Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fgb/root/sys/lib/ape/man/3/dlopen

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.\" Copyright (c) 2001-2003 The Open Group, All Rights Reserved 
.TH "DLOPEN" 3P 2003 "IEEE/The Open Group" "POSIX Programmer's Manual"
.\" dlopen 
This manual page is part of the POSIX Programmer's Manual.
The Linux implementation of this interface may differ (consult
the corresponding Linux manual page for details of Linux behavior),
or the interface may not be implemented on Linux.
dlopen \- gain access to an executable object file
\fB#include <dlfcn.h>
void *dlopen(const char *\fP\fIfile\fP\fB, int\fP \fImode\fP\fB);
The \fIdlopen\fP() function shall make an executable object file specified
by \fIfile\fP available to the calling program. The
class of files eligible for this operation and the manner of their
construction are implementation-defined, though typically such
files are executable objects such as shared libraries, relocatable
files, or programs. Note that some implementations permit the
construction of dependencies between such objects that are embedded
within files. In such cases, a \fIdlopen\fP() operation shall
load such dependencies in addition to the object referenced by \fIfile\fP.
Implementations may also impose specific constraints on
the construction of programs that can employ \fIdlopen\fP() and its
related services.
A successful \fIdlopen\fP() shall return a \fIhandle\fP which the
caller may use on subsequent calls to \fIdlsym\fP() and \fIdlclose\fP().
The value of this
\fIhandle\fP should not be interpreted in any way by the caller.
The \fIfile\fP argument is used to construct a pathname to the object
file. If \fIfile\fP contains a slash character, the
\fIfile\fP argument is used as the pathname for the file. Otherwise,
\fIfile\fP is used in an implementation-defined manner to
yield a pathname.
If the value of \fIfile\fP is 0, \fIdlopen\fP() shall provide a \fIhandle\fP
on a global symbol object. This object shall
provide access to the symbols from an ordered set of objects consisting
of the original program image file, together with any
objects loaded at program start-up as specified by that process image
file (for example, shared libraries), and the set of objects
loaded using a \fIdlopen\fP() operation together with the RTLD_GLOBAL
flag. As the latter set of objects can change during
execution, the set identified by \fIhandle\fP can also change dynamically.
Only a single copy of an object file is brought into the address space,
even if \fIdlopen\fP() is invoked multiple times in
reference to the file, and even if different pathnames are used to
reference the file.
The \fImode\fP parameter describes how \fIdlopen\fP() shall operate
upon \fIfile\fP with respect to the processing of
relocations and the scope of visibility of the symbols provided within
\fIfile\fP. When an object is brought into the address
space of a process, it may contain references to symbols whose addresses
are not known until the object is loaded. These references
shall be relocated before the symbols can be accessed. The \fImode\fP
parameter governs when these relocations take place and may
have the following values:
.TP 7
Relocations shall be performed at an implementation-defined time,
ranging from the time of the \fIdlopen\fP() call until the
first reference to a given symbol occurs. Specifying RTLD_LAZY should
improve performance on implementations supporting dynamic
symbol binding as a process may not reference all of the functions
in any given object. And, for systems supporting dynamic symbol
resolution for normal process execution, this behavior mimics the
normal handling of process execution.
.TP 7
All necessary relocations shall be performed when the object is first
loaded. This may waste some processing if relocations are
performed for functions that are never referenced. This behavior may
be useful for applications that need to know as soon as an
object is loaded that all symbols referenced during execution are
Any object loaded by \fIdlopen\fP() that requires relocations against
global symbols can reference the symbols in the original
process image file, any objects loaded at program start-up, from the
object itself as well as any other object included in the same
\fIdlopen\fP() invocation, and any objects that were loaded in any
\fIdlopen\fP() invocation and which specified the RTLD_GLOBAL
flag. To determine the scope of visibility for the symbols loaded
with a \fIdlopen\fP() invocation, the \fImode\fP parameter
should be a bitwise-inclusive OR with one of the following values:
.TP 7
The object's symbols shall be made available for the relocation processing
of any other object. In addition, symbol lookup
using \fIdlopen\fP(\fI0, mode\fP) and an associated \fIdlsym\fP()
allows objects loaded
with this \fImode\fP to be searched.
.TP 7
The object's symbols shall not be made available for the relocation
processing of any other object.
If neither RTLD_GLOBAL nor RTLD_LOCAL are specified, then an implementation-defined
default behavior shall be applied.
If a \fIfile\fP is specified in multiple \fIdlopen\fP() invocations,
\fImode\fP is interpreted at each invocation. Note,
however, that once RTLD_NOW has been specified all relocations shall
have been completed rendering further RTLD_NOW operations
redundant and any further RTLD_LAZY operations irrelevant. Similarly,
note that once RTLD_GLOBAL has been specified the object
shall maintain the RTLD_GLOBAL status regardless of any previous or
future specification of RTLD_LOCAL, as long as the object
remains in the address space (see \fIdlclose\fP()).
Symbols introduced into a program through calls to \fIdlopen\fP()
may be used in relocation activities. Symbols so introduced
may duplicate symbols already defined by the program or previous \fIdlopen\fP()
operations. To resolve the ambiguities such a
situation might present, the resolution of a symbol reference to symbol
definition is based on a symbol resolution order. Two such
resolution orders are defined: \fIload\fP or \fIdependency\fP ordering.
Load order establishes an ordering among symbol
definitions, such that the definition first loaded (including definitions
from the image file and any dependent objects loaded with
it) has priority over objects added later (via \fIdlopen\fP()). Load
ordering is used in relocation processing. Dependency
ordering uses a breadth-first order starting with a given object,
then all of its dependencies, then any dependents of those,
iterating until all dependencies are satisfied. With the exception
of the global symbol object obtained via a \fIdlopen\fP()
operation on a \fIfile\fP of 0, dependency ordering is used by the
\fIdlsym\fP() function.
Load ordering is used in \fIdlsym\fP() operations upon the global
symbol object.
When an object is first made accessible via \fIdlopen\fP() it and
its dependent objects are added in dependency order. Once all
the objects are added, relocations are performed using load order.
Note that if an object or its dependencies had been previously
loaded, the load and dependency orders may yield different resolutions.
The symbols introduced by \fIdlopen\fP() operations and available
through \fIdlsym\fP()
are at a minimum those which are exported as symbols of global scope
by the object. Typically such symbols shall be those that were
specified in (for example) C source code as having \fIextern\fP linkage.
The precise manner in which an implementation constructs
the set of exported symbols for a \fIdlopen\fP() object is specified
by that implementation.
If \fIfile\fP cannot be found, cannot be opened for reading, is not
of an appropriate object format for processing by
\fIdlopen\fP(), or if an error occurs during the process of loading
\fIfile\fP or relocating its symbolic references,
\fIdlopen\fP() shall return NULL. More detailed diagnostic information
shall be available through \fIdlerror\fP().
No errors are defined.
\fIThe following sections are informative.\fP
\fIdlclose\fP(), \fIdlerror\fP(), \fIdlsym\fP(), the Base Definitions
volume of IEEE\ Std\ 1003.1-2001, \fI<dlfcn.h>\fP
Portions of this text are reprinted and reproduced in electronic form
from IEEE Std 1003.1, 2003 Edition, Standard for Information Technology
-- Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX), The Open Group Base
Specifications Issue 6, Copyright (C) 2001-2003 by the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc and The Open Group. In the
event of any discrepancy between this version and the original IEEE and
The Open Group Standard, the original IEEE and The Open Group Standard
is the referee document. The original Standard can be obtained online at .

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