"""nose unittest.TestCase subclasses. It is not necessary to subclass these
classes when writing tests; they are used internally by nose.loader.TestLoader
to create test cases from test functions and methods in test classes.
import logging
import sys
import unittest
from inspect import isfunction
from nose.config import Config
from nose.failure import Failure # for backwards compatibility
from nose.util import resolve_name, test_address, try_run
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__all__ = ['Test']
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
"""The universal test case wrapper.
When a plugin sees a test, it will always see an instance of this
class. To access the actual test case that will be run, access the
test property of the nose.case.Test instance.
__test__ = False # do not collect
def __init__(self, test, config=None, resultProxy=None):
# sanity check
if not callable(test):
raise TypeError("nose.case.Test called with argument %r that "
"is not callable. A callable is required."
% test)
self.test = test
if config is None:
config = Config()
self.config = config
self.tbinfo = None
self.capturedOutput = None
self.resultProxy = resultProxy
self.plugins = config.plugins
self.passed = None
def __call__(self, *arg, **kwarg):
return self.run(*arg, **kwarg)
def __str__(self):
name = self.plugins.testName(self)
if name is not None:
return name
return str(self.test)
def __repr__(self):
return "Test(%r)" % self.test
def afterTest(self, result):
"""Called after test is complete (after result.stopTest)
afterTest = result.afterTest
except AttributeError:
def beforeTest(self, result):
"""Called before test is run (before result.startTest)
beforeTest = result.beforeTest
except AttributeError:
def exc_info(self):
"""Extract exception info.
exc, exv, tb = sys.exc_info()
return (exc, exv, tb)
def id(self):
"""Get a short(er) description of the test
return self.test.id()
def address(self):
"""Return a round-trip name for this test, a name that can be
fed back as input to loadTestByName and (assuming the same
plugin configuration) result in the loading of this test.
if hasattr(self.test, 'address'):
return self.test.address()
# not a nose case
return test_address(self.test)
def _context(self):
return self.test.context
except AttributeError:
return self.test.__class__
except AttributeError:
return resolve_name(self.test.__module__)
except AttributeError:
return None
context = property(_context, None, None,
"""Get the context object of this test (if any).""")
def run(self, result):
"""Modified run for the test wrapper.
From here we don't call result.startTest or stopTest or
addSuccess. The wrapper calls addError/addFailure only if its
own setup or teardown fails, or running the wrapped test fails
(eg, if the wrapped "test" is not callable).
Two additional methods are called, beforeTest and
afterTest. These give plugins a chance to modify the wrapped
test before it is called and do cleanup after it is
called. They are called unconditionally.
if self.resultProxy:
result = self.resultProxy(result, self)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
err = sys.exc_info()
result.addError(self, err)
def runTest(self, result):
"""Run the test. Plugins may alter the test by returning a
value from prepareTestCase. The value must be callable and
must accept one argument, the result instance.
test = self.test
plug_test = self.config.plugins.prepareTestCase(self)
if plug_test is not None:
test = plug_test
def shortDescription(self):
desc = self.plugins.describeTest(self)
if desc is not None:
return desc
# work around bug in unittest.TestCase.shortDescription
# with multiline docstrings.
test = self.test
test._testMethodDoc = test._testMethodDoc.strip()# 2.5
except AttributeError:
# 2.4 and earlier
test._TestCase__testMethodDoc = \
except AttributeError:
# 2.7 compat: shortDescription() always returns something
# which is a change from 2.6 and below, and breaks the
# testName plugin call.
desc = self.test.shortDescription()
except Exception:
# this is probably caused by a problem in test.__str__() and is
# only triggered by python 3.1's unittest!
if desc == str(self.test):
except Exception:
# If str() triggers an exception then ignore it.
# see issue 422
return desc
class TestBase(unittest.TestCase):
"""Common functionality for FunctionTestCase and MethodTestCase.
__test__ = False # do not collect
def id(self):
return str(self)
def runTest(self):
def shortDescription(self):
if hasattr(self.test, 'description'):
return self.test.description
func, arg = self._descriptors()
doc = getattr(func, '__doc__', None)
if not doc:
doc = str(self)
return doc.strip().split("\n")[0].strip()
class FunctionTestCase(TestBase):
"""TestCase wrapper for test functions.
Don't use this class directly; it is used internally in nose to
create test cases for test functions.
__test__ = False # do not collect
def __init__(self, test, setUp=None, tearDown=None, arg=tuple(),
"""Initialize the MethodTestCase.
Required argument:
* test -- the test function to call.
Optional arguments:
* setUp -- function to run at setup.
* tearDown -- function to run at teardown.
* arg -- arguments to pass to the test function. This is to support
generator functions that yield arguments.
* descriptor -- the function, other than the test, that should be used
to construct the test name. This is to support generator functions.
self.test = test
self.setUpFunc = setUp
self.tearDownFunc = tearDown
self.arg = arg
self.descriptor = descriptor
def address(self):
"""Return a round-trip name for this test, a name that can be
fed back as input to loadTestByName and (assuming the same
plugin configuration) result in the loading of this test.
if self.descriptor is not None:
return test_address(self.descriptor)
return test_address(self.test)
def _context(self):
return resolve_name(self.test.__module__)
context = property(_context, None, None,
"""Get context (module) of this test""")
def setUp(self):
"""Run any setup function attached to the test function
if self.setUpFunc:
names = ('setup', 'setUp', 'setUpFunc')
try_run(self.test, names)
def tearDown(self):
"""Run any teardown function attached to the test function
if self.tearDownFunc:
names = ('teardown', 'tearDown', 'tearDownFunc')
try_run(self.test, names)
def __str__(self):
func, arg = self._descriptors()
if hasattr(func, 'compat_func_name'):
name = func.compat_func_name
name = func.__name__
name = "%s.%s" % (func.__module__, name)
if arg:
name = "%s%s" % (name, arg)
# FIXME need to include the full dir path to disambiguate
# in cases where test module of the same name was seen in
# another directory (old fromDirectory)
return name
__repr__ = __str__
def _descriptors(self):
"""Get the descriptors of the test function: the function and
arguments that will be used to construct the test name. In
most cases, this is the function itself and no arguments. For
tests generated by generator functions, the original
(generator) function and args passed to the generated function
are returned.
if self.descriptor:
return self.descriptor, self.arg
return self.test, self.arg
class MethodTestCase(TestBase):
"""Test case wrapper for test methods.
Don't use this class directly; it is used internally in nose to
create test cases for test methods.
__test__ = False # do not collect
def __init__(self, method, test=None, arg=tuple(), descriptor=None):
"""Initialize the MethodTestCase.
Required argument:
* method -- the method to call, may be bound or unbound. In either
case, a new instance of the method's class will be instantiated to
make the call. Note: In Python 3.x, if using an unbound method, you
must wrap it using pyversion.unbound_method.
Optional arguments:
* test -- the test function to call. If this is passed, it will be
called instead of getting a new bound method of the same name as the
desired method from the test instance. This is to support generator
methods that yield inline functions.
* arg -- arguments to pass to the test function. This is to support
generator methods that yield arguments.
* descriptor -- the function, other than the test, that should be used
to construct the test name. This is to support generator methods.
self.method = method
self.test = test
self.arg = arg
self.descriptor = descriptor
if isfunction(method):
raise ValueError("Unbound methods must be wrapped using pyversion.unbound_method before passing to MethodTestCase")
self.cls = method.im_class
self.inst = self.cls()
if self.test is None:
method_name = self.method.__name__
self.test = getattr(self.inst, method_name)
def __str__(self):
func, arg = self._descriptors()
if hasattr(func, 'compat_func_name'):
name = func.compat_func_name
name = func.__name__
name = "%s.%s.%s" % (self.cls.__module__,
if arg:
name = "%s%s" % (name, arg)
return name
__repr__ = __str__
def address(self):
"""Return a round-trip name for this test, a name that can be
fed back as input to loadTestByName and (assuming the same
plugin configuration) result in the loading of this test.
if self.descriptor is not None:
return test_address(self.descriptor)
return test_address(self.method)
def _context(self):
return self.cls
context = property(_context, None, None,
"""Get context (class) of this test""")
def setUp(self):
try_run(self.inst, ('setup', 'setUp'))
def tearDown(self):
try_run(self.inst, ('teardown', 'tearDown'))
def _descriptors(self):
"""Get the descriptors of the test method: the method and
arguments that will be used to construct the test name. In
most cases, this is the method itself and no arguments. For
tests generated by generator methods, the original
(generator) method and args passed to the generated method
or function are returned.
if self.descriptor:
return self.descriptor, self.arg
return self.method, self.arg