module Main (main){-export list added by partain-} where {
-- partain: with "ghc -cpp -DSLEAZY_UNBOXING", you get (guess what)?
-- without it, you get the code as originally written.
-- Things done here:
-- * The obvious unboxing (e.g., Int ==> Int#).
-- * use quot/rem, not div/mod
-- * inline PrefixElement type into PrefixTree.PT constructor
-- * cvt final clause of 3-way comparison to "otherwise"
-- * use shifts, not quot/rem (not necessary: C compiler converts
-- them just fine)
-- Obviously, more egregious hacking could be done:
-- * replace Tuple/List types that mention Ints with specialised
-- variants
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && defined(SLEAZY_UNBOXING)
#define FAST_INT Int#
#define ILIT(x) (x#)
#define IBOX(x) (I# (x))
#define _ADD_ `plusInt#`
#define _SUB_ `minusInt#`
#define _MUL_ `timesInt#`
#define _DIV_ `divInt#`
#define _QUOT_ `quotInt#`
#define _REM_ `remInt#`
#define _NEG_ negateInt#
#define _EQ_ `eqInt#`
#define _LT_ `ltInt#`
#define _LE_ `leInt#`
#define _GE_ `geInt#`
#define _GT_ `gtInt#`
#define _CHR_ chr#
#define FAST_BOOL Int#
#define _TRUE_ 1#
#define _FALSE_ 0#
#define _IS_TRUE_(x) ((x) `eqInt#` 1#)
#define FAST_CHAR Char#
#define CBOX(x) (C# (x))
data FAST_TRIPLE = TRIP [Char] Int# PrefixTree;
#define _TRIP_(a,b,c) (TRIP (a) (b) (c))
#define PrefixElement FAST_CHAR FAST_INT PrefixTree
#define _PTE_(a,b,c) (a) (b) (c)
#else {- ! __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ -}
#define FAST_INT Int
#define ILIT(x) (x)
#define IBOX(x) (x)
#define _ADD_ +
#define _SUB_ -
#define _MUL_ *
#define _DIV_ `div`
#define _QUOT_ `quot`
#define _REM_ `rem`
#define _NEG_ -
#define _EQ_ ==
#define _LT_ <
#define _LE_ <=
#define _GE_ >=
#define _GT_ >
#define _CHR_ toEnum
#define FAST_BOOL Bool
#define _TRUE_ True
#define _FALSE_ False
#define _IS_TRUE_(x) (x)
#define FAST_CHAR Char
#define CBOX(x) (x)
type FAST_TRIPLE = ([Char], Int, PrefixTree);
#define _TRIP_(a,b,c) ((a), (b), (c))
data PrefixElement = PTE FAST_CHAR FAST_INT PrefixTree;
#define _PTE_(a,b,c) (PTE (a) (b) (c))
#endif {- ! __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ -}
-- end of partain
data PrefixTree = PTNil | PT PrefixElement PrefixTree PrefixTree;
--create_code_table :: PrefixTree; -- partain: sig
create_code_table = create_code_table2 ILIT(0) ILIT(256);
create_code_table2 :: FAST_INT -> FAST_INT -> PrefixTree;
create_code_table2 first_code ILIT(0) = PTNil;
create_code_table2 first_code ILIT(1)
= PT _PTE_((_CHR_ first_code), first_code, PTNil) PTNil PTNil;
create_code_table2 first_code n_codes
= PT _PTE_((_CHR_ m_code), m_code, PTNil) left right
where {
left = create_code_table2 first_code (m_code _SUB_ first_code);
right = create_code_table2 m_code2 ((first_code _ADD_ n_codes) _SUB_ m_code2);
m_code = (first_code _ADD_ (first_code _ADD_ n_codes _SUB_ ILIT(1))) _QUOT_ ILIT(2);
m_code2 = m_code _ADD_ ILIT(1);
lzw_code_file :: [Char] -> PrefixTree -> FAST_INT -> [Int];
lzw_code_file [] code_table next_code = [];
lzw_code_file input code_table next_code
= -- partain: case-ified lazy where
case (code_string input ILIT(0) next_code code_table) of {
_TRIP_(input2,n,code_table2) ->
IBOX(n) : lzw_code_file input2 code_table2 (next_code _ADD_ ILIT(1))
code_string :: [Char] -> FAST_INT -> FAST_INT -> PrefixTree -> FAST_TRIPLE;
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && defined(SLEAZY_UNBOXING)
code_string input@(CBOX(c) : input2) old_code next_code (PT k v t {-p@(PTE k v t)-} l r)
| CBOX(c) < CBOX(k) = f1 r1 {-p-} k v t r
| CBOX(c) > CBOX(k) = f2 r2 {-p-} k v t l
| otherwise {- CBOX(c) == CBOX(k) -} = f3 r3 k v l r
code_string input@(CBOX(c) : input2) old_code next_code (PT p@(PTE k v t) l r)
| CBOX(c) < CBOX(k) = f1 r1 p r
| CBOX(c) > CBOX(k) = f2 r2 p l
| otherwise {- CBOX(c) == CBOX(k) -} = f3 r3 k v l r
where {
r1 = code_string input old_code next_code l;
r2 = code_string input old_code next_code r;
r3 = code_string input2 v next_code t;
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && defined(SLEAZY_UNBOXING)
f1 _TRIP_(input_l,nl,l2) k v t r = _TRIP_(input_l,nl,PT k v t l2 r);
f2 _TRIP_(input_r,nr,r2) k v t l = _TRIP_(input_r,nr,PT k v t l r2);
f1 _TRIP_(input_l,nl,l2) p r = _TRIP_(input_l,nl,PT p l2 r);
f2 _TRIP_(input_r,nr,r2) p l = _TRIP_(input_r,nr,PT p l r2);
f3 _TRIP_(input2,n,t2) k v l r = _TRIP_(input2, n, PT _PTE_(k, v, t2) l r);
--code_string input@(c : input2) old_code next_code (PT p@(PTE k v t) l r)
-- | c < k = (input_l,nl,PT p l' r)
-- | c > k = (input_r,nr,PT p l r')
-- | c == k = (input',n,PT (PTE k v t') l r)
-- where {
-- (input_l,nl,l') = code_string input old_code next_code l;
-- (input_r,nr,r') = code_string input old_code next_code r;
-- (input',n,t') = code_string input2 v next_code t;
-- };
code_string input@(CBOX(c) : input_file2) old_code next_code PTNil
= if (next_code _GE_ ILIT(4096))
then _TRIP_(input, old_code, PTNil)
else _TRIP_(input, old_code, PT _PTE_(c, next_code, PTNil) PTNil PTNil);
code_string [] old_code next_code code_table = _TRIP_([], old_code, PTNil);
integer_list_to_char_list (IBOX(n) : l)
= CBOX(_CHR_ (n _QUOT_ ILIT(16))) : integer_list_to_char_list2 l n;
integer_list_to_char_list [] = [];
integer_list_to_char_list2 (IBOX(c) : l) n
= CBOX(_CHR_ ((n _MUL_ ILIT(16)) _ADD_ ((c _QUOT_ ILIT(256)) _REM_ ILIT(16))))
: CBOX(_CHR_ c)
: integer_list_to_char_list l;
integer_list_to_char_list2 [] n = CBOX(_CHR_ (n _MUL_ ILIT(16))) : [];
main :: IO ();
main = getContents >>= \ input_string -> main2 input_string;
main2 :: String -> IO ();
main2 input_string
= putStr output_list
where {
output_list = integer_list_to_char_list code_list;
code_list = lzw_code_file input_string create_code_table ILIT(256);