread in case of bootstrap), can allocate memory.
func mpreinit(mp *m) {
	mp.gsignal = malg(32 * 1024) // OS X wants >= 8K
	mp.gsignal.m = mp

// Called to initialize a new m (including the bootstrap m).
// Called on the new thread, cannot allocate memory.
func minit() {
	// The alternate signal stack is buggy on arm and arm64.
	// The signal handler handles it directly.
	if GOARCH != "arm" && GOARCH != "arm64" {

// Called from dropm to undo the effect of an minit.
func unminit() {
	// The alternate signal stack is buggy on arm and arm64.
	// See minit.
	if GOARCH != "arm" && GOARCH != "arm64" {

func osyield() {

const (
	_NSIG        = 32
	_SI_USER     = 0 /* empirically true, but not what headers say */
	_SIG_BLOCK   = 1

//extern SigTabTT runtime·sigtab[];

type sigset uint32

var sigset_all = ^sigset(0)

func setsig(i uint32, fn uintptr) {
	var sa usigactiont
	sa.sa_flags = _SA_SIGINFO | _SA_ONSTACK | _SA_RESTART
	sa.sa_mask = ^uint32(0)
	if fn == funcPC(sighandler) {
		if iscgo {
			fn = funcPC(cgoSigtramp)
		} else {
			fn = funcPC(sigtramp)
	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&sa.__sigaction_u)) = fn
	sigaction(i, &sa, nil)

// sigtramp is the callback from libc when a signal is received.
// It is called with the C calling convention.
func sigtramp()
func cgoSigtramp()

func setsigstack(i uint32) {
	var osa usigactiont
	sigaction(i, nil, &osa)
	handler := *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&osa.__sigaction_u))
	if osa.sa_flags&_SA_ONSTACK != 0 {
	var sa usigactiont
	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&sa.__sigaction_u)) = handler
	sa.sa_mask = osa.sa_mask
	sa.sa_flags = osa.sa_flags | _SA_ONSTACK
	sigaction(i, &sa, nil)

func getsig(i uint32) uintptr {
	var sa usigactiont
	sigaction(i, nil, &sa)
	return *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&sa.__sigaction_u))

// setSignaltstackSP sets the ss_sp field of a stackt.
func setSignalstackSP(s *stackt, sp uintptr) {
	*(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&s.ss_sp)) = sp

func sigaddset(mask *sigset, i int) {
	*mask |= 1 << (uint32(i) - 1)

func sigdelset(mask *sigset, i int) {
	*mask &^= 1 << (uint32(i) - 1)

//go:linkname executablePath os.executablePath
var executablePath string

func sysargs(argc int32, argv **byte) {
	// skip over argv, envv and the first string will be the path
	n := argc + 1
	for argv_index(argv, n) != nil {
	executablePath = gostringnocopy(argv_index(argv, n+1))

	// strip "executable_path=" prefix if available, it's added after OS X 10.11.
	const prefix = "executable_path="
	if len(executablePath) > len(prefix) && executablePath[:len(prefix)] == prefix {
		executablePath = executablePath[len(prefix):]

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