Just-JNI (call into Java from Perl only)
This has been tested with:
Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 i386, perl 5.6.0, Kaffe (CVS, 2000-12-05 or later)
RedHat 6.1, perl-5.00503-6 (RedHat RPM), IBM JDK 1.1.8
Debian 2.1 SPARC, Perl 5.005_60, JDK 1.2 beta (crashes with AWT, though)
Windows NT 4.0 SP4, ActivePerl 519, JDK 1.1.8, Visual C++
Solaris 7, Perl 5.005_03, JDK 1.1.6, GCC 2.8.1
Solaris 7 Note (this probably applies to all native thread situations):
Native threads were tricky. I had to build my own Perl, configured with:
sh Configure -Dprefix=/opt/perl5.005 -Duseshrplib -Doptimize=-g \
-Uusemymalloc -D cc=gcc -Dusethreads -d
When Configure let me edit config.sh, I changed libs to:
libs='-lthread -lsocket -lnsl -ldl -lm -lposix4 -lpthread -lc -lcrypt'
The leading -lthread is the only thing I had to add.
Kaffe Note:
I believe that Kaffe with JIT enabled will likely be problematic. I had a
lot of trouble with it, that simply went away with interpreter-based Kaffe.
FWIW, here's how I configured Kaffe:
env AM_CPPFLAGS=-DDEBUG CFLAGS="-O0 -ggdb" ./configure --disable-gcj \
Likely you don't need all that debugging stuff.
Also, when I build perl, I do this, to be on the safe side. I was worried
about thread interaction, but realized there was no need to build threaded
perl, but I thought that the perl code should probably be reentrant, so, I
did this:
sh ./Configure -Dcc=gcc -Doptimize='-D_REENTRANT -DDEBUGGING -ggdb' \
-Dlibperl='libperl.so' -Duseshrplib='true'
Again, you likely don't need the debugging flags.
How do I do this crazy thing?
1) Cd into the JPL directory. Type the following:
perl Makefile.PL
make install
Under windows, that's:
perl Makefile.PL
nmake install
3) cd into the JNI directory (cd ../JNI or cd ..\JNI)
4) We now need to compile and make the Closer.class available to your
JPL program. Closer is a WindowListener that closes the Frame we
make in the test program.
It seems that we've managed to fix the problem with CLASSPATH not
getting propagated to the JVM, so if '.' is in your CLASSPATH, you
should be able to compile Closer.java and leave it in the current
javac Closer.java
or perhaps
jikes Closer.java
5) Make the demo:
a) type the following:
for SUN's proprietary software Java:
env JAVA_HOME=/path/to/java perl Makefile.PL
# setting the JAVA_HOME enviornment variable might not be needed
# if Java is in installed in a canonical location
make test
for Kaffe:
env KAFFE_PREFIX=/kaffe/installation/prefix perl Makefile.PL
# setting the KAFFE_PREFIX enviornment variable might not be needed
# if Kaffe is in a canonical location
make test
Under Windows:
perl Makefile.PL
nmake test
b) if all went well, type:
make install
or, under Windows:
nmake install