implement WmSh;
include "sys.m";
sys: Sys;
FileIO: import sys;
include "draw.m";
draw: Draw;
Context, Rect: import draw;
include "tk.m";
tk: Tk;
include "tkclient.m";
tkclient: Tkclient;
include "plumbmsg.m";
plumbmsg: Plumbmsg;
Msg: import plumbmsg;
include "workdir.m";
include "string.m";
str: String;
include "arg.m";
WmSh: module
init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string);
Command: type WmSh;
BSW: con 23; # ^w bacspace word
BSL: con 21; # ^u backspace line
EOT: con 4; # ^d end of file
ESC: con 27; # hold mode
# XXX line-based limits are inadequate - memory is still
# blown if a client writes a very long line.
HIWAT: con 2000; # maximum number of lines in transcript
LOWAT: con 1500; # amount to reduce to after high water
Name: con "Shell";
Rdreq: adt
off: int;
nbytes: int;
fid: int;
rc: chan of (array of byte, string);
shwin_cfg := array[] of {
"menu .m",
".m add command -text noscroll -command {send edit noscroll}",
".m add command -text cut -command {send edit cut}",
".m add command -text paste -command {send edit paste}",
".m add command -text snarf -command {send edit snarf}",
".m add command -text send -command {send edit send}",
"frame .b -bd 1 -relief ridge",
"frame .ft -bd 0",
"scrollbar .ft.scroll -command {send scroll t}",
"text .ft.t -bd 1 -relief flat -yscrollcommand {send scroll s} -bg white -selectforeground black -selectbackground #CCCCCC",
".ft.t tag configure sel -relief flat",
"pack .ft.scroll -side left -fill y",
"pack .ft.t -fill both -expand 1",
"pack .Wm_t -fill x",
"pack .b -anchor w -fill x",
"pack .ft -fill both -expand 1",
"focus .ft.t",
"bind .ft.t <Key> {send keys {%A}}",
"bind .ft.t <Control-d> {send keys {%A}}",
"bind .ft.t <Control-h> {send keys {%A}}",
"bind .ft.t <Control-w> {send keys {%A}}",
"bind .ft.t <Control-u> {send keys {%A}}",
"bind .ft.t <Button-1> +{send but1 pressed}",
"bind .ft.t <Double-Button-1> +{send but1 pressed}",
"bind .ft.t <ButtonRelease-1> +{send but1 released}",
"bind .ft.t <ButtonPress-2> {send but2 %X %Y}",
"bind .ft.t <Motion-Button-2-Button-1> {}",
"bind .ft.t <Motion-ButtonPress-2> {}",
"bind .ft.t <ButtonPress-3> {send but3 pressed}",
"bind .ft.t <ButtonRelease-3> {send but3 released %x %y}",
"bind .ft.t <Motion-Button-3> {}",
"bind .ft.t <Motion-Button-3-Button-1> {}",
"bind .ft.t <Double-Button-3> {}",
"bind .ft.t <Double-ButtonRelease-3> {}",
rdreq: list of Rdreq;
menuindex := "0";
holding := 0;
plumbed := 0;
rawon := 0;
rawinput := "";
scrolling := 1;
partialread: array of byte;
cwd := "";
width, height, font: string;
events: list of string;
evrdreq: list of Rdreq;
winname: string;
srvdir: string;
runshell := 1;
badmod(p: string)
sys->print("wm/sh: cannot load %s: %r\n", p);
raise "fail:bad module";
init(ctxt: ref Context, argv: list of string)
sys = load Sys Sys->PATH;
draw = load Draw Draw->PATH;
tk = load Tk Tk->PATH;
tkclient = load Tkclient Tkclient->PATH;
if (tkclient == nil)
str = load String String->PATH;
if (str == nil)
arg := load Arg Arg->PATH;
if (arg == nil)
arg->setusage("wm/sh [-ilxvn] [-w width] [-h height] [-f font] [-c command] [file [args...]");
plumbmsg = load Plumbmsg Plumbmsg->PATH;
shargs: list of string;
while ((opt := arg->opt()) != 0) {
case opt {
'w' =>
width = arg->earg();
'h' =>
height = arg->earg();
'f' =>
font = arg->earg();
's' =>
srvdir = arg->earg();
runshell = 0;
'c' =>
shargs = arg->earg() :: "-c" :: shargs;
'i' or 'l' or 'x' or 'v' or 'n' =>
shargs = sys->sprint("-%c", opt) :: shargs;
* =>
argv = arg->argv();
for (; shargs != nil; shargs = tl shargs)
argv = hd shargs :: argv;
sys->pctl(Sys->NEWPGRP | Sys->FORKENV, nil);
if(srvdir == nil){
sys->pctl(Sys->FORKNS, nil);
srvdir = "/chan";
if (ctxt == nil)
ctxt = tkclient->makedrawcontext();
if(ctxt == nil){
sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "sh: no window context\n");
raise "fail:bad context";
if(plumbmsg != nil && plumbmsg->init(1, nil, 0) >= 0){
plumbed = 1;
workdir := load Workdir Workdir->PATH;
cwd = workdir->init();
winname = Name + " " + cwd;
spawn main(ctxt, argv, sync := chan of int);
if(<-sync == -1)
raise "fail:initialisation error";
task(t: ref Tk->Toplevel)
tkclient->wmctl(t, "task");
atend(t: ref Tk->Toplevel, w: string): int
s := cmd(t, w+" yview");
for(i := 0; i < len s; i++)
if(s[i] == ' ')
return i == len s - 2 && s[i+1] == '1';
main(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, argv: list of string, sync: chan of int)
(t, titlectl) := tkclient->toplevel(ctxt, "", winname, Tkclient->Appl);
wm := t.ctxt;
edit := chan of string;
tk->namechan(t, edit, "edit");
keys := chan of string;
tk->namechan(t, keys, "keys");
butcmd := chan of string;
tk->namechan(t, butcmd, "button");
event := chan of string;
tk->namechan(t, event, "action");
scroll := chan of string;
tk->namechan(t, scroll, "scroll");
but1 := chan of string;
tk->namechan(t, but1, "but1");
but2 := chan of string;
tk->namechan(t, but2, "but2");
but3 := chan of string;
tk->namechan(t, but3, "but3");
button1 := 0;
button3 := 0;
for (i := 0; i < len shwin_cfg; i++)
cmd(t, shwin_cfg[i]);
(menuw, nil) := itemsize(t, ".m");
if (font != nil) {
if (font[0] != '/' && (len font == 1 || font[0:2] != "./"))
font = "/fonts/" + font;
cmd(t, ".ft.t configure -font " + font);
cmd(t, ".ft.t configure -width 65w -height 20h");
cmd(t, "pack propagate . 0");
if(width != nil)
cmd(t, ". configure -width " + width);
if(height != nil)
cmd(t, ". configure -height " + height);
sys->bind("#s", srvdir, sys->MBEFORE);
file := sys->file2chan(srvdir, "cons");
filectl := sys->file2chan(srvdir, "consctl");
shctl := sys->file2chan(srvdir, "shctl");
consfile := srvdir+"/cons";
if(file == nil || filectl == nil || shctl == nil) {
sys->print("newsh: shell cons creation failed: %r\n");
sync <-= -1;
sync <-= 0;
tkclient->onscreen(t, nil);
tkclient->startinput(t, "ptr" :: "kbd" :: nil);
spawn newsh(sync, ctxt, argv);
dummyfwrite := chan of (int, array of byte, int, Sys->Rwrite);
fwrite := file.write;
rdrpc: Rdreq;
# outpoint is place in text to insert characters printed by programs
cmd(t, ".ft.t mark set outpoint 1.0; .ft.t mark gravity outpoint left");
for(;;) alt {
c := <-wm.kbd =>
tk->keyboard(t, c);
m := <-wm.ptr =>
tk->pointer(t, *m);
c := <-wm.ctl or
c = <-t.wreq or
c = <-titlectl =>
tkclient->wmctl(t, c);
ecmd := <-edit =>
editor(t, ecmd);
c := <-keys =>
cut(t, 1);
char := c[1];
if(char == '\\')
char = c[2];
if(int cmd(t, ".ft.t compare insert >= outpoint")){
rawinput[len rawinput] = char;
case char {
* =>
cmd(t, ".ft.t insert insert "+c);
'\n' or
EOT =>
cmd(t, ".ft.t insert insert "+c);
'\b' =>
cmd(t, ".ft.t tkTextDelIns -c");
BSL =>
cmd(t, ".ft.t tkTextDelIns -l");
BSW =>
cmd(t, ".ft.t tkTextDelIns -w");
ESC =>
setholding(t, !holding);
cmd(t, ".ft.t see insert;update");
c := <-but1 =>
button1 = (c == "pressed");
button3 = 0; # abort any pending button 3 action
c := <-but2 =>
cut(t, 1);
cmd(t, "update");
(nil, l) := sys->tokenize(c, " ");
x := int hd l - menuw/2;
y := int hd tl l - int cmd(t, ".m yposition "+menuindex) - 10;
cmd(t, ".m activate "+menuindex+"; .m post "+string x+" "+string y+
"; update");
button3 = 0; # abort any pending button 3 action
c := <-but3 =>
if(c == "pressed"){
button3 = 1;
cmd(t, "update");
if(plumbed == 0 || button3 == 0 || button1 != 0)
button3 = 0;
# plumb message triggered by release of button 3
(nil, l) := sys->tokenize(c, " ");
x := int hd tl l;
y := int hd tl tl l;
index := cmd(t, ".ft.t index @"+string x+","+string y);
selindex := cmd(t, ".ft.t tag ranges sel");
if(selindex != "")
insel := cmd(t, ".ft.t compare sel.first <= "+index)=="1" &&
cmd(t, ".ft.t compare sel.last >= "+index)=="1";
insel = 0;
attr := "";
text := tk->cmd(t, ".ft.t get sel.first sel.last");
# have line with text in it
# now extract whitespace-bounded string around click
(nil, w) := sys->tokenize(index, ".");
charno := int hd tl w;
left := cmd(t, ".ft.t index {"+index+" linestart}");
right := cmd(t, ".ft.t index {"+index+" lineend}");
line := tk->cmd(t, ".ft.t get "+left+" "+right);
for(i=charno; i>0; --i)
if(line[i-1]==' ' || line[i-1]=='\t')
for(j:=charno; j<len line; j++)
if(line[j]==' ' || line[j]=='\t')
text = line[i:j];
attr = "click="+string (charno-i);
msg := ref Msg(
array of byte text);
if(msg.send() < 0)
sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "sh: plumbing write error: %r\n");
c := <-butcmd =>
simulatetype(t, tkunquote(c));
cmd(t, "update");
c := <-event =>
events = str->append(tkunquote(c), events);
if (evrdreq != nil) {
rc := (hd evrdreq).rc;
rc <-= (array of byte hd events, nil);
evrdreq = tl evrdreq;
events = tl events;
rdrpc = < =>
if(rdrpc.rc == nil)
if (events != nil) {
rdrpc.rc <-= (array of byte hd events, nil);
events = tl events;
} else
evrdreq = rdrpc :: evrdreq;
(nil, data, nil, wc) := <-shctl.write =>
if (wc == nil)
if ((err := shctlcmd(t, string data)) != nil)
wc <-= (0, err);
wc <-= (len data, nil);
rdrpc = < =>
if(rdrpc.rc == nil)
rdrpc.rc <-= (nil, "not allowed");
(nil, data, nil, wc) := <-filectl.write =>
if(wc == nil) {
# consctl closed - revert to cooked mode
# XXX should revert only on *last* close?
rawon = 0;
(nc, cmdlst) := sys->tokenize(string data, " \n");
if(nc == 1) {
case hd cmdlst {
"rawon" =>
rawon = 1;
rawinput = "";
# discard previous input
advance := string (len tk->cmd(t, ".ft.t get outpoint end") +1);
cmd(t, ".ft.t mark set outpoint outpoint+" + advance + "chars");
partialread = nil;
"rawoff" =>
rawon = 0;
partialread = nil;
"holdon" =>
setholding(t, 1);
cmd(t, "update");
"holdoff" =>
setholding(t, 0);
cmd(t, "update");
* =>
wc <-= (0, "unknown consctl request");
wc <-= (len data, nil);
wc <-= (0, "unknown consctl request");
rdrpc = < =>
if(rdrpc.rc == nil) {
(ok, nil) := sys->stat(consfile);
if (ok < 0)
c := <-scroll =>
if(c[0] == 't'){
cmd(t, ".ft.t yview "+c[1:]+";update");
fwrite = file.write;
else if(atend(t, ".ft.t"))
fwrite = file.write;
fwrite = dummyfwrite;
cmd(t, ".ft.scroll set "+c[1:]+";update");
if(atend(t, ".ft.t") && fwrite == dummyfwrite)
fwrite = file.write;
(nil, data, nil, wc) := <-fwrite =>
if(wc == nil) {
(ok, nil) := sys->stat(consfile);
if (ok < 0)
needscroll := atend(t, ".ft.t");
cdata := cursorcontrol(t, string data);
ncdata := string len cdata + "chars;";
cmd(t, ".ft.t insert outpoint '"+ cdata);
wc <-= (len data, nil);
data = nil;
s := ".ft.t mark set outpoint outpoint+" + ncdata;
if(!atend(t, ".ft.t") && scrolling == 0)
fwrite = dummyfwrite;
else if(needscroll)
s += ".ft.t see outpoint;";
s += "update";
cmd(t, s);
nlines := int cmd(t, ".ft.t index end");
if(nlines > HIWAT){
s = ".ft.t delete 1.0 "+ string (nlines-LOWAT) +".0;update";
cmd(t, s);
setholding(t: ref Tk->Toplevel, hold: int)
if(hold == holding)
holding = hold;
color := "blue";
color = "black";
tkclient->settitle(t, winname);
tkclient->settitle(t, winname+" (holding)");
cmd(t, ".ft.t configure -foreground "+color);
tkunquote(s: string): string
if (s == nil)
return nil;
t: string;
if (s[0] != '{' || s[len s - 1] != '}')
return s;
for (i := 1; i < len s - 1; i++) {
if (s[i] == '\\')
t[len t] = s[i];
return t;
buttonid := 0;
shctlcmd(win: ref Tk->Toplevel, c: string): string
toks := str->unquoted(c);
if (toks == nil)
return "null command";
n := len toks;
case hd toks {
"button" or
# (button|action) title sendtext
if (n != 3)
return "bad usage";
id := ".b.b" + string buttonid++;
cmd(win, "button " + id + " -text " + tk->quote(hd tl toks) +
" -command 'send " + hd toks + " " + tk->quote(hd tl tl toks));
cmd(win, "pack " + id + " -side left");
cmd(win, "pack propagate .b 0");
"clear" =>
cmd(win, "pack propagate .b 1");
for (i := 0; i < buttonid; i++)
cmd(win, "destroy .b.b" + string i);
buttonid = 0;
"cwd" =>
if (n != 2)
return "bad usage";
cwd = hd tl toks;
winname = Name + " " + cwd;
tkclient->settitle(win, winname);
* =>
return "bad command";
cmd(win, "update");
return nil;
RPCread: type (int, int, int, chan of (array of byte, string));
append(r: RPCread)
t := r :: nil;
while(rdreq != nil) {
t = hd rdreq :: t;
rdreq = tl rdreq;
rdreq = t;
insat(t: ref Tk->Toplevel, mark: string): int
return cmd(t, ".ft.t compare insert == "+mark) == "1";
insininput(t: ref Tk->Toplevel): int
if(cmd(t, ".ft.t compare insert >= outpoint") != "1")
return 0;
return cmd(t, ".ft.t compare {insert linestart} == {outpoint linestart}") == "1";
isalnum(s: string): int
if(s == "")
return 0;
c := s[0];
if('a' <= c && c <= 'z')
return 1;
if('A' <= c && c <= 'Z')
return 1;
if('0' <= c && c <= '9')
return 1;
if(c == '_')
return 1;
if(c > 16rA0)
return 1;
return 0;
cursorcontrol(t: ref Tk->Toplevel, s: string): string
l := len s;
for(i := 0; i < l; i++) {
case s[i] {
'\b' =>
pre := "";
rem := "";
if(i + 1 < l)
rem = s[i+1:];
if(i == 0) { # erase existing character in line
if(tk->cmd(t, ".ft.t get " +
"{outpoint linestart} outpoint") != "")
cmd(t, ".ft.t delete outpoint-1char");
} else {
if(s[i-1] != '\n') # don't erase newlines
pre = s[:i];
s = pre + rem;
l = len s;
i = len pre - 1;
'\r' =>
s[i] = '\n';
if(i + 1 < l && s[i+1] == '\n') # \r\n
s = s[:i] + s[i+1:];
else if(i > 0 && s[i-1] == '\n') # \n\r
s = s[:i-1] + s[i:];
l = len s;
'\0' =>
s[i] = Sys->UTFerror;
return s;
editor(t: ref Tk->Toplevel, ecmd: string)
s, snarf: string;
case ecmd {
"scroll" =>
menuindex = "0";
scrolling = 1;
cmd(t, ".m entryconfigure 0 -text noscroll -command {send edit noscroll}");
"noscroll" =>
menuindex = "0";
scrolling = 0;
cmd(t, ".m entryconfigure 0 -text scroll -command {send edit scroll}");
"cut" =>
menuindex = "1";
cut(t, 1);
"paste" =>
menuindex = "2";
"snarf" =>
menuindex = "3";
if(cmd(t, ".ft.t tag ranges sel") == "")
snarf = tk->cmd(t, ".ft.t get sel.first sel.last");
"send" =>
menuindex = "4";
if(cmd(t, ".ft.t tag ranges sel") != ""){
snarf = tk->cmd(t, ".ft.t get sel.first sel.last");
snarf = tkclient->snarfget();
if(snarf != "")
s = snarf;
if(s[len s-1] != '\n' && s[len s-1] != EOT)
s[len s] = '\n';
simulatetype(t, s);
cmd(t, "update");
simulatetype(t: ref Tk->Toplevel, s: string)
rawinput += s;
cmd(t, ".ft.t see end; .ft.t insert end '"+s);
cmd(t, ".ft.t mark set insert end");
tk->cmd(t, ".ft.t tag remove sel sel.first sel.last");
cut(t: ref Tk->Toplevel, snarfit: int)
if(cmd(t, ".ft.t tag ranges sel") == "")
tkclient->snarfput(tk->cmd(t, ".ft.t get sel.first sel.last"));
cmd(t, ".ft.t delete sel.first sel.last");
paste(t: ref Tk->Toplevel)
snarf := tkclient->snarfget();
if(snarf == "")
cut(t, 0);
if(rawon && int cmd(t, ".ft.t compare insert >= outpoint")){
rawinput += snarf;
cmd(t, ".ft.t insert insert '"+snarf);
cmd(t, ".ft.t tag add sel insert-"+string len snarf+"chars insert");
sendinput(t: ref Tk->Toplevel)
input: string;
input = rawinput;
input = tk->cmd(t, ".ft.t get outpoint end");
if(rdreq == nil || (input == nil && len partialread == 0))
r := hd rdreq;
(chars, bytes, partial) := triminput(r.nbytes, input, partialread);
if(bytes == nil)
return; # no terminator yet
rdreq = tl rdreq;
alt {
r.rc <-= (bytes, nil) =>
# check that it really was sent
alt {
r.rc <-= (nil, nil) =>
* =>
* =>
return; # requester has disappeared; ignore his request and try another
rawinput = rawinput[chars:];
cmd(t, ".ft.t mark set outpoint outpoint+" + string chars + "chars");
partialread = partial;
# read at most nr bytes from the input string, returning the number of characters
# consumed, the bytes to be read, and any remaining bytes from a partially
# read multibyte UTF character.
triminput(nr: int, input: string, partial: array of byte): (int, array of byte, array of byte)
if(nr <= len partial)
return (0, partial[0:nr], partial[nr:]);
return (0, nil, partial);
# keep the array bounds within sensible limits
if(nr > len input*Sys->UTFmax)
nr = len input*Sys->UTFmax;
buf := array[nr+Sys->UTFmax] of byte;
t := len partial;
buf[0:] = partial;
hold := !rawon;
i := 0;
while(i < len input){
c := input[i++];
# special case for ^D - don't read the actual ^D character
if(!rawon && c == EOT){
hold = 0;
t += sys->char2byte(c, buf, t);
if(c == '\n' && !rawon){
hold = 0;
if(t >= nr)
for(j := i; j < len input; j++){
c := input[j];
if(c == '\n' || c == EOT)
if(j == len input)
return (0, nil, partial);
# strip ^D when next read would read it, otherwise
# we'll give premature EOF.
if(i == j && input[i] == EOT)
partial = nil;
if(t > nr){
partial = buf[nr:t];
t = nr;
return (i, buf[0:t], partial);
newsh(sync: chan of int, ctxt: ref Context, args: list of string)
sys->pctl(sys->NEWFD, nil);
sys->bind(srvdir+"/cons", "/dev/cons", sys->MREPL);
sys->bind(srvdir+"/consctl", "/dev/consctl", sys->MREPL);
fd0 := sys->open("/dev/cons", sys->OREAD|sys->ORCLOSE);
fd1 := sys->open("/dev/cons", sys->OWRITE);
fd2 := sys->open("/dev/cons", sys->OWRITE);
sync <-= 0;
sh := load Command "/dis/sh.dis";
if(sh == nil)
sh->init(ctxt, "sh" :: "-n" :: args);
"fail:*" =>
cmd(top: ref Tk->Toplevel, c: string): string
s:= tk->cmd(top, c);
# sys->print("* %s\n", c);
if (s != nil && s[0] == '!')
sys->fprint(sys->fildes(2), "wmsh: tk error on '%s': %s\n", c, s);
return s;
itemsize(top: ref Tk->Toplevel, item: string): (int, int)
w := int tk->cmd(top, item + " cget -actwidth");
h := int tk->cmd(top, item + " cget -actheight");
b := int tk->cmd(top, item + " cget -borderwidth");
return (w+b, h+b);