#include "all.h"
char *errstr9p[MAXERR] =
[Ebadspc] "attach -- bad specifier",
[Efid] "unknown fid",
[Echar] "bad character in directory name",
[Eopen] "read/write -- on non open fid",
[Ecount] "read/write -- count too big",
[Ealloc] "phase error -- directory entry not allocated",
[Eqid] "phase error -- qid does not match",
[Eaccess] "access permission denied",
[Eentry] "directory entry not found",
[Emode] "open/create -- unknown mode",
[Edir1] "walk -- in a non-directory",
[Edir2] "create -- in a non-directory",
[Ephase] "phase error -- cannot happen",
[Eexist] "create/wstat -- file exists",
[Edot] "create/wstat -- . and .. illegal names",
[Eempty] "remove -- directory not empty",
[Ebadu] "attach -- unknown user or failed authentication",
[Enoattach] "attach -- system maintenance",
[Ewstatb] "wstat -- unknown bits in qid.type/mode",
[Ewstatd] "wstat -- attempt to change directory",
[Ewstatg] "wstat -- not in group",
[Ewstatl] "wstat -- attempt to make length negative",
[Ewstatm] "wstat -- attempt to change muid",
[Ewstato] "wstat -- not owner or group leader",
[Ewstatp] "wstat -- attempt to change qid.path",
[Ewstatq] "wstat -- qid.type/dir.mode mismatch",
[Ewstatu] "wstat -- not owner",
[Ewstatv] "wstat -- attempt to change qid.vers",
[Ename] "create/wstat -- bad character in file name",
[Ewalk] "walk -- too many (system wide)",
[Eronly] "file system read only",
[Efull] "file system full",
[Eoffset] "read/write -- offset negative",
[Elocked] "open/create -- file is locked",
[Ebroken] "read/write -- lock is broken",
[Eauth] "attach -- authentication failed",
[Eauth2] "read/write -- authentication unimplemented",
[Etoolong] "name too long",
[Efidinuse] "fid in use",
[Econvert] "protocol botch",
[Eversion] "version conversion",
[Eauthnone] "auth -- user 'none' requires no authentication",
[Eauthdisabled] "auth -- authentication disabled", /* development */
[Eauthfile] "auth -- out of auth files",
[Eedge] "at the bleeding edge", /* development */
char* tagnames[] =
[Tbuck] "Tbuck",
[Tdir] "Tdir",
[Tfile] "Tfile",
[Tfree] "Tfree",
[Tind1] "Tind1",
[Tind2] "Tind2",
#ifndef OLD
[Tind3] "Tind3",
[Tind4] "Tind4",
/* add more Tind tags here ... */
[Tnone] "Tnone",
[Tsuper] "Tsuper",
[Tvirgo] "Tvirgo",
[Tcache] "Tcache",