implement Pgfuncs;
include "sys.m";
sys : Sys;
include "draw.m";
include "bufio.m";
bufio: Bufio;
Iobuf: import bufio;
include "pgbase.m";
pgbase :PgBase;
Connection : import pgbase;
include "pg_catalogue.m";
pgcatalogue : PgCatalogue;
Catalogue : import pgcatalogue;
include "factotum.m";
auth : Factotum;
# I did try
Pgfuncs: module
init: fn(ctxt: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string);
debug : con 0;
err_chan : chan of string;
txt : string;
while((txt = <- err_chan) != nil) {
sys->print("%s\n", txt);
init(nil: ref Draw->Context, args: list of string)
sys = load Sys Sys->PATH;
auth = load Factotum Factotum->PATH;
pgcatalogue = load PgCatalogue "pg_catalogue.dis";
err_chan = chan of string;
spawn logger();
if(len args != 6) {
sys->print("usage : pgfuncs ip port username password database");
ip := hd tl args;
port := hd tl tl args;
username := hd tl tl tl args;
password := hd tl tl tl tl args;
database := hd tl tl tl tl tl args;
(user, pass) := auth->getuserpasswd("server=" + ip + " service=pgsql user=" + username);
if(user != nil)
err_chan <- = "password correct from factotum";
conn := pgcatalogue->new_connection(ip, port, username, password, database, nil, nil);
cat := pgcatalogue->new_catalogue(conn);
if(cat == nil)
raise "catalogue creation failed";
cat.err_chan = err_chan;
(err, u) := cat.user_sysid("webmaster");
if(err == nil)
# Put Limbo pgfuncs ; kill Do; kill PgBase