# MiniLight Python : minimal global illumination renderer
# Copyright (c) 2007-2008, Harrison Ainsworth / HXA7241 and Juraj Sukop.
# http://www.hxa7241.org/
from math import log10
from vector3f import Vector3f
PPM_ID = 'P6'
MINILIGHT_URI = 'http://www.hxa7241.org/minilight/'
RGB_LUMINANCE = Vector3f(0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722)
class Image(object):
def __init__(self, in_stream):
for line in in_stream:
if not line.isspace():
self.width, self.height = map(lambda dimension: min(max(1, int(dimension)), 10000), line.split())
self.pixels = [0.0] * self.width * self.height * 3
def add_to_pixel(self, x, y, radiance):
if x >= 0 and x < self.width and y >= 0 and y < self.height:
index = (x + ((self.height - 1 - y) * self.width)) * 3
for a in radiance:
self.pixels[index] += a
index += 1
def get_formatted(self, out, iteration):
divider = 1.0 / ((iteration if iteration > 0 else 0) + 1)
tonemap_scaling = self.calculate_tone_mapping(self.pixels, divider)
out.write('%s\n# %s\n\n%u %u\n255\n' % (PPM_ID, MINILIGHT_URI, self.width, self.height))
for channel in self.pixels:
mapped = channel * divider * tonemap_scaling
gammaed = (mapped if mapped > 0.0 else 0.0) ** GAMMA_ENCODE
out.write(chr(min(int((gammaed * 255.0) + 0.5), 255)))
def calculate_tone_mapping(self, pixels, divider):
sum_of_logs = 0.0
for i in range(len(pixels) / 3):
y = Vector3f(pixels[i * 3: i * 3 + 3]).dot(RGB_LUMINANCE) * divider
sum_of_logs += log10(y if y > 1e-4 else 1e-4)
log_mean_luminance = 10.0 ** (sum_of_logs / (len(pixels) / 3))
a = 1.219 + (DISPLAY_LUMINANCE_MAX * 0.25) ** 0.4
b = 1.219 + log_mean_luminance ** 0.4
return ((a / b) ** 2.5) / DISPLAY_LUMINANCE_MAX