�9�c@s�dZddlZddlZddlZddlmZddlmZddlm Z ddl
eje�ZdgZdejfd��YZd ejfd
efd��YZdS(s�nose unittest.TestCase subclasses. It is not necessary to subclass these
classes when writing tests; they are used internally by nose.loader.TestLoader
to create test cases from test functions and methods in test classes.
isfunction(tConfig(tFailure(tresolve_namettest_addressttry_runtTestcBs�eZdZeZddd�Zd�Zd�Zd�Z d�Z
d �Zd
�Zd�ZRS(s�The universal test case wrapper.
When a plugin sees a test, it will always see an instance of this
class. To access the actual test case that will be run, access the
test property of the nose.case.Test instance.
cCs�t|�std|��n||_|dkr@t�}n||_d|_d|_||_|j |_ d|_
|�dS(NsTnose.case.Test called with argument %r that is not callable. A callable is required.(tcallablet TypeErrorttesttNoneRtconfigttbinfotcapturedOutputtresultProxytpluginstpassedtunittesttTestCaset__init__(tselfR RR((s-/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.pyRs
cOs|j||�S(N(trun(Rtargtkwarg((s-/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.pyt__call__,scCs/|jj|�}|dk r"|St|j�S(N(RttestNameR
tstrR (Rtname((s-/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.pyt__str__/scCsd|jS(NsTest(%r)(R (R((s-/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.pyt__repr__5scCs2y
r nX||j�dS(s>Called after test is complete (after result.stopTest)
N(t afterTesttAttributeErrorR (RtresultR((s-/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.pyR8s
r nX||j�dS(s<Called before test is run (before result.startTest)
beforeTestRR (RR R!((s-/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.pyR!Bs
cCs"tj�\}}}|||fS(s Extract exception info.
|jj�S(s0Get a short(er) description of the test
(R tid(R((s-/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.pyR'RscCs0t|jd�r|jj�St|j�SdS(s�Return a round-trip name for this test, a name that can be
fed back as input to loadTestByName and (assuming the same
plugin configuration) result in the loading of this test.
taddressN(thasattrR R(R(R((s-/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.pyR(Ws
rknXdS(N(R tcontextRt __class__Rt
s-Get the context object of this test (if any).cCs�|jr|j||�}nz[y|j|�|j|�Wn6tk
rU�n#tj�}|j||�nXWd|j|�XdS(sModified run for the test wrapper.
From here we don't call result.startTest or stopTest or
addSuccess. The wrapper calls addError/addFailure only if its
own setup or teardown fails, or running the wrapped test fails
(eg, if the wrapped "test" is not callable).
Two additional methods are called, beforeTest and
afterTest. These give plugins a chance to modify the wrapped
test before it is called and do cleanup after it is
called. They are called unconditionally.
N(RR!trunTesttKeyboardInterruptR"R#taddErrorR(RR terr((s-/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.pyRss
cCsA|j}|jjj|�}|dk r3|}n||�dS(s�Run the test. Plugins may alter the test by returning a
value from prepareTestCase. The value must be callable and
must accept one argument, the result instance.
N(R RRtprepareTestCaseR
(RR R t plug_test((s-/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.pyR.�s
cCs�|jj|�}|dk r"|S|j}y|jj�|_Wn;tk
rzqXnXy|jj�}Wnt k
|j�kr�dSWnt k
R t_testMethodDoctstripRt_TestCase__testMethodDoctshortDescriptiont ExceptionR(RtdescR ((s-/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.pyR8�s*
tTestBasecBs/eZdZeZd�Zd�Zd�ZRS(sBCommon functionality for FunctionTestCase and MethodTestCase.
t|�S(N(R(R((s-/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.pyR'�scCs|j|j�dS(N(R R(R((s-/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.pyR.�scCsrt|jd�r|jjS|j�\}}t|dd�}|sUt|�}n|j�jd�dj�S(NtdescriptionR<s
i( R)R RAt_descriptorstgetattrR
tFunctionTestCasecBs}eZdZeZd d e�d d�Zd�Zd�Z e
e d d d�Zd�Zd�Z
s�TestCase wrapper for test functions.
Don't use this class directly; it is used internally in nose to
create test cases for test functions.
cCs>||_||_||_||_||_tj|�dS(sInitialize the MethodTestCase.
Required argument:
* test -- the test function to call.
Optional arguments:
* setUp -- function to run at setup.
* tearDown -- function to run at teardown.
* arg -- arguments to pass to the test function. This is to support
generator functions that yield arguments.
* descriptor -- the function, other than the test, that should be used
to construct the test name. This is to support generator functions.
N(R t setUpFuncttearDownFuncRt
descriptorR@R(RR tsetUpttearDownRRJ((s-/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.pyR�s cCs-|jdk rt|j�St|j�SdS(s�Return a round-trip name for this test, a name that can be
fed back as input to loadTestByName and (assuming the same
plugin configuration) result in the loading of this test.
RR (R((s-/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.pyR(�s
cCst|jj�S(N(RR R,(R((s-/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.pyR-�ss!Get context (module) of this testcCs0|jr|j�nd}t|j|�dS(s=Run any setup function attached to the test function
tsetupRKRHN(ssetupssetUps setUpFunc(RHRR (Rtnames((s-/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.pyRKs
cCs0|jr|j�nd}t|j|�dS(s@Run any teardown function attached to the test function
tteardownRLRIN(ROstearDownstearDownFunc(RIRR (RRN((s-/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.pyRL
cCsf|j�\}}t|d�r-|j}n |j}d|j|f}|rbd||f}n|S(Ntcompat_func_names%s.%ss%s%s(RBR)RPR;R,(RRERR((s-/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.pyRs cCs-|jr|j|jfS|j|jfSdS(sfGet the descriptors of the test function: the function and
arguments that will be used to construct the test name. In
most cases, this is the function itself and no arguments. For
tests generated by generator functions, the original
(generator) function and args passed to the generated function
are returned.
N(RJRR (R((s-/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.pyRB%s N(R;R,R<R=R>R
tMethodTestCasecBszeZdZeZd e�d d�Zd�ZeZ d�Z
d�Zeed d d�Z
s�Test case wrapper for test methods.
Don't use this class directly; it is used internally in nose to
create test cases for test methods.
|�dS(s�Initialize the MethodTestCase.
Required argument:
* method -- the method to call, may be bound or unbound. In either
case, a new instance of the method's class will be instantiated to
make the call. Note: In Python 3.x, if using an unbound method, you
must wrap it using pyversion.unbound_method.
Optional arguments:
* test -- the test function to call. If this is passed, it will be
called instead of getting a new bound method of the same name as the
desired method from the test instance. This is to support generator
methods that yield inline functions.
* arg -- arguments to pass to the test function. This is to support
generator methods that yield arguments.
* descriptor -- the function, other than the test, that should be used
to construct the test name. This is to support generator methods.
s_Unbound methods must be wrapped using pyversion.unbound_method before passing to MethodTestCaseN(tmethodR RRJRt
R;RCR@R(RRSR RRJtmethod_name((s-/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.pyR;s cCsr|j�\}}t|d�r-|j}n |j}d|jj|jj|f}|rnd||f}n|S(NRPs%s.%s.%ss%s%s(RBR)RPR;RVR,(RRERR((s-/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.pyR_s
cCs-|jdk rt|j�St|j�SdS(s�Return a round-trip name for this test, a name that can be
fed back as input to loadTestByName and (assuming the same
plugin configuration) result in the loading of this test.
cCs|jS(N(RV(R((s-/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.pyR-wss Get context (class) of this testcCst|jd�dS(NRMRK(ssetupssetUp(RRW(R((s-/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.pyRK|scCst|jd�dS(NRORL(steardownstearDown(RRW(R((s-/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.pyRLscCs-|jr|j|jfS|j|jfSdS(sgGet the descriptors of the test method: the method and
arguments that will be used to construct the test name. In
most cases, this is the method itself and no arguments. For
tests generated by generator methods, the original
(generator) method and args passed to the generated method
or function are returned.
N(RJRRS(R((s-/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.pyRB�s N(R;R,R<R=R>R
(R<tloggingR"RtinspectRtnose.configRtnose.failureRt nose.utilRRRt getLoggerR;tlogt__all__RRR@RGRR(((s-/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nose/case.pyt<module>s �b