#include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>
#include "sky.h"
// Munich, Germany
Obs defaultObs = {
{degms2rad(48, 8, 14.74), degms2rad(11, 34, 31.76), 524.0,},
// Canon EOS 600D with a 24mm lens
Camera defaultCamera = {
{0, 0, 0,},
double _sdG = 0;
double _cdG = 0;
double gammab_fw(double jd, double dut1, double dt);
double phib_fw(double jd, double dut1, double dt);
double psib_fw(double jd, double dut1, double dt);
double epsA_fw(double jd, double dut1, double dt);
void sXY(double jd, double dut1, double dt, double *s, double *X, double *Y);
gx2eq00(Gxloc gx)
double sb, cb, slCPl, clCPl, sd, saaGcd, caaGcd;
Eqloc eq;
if(_sdG==0) _sdG = sin(deg2rad(27.12825));
if(_cdG==0) _cdG = cos(deg2rad(27.12825));
sb = sin(gx.b);
cb = cos(gx.b);
slCPl = sin(deg2rad(122.93192)-gx.l);
clCPl = cos(deg2rad(122.93192)-gx.l);
sd = sb*_sdG + cb*_cdG*clCPl;
saaGcd = cb*slCPl;
caaGcd = sb*_cdG - cb*_sdG*clCPl;
eq.dec = asin(sd);
eq.ra = atan2(saaGcd, caaGcd) + deg2rad(192.85948);
while(eq.ra<-PIO2) eq.ra+=PI;
while(eq.ra>PIO2) eq.ra -= PI;
return eq;
eq2gx00(Eqloc eq)
double sd, cd, saaG, caaG, sb, slCPlcb, clCPlcb;
Gxloc gx;
if(_sdG==0) _sdG = sin(deg2rad(27.12825));
if(_cdG==0) _cdG = cos(deg2rad(27.12825));
sd = sin(eq.dec);
cd = cos(eq.dec);
saaG = sin(eq.ra - deg2rad(192.85948));
caaG = cos(eq.ra - deg2rad(192.85948));
sb = sd*_sdG + cd*_cdG*caaG;
slCPlcb = cd*saaG;
clCPlcb = sd*_cdG - cd*_sdG*caaG;
gx.b = asin(sb);
gx.l = deg2rad(122.93192) - atan2(slCPlcb, clCPlcb);
while(gx.l<-PIO2) gx.l+=PI;
while(gx.l>PIO2) gx.l -= PI;
return gx;
eq2hz(Eqloc eq, Gdloc geod, double jdutc, double dut1, double dt)
double gst, /* tU, era, */ h, sph, cph, sd, cd, sh, ch, u, v, w;
Hzloc hz;
gst = gast(jdutc, dut1, dt);
h = gst + geod.lng - eq.ra;
tU = jd+dut1-JD00;
era = TWOPI * (tU -(long)tU + 0.7790572732640 + 0.00273781191135448 * tU);
h = era + geod.lng - eq.ra;
sph = sin(geod.lat);
cph = cos(geod.lat);
sd = sin(eq.dec);
cd = cos(eq.dec);
sh = sin(h);
ch = cos(h);
u = sd*cph - cd*ch*sph;
v = -cd*sh;
w = sd*sph + cd*ch*cph;
hz.az = atan2(v, u);
hz.az = hz.az < 0.0 ? hz.az+TWOPI : hz.az;
hz.z = acos(w);
//hz.z = PIO2 - atan2(w, sqrt(u*u+v*v));
return hz;
hz2eq(Hzloc hz, Gdloc geod, double jdutc, double dut1, double dt)
double sph, cph, saz, caz, sz, cz, u, v, w, h, gst;
Eqloc eq;
sph = sin(geod.lat);
cph = cos(geod.lat);
saz = sin(hz.az);
caz = cos(hz.az);
sz = sin(hz.z);
cz = cos(hz.z);
u = cz*cph - caz*sz*sph;
v = -saz*sz;
w = cz*sph + caz*sz*cph;
h = atan2(v, u);
gst = gast(jdutc, dut1, dt);
eq.ra = gst + geod.lng - h;
eq.dec = asin(w);
//eq.dec = atan2(w, sqrt(u*u+v*v));
return eq;
hz2pxl(Camera *c, Hzloc hz)
double dz, daz, tz, taz, sr, cr;
Planar pt, ptr, px;
dz = hz.z - (c->angle).z;
daz = hz.az - (c->angle).az;
tz = tan(dz);
taz = tan(daz);
sr = sin((c->angle).roll);
cr = cos((c->angle).roll);
pt.x = -c->f*tz;
pt.y = c->f*taz;
ptr.x = pt.x*cr-pt.y*sr;
ptr.y = pt.x*sr+pt.y*cr;
while(dz < -PI) dz += TWOPI;
while(dz > PI) dz -= TWOPI;
while(daz < -PI) daz += TWOPI;
while(daz > PI) daz -= TWOPI;
/* behind the camera */
if(dz < -PIO2 || dz > PIO2 || daz < -PIO2 || daz > PIO2){
px.x = NaN();
px.y = NaN();
return px;
px.x = ptr.x*c->wpx/c->w;
px.y = ptr.y*c->hpx/c->h;
return px;
pxl2hz(Camera *c, Planar px)
double sr, cr, tz, taz;
Planar pt, ptr;
Hzloc hz;
sr = sin(c->angle.roll);
cr = cos(c->angle.roll);
ptr.x = px.x*c->w/c->wpx;
ptr.y = px.y*c->h/c->hpx;
pt.x = ptr.x*cr+ptr.y*sr;
pt.y = -ptr.x*sr+ptr.y*cr;
tz = -pt.x / c->f;
taz = -pt.y / c->f;
hz.z = c->angle.z + atan(tz);
hz.az = c->angle.az + atan(taz);
return hz;
gast(double jd, double dut1, double dt)
double tU, t, era, gmst;
tU = jd+dut1-JD00;
t = (tU+dt)/JDX100;
/* earth rotation angle is used for the CIO-based hour angle */
era = TWOPI * (tU -(long)tU + 0.7790572732640 + 0.00273781191135448 * tU);
/* from Fukushima 2003 */
gmst = era +
(0.012911569 + t*4612.160517397) * DSEC +
t*t*(1.391542507 + t*(-0.000124849 + t*(-0.000004991 + t*(-0.000000479)))) * DSEC;
// /* GMST approx from Capitaine et al. 2005 */
// gmst = era + DSEC * (((((
// -0.0000000368)*t +
// -0.000029956)*t +
// -0.00000044)*t +
// 1.3915817)*t +
// 4612.156534)*t +
// 0.014506;
return gmst+eqeqx(jd, dut1, dt);
eqeqx(double jd, double dut1, double dt)
double tU, t, om, lm, ls, gs, gls, dpsi, epsbar;
tU = jd+dut1-JD00;
t = (tU+dt)/JDX100;
/* longitude of the scending node of moon's orbit */
om = (125.04452 + t*(-134.136261 + t*(0.0020708 + t/450000.0))) * DEG;
/* mean longitude of the moon */
lm = (218.31654591 + t*(481267.88134236 + t*(-0.00163 + t*(1./538841.0 - t/65194000.0)))) * DEG;
/* mean longitude of the sun */
ls = (280.46645 + t*(36000.76983 + t*0.0003032)) * DEG;
/* mean anomaly of the sun */
gs = (357.52910 + t*(35999.05030 + t*( -0.0001559 + t*(-0.00000048)))) * DEG;
/* geometric longitude of the sun */
gls = ls + ( (1.9146000 + t*(-0.004817 + t*(- 0.000014)))*sin(gs) + (0.019993 - 0.000101*t)*sin(2.0*gs) + 0.000290*sin(3.0*gs) ) * DEG;
dpsi = ( -17.20*sin(om) - 1.32*sin(gls+gls) - 0.23*sin(lm+lm) + 0.21*sin(om+om) ) * DSEC;
epsbar = (84381.448 + t*(-46.8150 + t*(-0.00059 + t*0.001813))) * DSEC;
return dpsi*cos(epsbar) + (0.00264*sin(om) + 0.000063*sin(om+om)) * DSEC;
saemundsson(Obs *o, double z)
return -h2rad(1.02/60.0) *
o->P/101.0 *
283.0/o->T /
/* functions below this line are not used at the moment but kept for future use */
gammab_fw(double jd, double dut1, double dt)
double t;
t = (jd+dut1+dt-JD00) / JDX100;
/* from Wallace & Capitaine, 2006 (Fukushima-Williams equations) */
return ((((((
0.0000000260)*t -
0.000002788)*t -
0.00031238)*t +
0.4932044)*t +
10.556378)*t -
0.052928) * DSEC;
phib_fw(double jd, double dut1, double dt)
double t;
t = (jd+dut1+dt-JD00) / JDX100;
/* from Wallace & Capitaine, 2006 (Fukushima-Williams equations) */
return ((((((
-0.0000000176)*t -
0.000000440)*t +
0.00053289)*t +
0.0511268)*t -
46.811016)*t +
84381.412819) * DSEC;
psib_fw(double jd, double dut1, double dt)
double t;
t = (jd+dut1+dt-JD00) / JDX100;
/* from Wallace & Capitaine, 2006 (Fukushima-Williams equations) */
return ((((((
-0.0000000148)*t +
0.000026452)*t -
0.00018522)*t -
1.5584175)*t +
5038.481484)*t -
0.041775) * DSEC;
epsA_fw(double jd, double dut1, double dt)
double t;
t = (jd+dut1+dt-JD00) / JDX100;
/* from Wallace & Capitaine, 2006 (Fukushima-Williams equations) */
return ((((((
-0.0000000434)*t -
0.000000576)*t +
0.00200340)*t -
0.0001831)*t -
46.836769)*t +
84381.406) * DSEC;
sXY(double jd, double dut1, double dt, double *s, double *X, double *Y)
double tau, t, sXY2, Omega;
tau = jd+dut1+dt-JD00;
t = tau / JDX100;
sXY2 = (((((15.62*t + 27.98)*t - 72574.11)*t - 122.68)*t + 3808.65)*t + 94.0);
Omega = 2.182 - 9.242e-4*t;
*X = 2.6603e-7*t - 33.2e-6*sin(Omega);
*Y = -8.14e-14*t*t+44.6e-6*cos(Omega);
*s = sXY2 - (*X)*(*Y)/2;