-- |
-- Module : Data.PackedString
-- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow 2001
-- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : [email protected]
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- This API is deprecated. You might be able to use "Data.ByteString"
-- or "Data.ByteString.Char8", provided you don't need full Unicode support.
-- The long term aim is to provide a Unicode layer on "Data.ByteString",
-- and then to provide a replacement for this "Data.PackedString" API based on
-- that.
-- Original GHC implementation by Bryan O\'Sullivan,
-- rewritten to use UArray by Simon Marlow.
module Data.PackedString
{-# DEPRECATED "use Data.ByteString, Data.ByteString.Char8, or plain String." #-}
-- * The @PackedString@ type
PackedString, -- abstract, instances: Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable
-- * Converting to and from @PackedString@s
packString, -- :: String -> PackedString
unpackPS, -- :: PackedString -> String
#ifndef __NHC__
-- * I\/O with @PackedString@s
hPutPS, -- :: Handle -> PackedString -> IO ()
hGetPS, -- :: Handle -> Int -> IO PackedString
-- * List-like manipulation functions
nilPS, -- :: PackedString
consPS, -- :: Char -> PackedString -> PackedString
headPS, -- :: PackedString -> Char
tailPS, -- :: PackedString -> PackedString
nullPS, -- :: PackedString -> Bool
appendPS, -- :: PackedString -> PackedString -> PackedString
lengthPS, -- :: PackedString -> Int
indexPS, -- :: PackedString -> Int -> Char
mapPS, -- :: (Char -> Char) -> PackedString -> PackedString
filterPS, -- :: (Char -> Bool) -> PackedString -> PackedString
reversePS, -- :: PackedString -> PackedString
concatPS, -- :: [PackedString] -> PackedString
elemPS, -- :: Char -> PackedString -> Bool
substrPS, -- :: PackedString -> Int -> Int -> PackedString
takePS, -- :: Int -> PackedString -> PackedString
dropPS, -- :: Int -> PackedString -> PackedString
splitAtPS, -- :: Int -> PackedString -> (PackedString, PackedString)
foldlPS, -- :: (a -> Char -> a) -> a -> PackedString -> a
foldrPS, -- :: (Char -> a -> a) -> a -> PackedString -> a
takeWhilePS, -- :: (Char -> Bool) -> PackedString -> PackedString
dropWhilePS, -- :: (Char -> Bool) -> PackedString -> PackedString
spanPS, -- :: (Char -> Bool) -> PackedString -> (PackedString, PackedString)
breakPS, -- :: (Char -> Bool) -> PackedString -> (PackedString, PackedString)
linesPS, -- :: PackedString -> [PackedString]
unlinesPS, -- :: [PackedString] -> PackedString
wordsPS, -- :: PackedString -> [PackedString]
unwordsPS, -- :: [PackedString] -> PackedString
splitPS, -- :: Char -> PackedString -> [PackedString]
splitWithPS, -- :: (Char -> Bool) -> PackedString -> [PackedString]
joinPS, -- :: PackedString -> [PackedString] -> PackedString
) where
import Prelude
#ifndef __NHC__
import Data.Array.Unboxed
import Data.Array.IO
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Char
import Data.Generics
import System.IO
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- PackedString type declaration
-- | A space-efficient representation of a 'String', which supports various
-- efficient operations. A 'PackedString' contains full Unicode 'Char's.
newtype PackedString = PS (UArray Int Char)
-- ToDo: we could support "slices", i.e. include offset and length fields into
-- the string, so that operations like take/drop could be O(1). Perhaps making
-- a slice should be conditional on the ratio of the slice/string size to
-- limit memory leaks.
instance Eq PackedString where
(PS x) == (PS y) = x == y
instance Ord PackedString where
compare (PS x) (PS y) = compare x y
--instance Read PackedString: ToDo
instance Show PackedString where
showsPrec p ps r = showsPrec p (unpackPS ps) r
#include "Typeable.h"
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Constructor functions
-- | The 'nilPS' value is the empty string.
nilPS :: PackedString
nilPS = PS (array (0,-1) [])
-- | The 'consPS' function prepends the given character to the
-- given string.
consPS :: Char -> PackedString -> PackedString
consPS c cs = packString (c : (unpackPS cs)) -- ToDo:better
-- | Convert a 'String' into a 'PackedString'
packString :: String -> PackedString
packString str = packNChars (length str) str
-- | The 'packNChars' function creates a 'PackedString' out of the
-- first @len@ elements of the given 'String'.
packNChars :: Int -> [Char] -> PackedString
packNChars len str = PS (listArray (0,len-1) str)
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Destructor functions (taking PackedStrings apart)
-- | Convert a 'PackedString' into a 'String'
unpackPS :: PackedString -> String
unpackPS (PS ps) = elems ps
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- List-mimicking functions for PackedStrings
-- | The 'lengthPS' function returns the length of the input list. Analogous to 'length'.
lengthPS :: PackedString -> Int
lengthPS (PS ps) = rangeSize (bounds ps)
-- | The 'indexPS' function returns the character in the string at the given position.
indexPS :: PackedString -> Int -> Char
indexPS (PS ps) i = ps ! i
-- | The 'headPS' function returns the first element of a 'PackedString' or throws an
-- error if the string is empty.
headPS :: PackedString -> Char
headPS ps
| nullPS ps = error "Data.PackedString.headPS: head []"
| otherwise = indexPS ps 0
-- | The 'tailPS' function returns the tail of a 'PackedString' or throws an error
-- if the string is empty.
tailPS :: PackedString -> PackedString
tailPS ps
| len <= 0 = error "Data.PackedString.tailPS: tail []"
| len == 1 = nilPS
| otherwise = substrPS ps 1 (len - 1)
len = lengthPS ps
-- | The 'nullPS' function returns True iff the argument is null.
nullPS :: PackedString -> Bool
nullPS (PS ps) = rangeSize (bounds ps) == 0
-- | The 'appendPS' function appends the second string onto the first.
appendPS :: PackedString -> PackedString -> PackedString
appendPS xs ys
| nullPS xs = ys
| nullPS ys = xs
| otherwise = concatPS [xs,ys]
-- | The 'mapPS' function applies a function to each character in the string.
mapPS :: (Char -> Char) -> PackedString -> PackedString
mapPS f (PS ps) = PS (amap f ps)
-- | The 'filterPS' function filters out the appropriate substring.
filterPS :: (Char -> Bool) -> PackedString -> PackedString {-or String?-}
filterPS pred ps = packString (filter pred (unpackPS ps))
-- | The 'foldlPS' function behaves like 'foldl' on 'PackedString's.
foldlPS :: (a -> Char -> a) -> a -> PackedString -> a
foldlPS f b ps = foldl f b (unpackPS ps)
-- | The 'foldrPS' function behaves like 'foldr' on 'PackedString's.
foldrPS :: (Char -> a -> a) -> a -> PackedString -> a
foldrPS f v ps = foldr f v (unpackPS ps)
-- | The 'takePS' function takes the first @n@ characters of a 'PackedString'.
takePS :: Int -> PackedString -> PackedString
takePS n ps = substrPS ps 0 (n-1)
-- | The 'dropPS' function drops the first @n@ characters of a 'PackedString'.
dropPS :: Int -> PackedString -> PackedString
dropPS n ps = substrPS ps n (lengthPS ps - 1)
-- | The 'splitWithPS' function splits a 'PackedString' at a given index.
splitAtPS :: Int -> PackedString -> (PackedString, PackedString)
splitAtPS n ps = (takePS n ps, dropPS n ps)
-- | The 'takeWhilePS' function is analogous to the 'takeWhile' function.
takeWhilePS :: (Char -> Bool) -> PackedString -> PackedString
takeWhilePS pred ps = packString (takeWhile pred (unpackPS ps))
-- | The 'dropWhilePS' function is analogous to the 'dropWhile' function.
dropWhilePS :: (Char -> Bool) -> PackedString -> PackedString
dropWhilePS pred ps = packString (dropWhile pred (unpackPS ps))
-- | The 'elemPS' function returns True iff the given element is in the string.
elemPS :: Char -> PackedString -> Bool
elemPS c ps = c `elem` unpackPS ps
-- | The 'spanPS' function returns a pair containing the result of
-- running both 'takeWhilePS' and 'dropWhilePS'.
spanPS :: (Char -> Bool) -> PackedString -> (PackedString, PackedString)
spanPS p ps = (takeWhilePS p ps, dropWhilePS p ps)
-- | The 'breakPS' function breaks a string at the first position which
-- satisfies the predicate.
breakPS :: (Char -> Bool) -> PackedString -> (PackedString, PackedString)
breakPS p ps = spanPS (not . p) ps
-- | The 'linesPS' function splits the input on line-breaks.
linesPS :: PackedString -> [PackedString]
linesPS ps = splitPS '\n' ps
-- | The 'unlinesPS' function concatenates the input list after
-- interspersing newlines.
unlinesPS :: [PackedString] -> PackedString
unlinesPS = joinPS (packString "\n")
-- | The 'wordsPS' function is analogous to the 'words' function.
wordsPS :: PackedString -> [PackedString]
wordsPS ps = filter (not.nullPS) (splitWithPS isSpace ps)
-- | The 'unwordsPS' function is analogous to the 'unwords' function.
unwordsPS :: [PackedString] -> PackedString
unwordsPS = joinPS (packString " ")
-- | The 'reversePS' function reverses the string.
reversePS :: PackedString -> PackedString
reversePS ps = packString (reverse (unpackPS ps))
-- | The 'concatPS' function concatenates a list of 'PackedString's.
concatPS :: [PackedString] -> PackedString
concatPS pss = packString (concat (map unpackPS pss))
-- | The 'joinPS' function takes a 'PackedString' and a list of 'PackedString's
-- and concatenates the list after interspersing the first argument between
-- each element of the list.
joinPS :: PackedString -> [PackedString] -> PackedString
joinPS filler pss = concatPS (splice pss)
splice [] = []
splice [x] = [x]
splice (x:y:xs) = x:filler:splice (y:xs)
-- ToDo: the obvious generalisation
Some properties that hold:
* splitPS x ls = ls'
where False = any (map (x `elemPS`) ls')
* joinPS (packString [x]) (splitPS x ls) = ls
-- | The 'splitPS' function splits the input string on each occurrence of the given 'Char'.
splitPS :: Char -> PackedString -> [PackedString]
splitPS c = splitWithPS (== c)
-- | The 'splitWithPS' function takes a character predicate and splits the input string
-- at each character which satisfies the predicate.
splitWithPS :: (Char -> Bool) -> PackedString -> [PackedString]
splitWithPS pred (PS ps) =
splitify 0
len = lengthPS (PS ps)
splitify n
| n >= len = []
| otherwise =
break_pt = first_pos_that_satisfies pred ps len n
if break_pt == n then -- immediate match, empty substring
: splitify (break_pt + 1)
substrPS (PS ps) n (break_pt - 1) -- leave out the matching character
: splitify (break_pt + 1)
first_pos_that_satisfies pred ps len n =
case [ m | m <- [n..len-1], pred (ps ! m) ] of
[] -> len
(m:_) -> m
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Local utility functions
-- The definition of @_substrPS@ is essentially:
-- @take (end - begin + 1) (drop begin str)@.
-- | The 'substrPS' function takes a 'PackedString' and two indices
-- and returns the substring of the input string between (and including)
-- these indices.
substrPS :: PackedString -> Int -> Int -> PackedString
substrPS (PS ps) begin end = packString [ ps ! i | i <- [begin..end] ]
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- hPutPS
-- | Outputs a 'PackedString' to the specified 'Handle'.
-- NOTE: the representation of the 'PackedString' in the file is assumed to
-- be in the ISO-8859-1 encoding. In other words, only the least significant
-- byte is taken from each character in the 'PackedString'.
hPutPS :: Handle -> PackedString -> IO ()
hPutPS h (PS ps) = do
let l = lengthPS (PS ps)
arr <- newArray_ (0, l-1)
sequence_ [ writeArray arr i (fromIntegral (ord (ps ! i))) | i <- [0..l-1] ]
hPutArray h arr l
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- hGetPS
-- | Read a 'PackedString' directly from the specified 'Handle'.
-- This is far more efficient than reading the characters into a 'String'
-- and then using 'packString'.
-- NOTE: as with 'hPutPS', the string representation in the file is
-- assumed to be ISO-8859-1.
hGetPS :: Handle -> Int -> IO PackedString
hGetPS h i = do
arr <- newArray_ (0, i-1)
l <- hGetArray h arr i
chars <- mapM (\i -> readArray arr i >>= return.chr.fromIntegral) [0..l-1]
return (packNChars l chars)
#else /* __NHC__ */
--import Prelude hiding (append, break, concat, cons, drop, dropWhile,
-- filter, foldl, foldr, head, length, lines, map,
-- nil, null, reverse, span, splitAt, subst, tail,
-- take, takeWhile, unlines, unwords, words)
-- also hiding: Ix(..), Functor(..)
import qualified NHC.PackedString
import NHC.PackedString (PackedString,packString,unpackPS)
import List (intersperse)
nilPS :: PackedString
consPS :: Char -> PackedString -> PackedString
headPS :: PackedString -> Char
tailPS :: PackedString -> PackedString
nullPS :: PackedString -> Bool
appendPS :: PackedString -> PackedString -> PackedString
lengthPS :: PackedString -> Int
indexPS :: PackedString -> Int -> Char
mapPS :: (Char -> Char) -> PackedString -> PackedString
filterPS :: (Char -> Bool) -> PackedString -> PackedString
reversePS :: PackedString -> PackedString
concatPS :: [PackedString] -> PackedString
elemPS :: Char -> PackedString -> Bool
substrPS :: PackedString -> Int -> Int -> PackedString
takePS :: Int -> PackedString -> PackedString
dropPS :: Int -> PackedString -> PackedString
splitAtPS :: Int -> PackedString -> (PackedString, PackedString)
foldlPS :: (a -> Char -> a) -> a -> PackedString -> a
foldrPS :: (Char -> a -> a) -> a -> PackedString -> a
takeWhilePS :: (Char -> Bool) -> PackedString -> PackedString
dropWhilePS :: (Char -> Bool) -> PackedString -> PackedString
spanPS :: (Char -> Bool) -> PackedString -> (PackedString, PackedString)
breakPS :: (Char -> Bool) -> PackedString -> (PackedString, PackedString)
linesPS :: PackedString -> [PackedString]
unlinesPS :: [PackedString] -> PackedString
wordsPS :: PackedString -> [PackedString]
unwordsPS :: [PackedString] -> PackedString
splitPS :: Char -> PackedString -> [PackedString]
splitWithPS :: (Char -> Bool) -> PackedString -> [PackedString]
joinPS :: PackedString -> [PackedString] -> PackedString
nilPS = NHC.PackedString.nil
consPS = NHC.PackedString.cons
headPS = NHC.PackedString.head
tailPS = NHC.PackedString.tail
nullPS = NHC.PackedString.null
appendPS = NHC.PackedString.append
lengthPS = NHC.PackedString.length
indexPS p i = (unpackPS p) !! i
mapPS = NHC.PackedString.map
filterPS = NHC.PackedString.filter
reversePS = NHC.PackedString.reverse
concatPS = NHC.PackedString.concat
elemPS c p = c `elem` unpackPS p
substrPS = NHC.PackedString.substr
takePS = NHC.PackedString.take
dropPS = NHC.PackedString.drop
splitAtPS = NHC.PackedString.splitAt
foldlPS = NHC.PackedString.foldl
foldrPS = NHC.PackedString.foldr
takeWhilePS = NHC.PackedString.takeWhile
dropWhilePS = NHC.PackedString.dropWhile
spanPS = NHC.PackedString.span
breakPS = NHC.PackedString.break
linesPS = NHC.PackedString.lines
unlinesPS = NHC.PackedString.unlines
wordsPS = NHC.PackedString.words
unwordsPS = NHC.PackedString.unwords
splitPS c = splitWithPS (==c)
splitWithPS p =
map packString . split' p [] . unpackPS
split' :: (Char->Bool) -> String -> String -> [String]
split' pred [] [] = []
split' pred acc [] = [reverse acc]
split' pred acc (x:xs) | pred x = reverse acc: split' pred [] xs
| otherwise = split' pred (x:acc) xs
joinPS sep = concatPS . intersperse sep
instance Data PackedString where
gunfold k z c = error "gunfold"
toConstr (PS _) = con_PS
dataTypeOf _ = ty_PackedString
con_PS = mkConstr ty_PackedString "PS" [] Prefix
ty_PackedString = mkDataType "Data.PackedString.PackedString" [con_PS]