Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fernan/nhc98/src/libraries/Cabal/Distribution/Simple.hs
{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Distribution.Simple -- Copyright : Isaac Jones 2003-2005 -- -- Maintainer : Isaac Jones <[email protected]> -- Stability : alpha -- Portability : portable -- -- Explanation: Simple build system; basically the interface for -- Distribution.Simple.\* modules. When given the parsed command-line -- args and package information, is able to perform basic commands -- like configure, build, install, register, etc. -- -- This module isn't called \"Simple\" because it's simple. Far from -- it. It's called \"Simple\" because it does complicated things to -- simple software. {- All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Isaac Jones nor the names of other contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -} module Distribution.Simple ( module Distribution.Package, module Distribution.Version, module Distribution.License, module Distribution.Compiler, module Language.Haskell.Extension, -- * Simple interface defaultMain, defaultMainNoRead, defaultMainArgs, -- * Customization UserHooks(..), Args, defaultMainWithHooks, defaultMainWithHooksArgs, simpleUserHooks, defaultUserHooks, emptyUserHooks, defaultHookedPackageDesc #ifdef DEBUG ,simpleHunitTests #endif ) where -- local import Distribution.Compiler import Distribution.Package --must not specify imports, since we're exporting moule. import Distribution.PackageDescription import Distribution.Program(lookupProgram, Program(..), ProgramConfiguration(..), hscolourProgram, haddockProgram, rawSystemProgram, defaultProgramConfiguration, pfesetupProgram, updateProgram, rawSystemProgramConf) import Distribution.PreProcess (knownSuffixHandlers, ppSuffixes, ppCpp', ppUnlit, removePreprocessedPackage, preprocessSources, PPSuffixHandler, runSimplePreProcessor) import Distribution.Setup import Distribution.Simple.Build ( build, makefile ) import Distribution.Simple.SrcDist ( sdist ) import Distribution.Simple.Register ( register, unregister, writeInstalledConfig, installedPkgConfigFile, regScriptLocation, unregScriptLocation ) import Distribution.Simple.Configure(getPersistBuildConfig, maybeGetPersistBuildConfig, configure, writePersistBuildConfig, localBuildInfoFile, hscolourVersion, haddockVersion) import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo ( LocalBuildInfo(..), distPref, srcPref, hscolourPref, haddockPref, substDir ) import Distribution.Simple.Install(install) import Distribution.Simple.Utils (die, currentDir, createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose, defaultPackageDesc, defaultHookedPackageDesc, moduleToFilePath, findFile, warn) import Distribution.Simple.Utils (rawSystemPathExit, rawSystemStdout) import Distribution.Verbosity import Language.Haskell.Extension -- Base import System.Environment(getArgs) import System.Exit(ExitCode(..), exitWith) import System.Directory(removeFile, doesFileExist, doesDirectoryExist) import Distribution.License import Control.Monad(liftM, when, unless) import Data.Char ( isSpace ) import Data.List ( intersperse, unionBy ) import Data.Maybe ( isJust, catMaybes ) import System.IO.Error (try) import System.IO ( hPutStrLn, stderr ) import System.Environment ( getProgName ) import Distribution.GetOpt import Distribution.Compat.Directory(removeDirectoryRecursive, copyFile) import System.FilePath((</>), (<.>), splitFileName, splitExtension, replaceExtension) #ifdef DEBUG import HUnit (Test) import Distribution.Version hiding (hunitTests) #else import Distribution.Version #endif type Args = [String] -- | WARNING: The hooks interface is under rather constant flux as we -- try to understand users needs. Setup files that depend on this -- interface may break in future releases. Hooks allow authors to add -- specific functionality before and after a command is run, and also -- to specify additional preprocessors. data UserHooks = UserHooks { runTests :: Args -> Bool -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO (), -- ^Used for @.\/setup test@ readDesc :: IO (Maybe PackageDescription), -- ^Read the description file hookedPreProcessors :: [ PPSuffixHandler ], -- ^Custom preprocessors in addition to and overriding 'knownSuffixHandlers'. hookedPrograms :: [Program], -- ^These programs are detected at configure time. Arguments for them are added to the configure command. -- |Hook to run before configure command preConf :: Args -> ConfigFlags -> IO HookedBuildInfo, -- |Over-ride this hook to get different behavior during configure. confHook :: PackageDescription -> ConfigFlags -> IO LocalBuildInfo, -- |Hook to run after configure command postConf :: Args -> ConfigFlags -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO (), -- |Hook to run before build command. Second arg indicates verbosity level. preBuild :: Args -> BuildFlags -> IO HookedBuildInfo, -- |Over-ride this hook to gbet different behavior during build. buildHook :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> UserHooks -> BuildFlags -> IO (), -- |Hook to run after build command. Second arg indicates verbosity level. postBuild :: Args -> BuildFlags -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO (), -- |Hook to run before makefile command. Second arg indicates verbosity level. preMakefile :: Args -> MakefileFlags -> IO HookedBuildInfo, -- |Over-ride this hook to gbet different behavior during makefile. makefileHook :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> UserHooks -> MakefileFlags -> IO (), -- |Hook to run after makefile command. Second arg indicates verbosity level. postMakefile :: Args -> MakefileFlags -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO (), -- |Hook to run before clean command. Second arg indicates verbosity level. preClean :: Args -> CleanFlags -> IO HookedBuildInfo, -- |Over-ride this hook to get different behavior during clean. cleanHook :: PackageDescription -> Maybe LocalBuildInfo -> UserHooks -> CleanFlags -> IO (), -- |Hook to run after clean command. Second arg indicates verbosity level. postClean :: Args -> CleanFlags -> PackageDescription -> Maybe LocalBuildInfo -> IO (), -- |Hook to run before copy command preCopy :: Args -> CopyFlags -> IO HookedBuildInfo, -- |Over-ride this hook to get different behavior during copy. copyHook :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> UserHooks -> CopyFlags -> IO (), -- |Hook to run after copy command postCopy :: Args -> CopyFlags -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO (), -- |Hook to run before install command preInst :: Args -> InstallFlags -> IO HookedBuildInfo, -- |Over-ride this hook to get different behavior during install. instHook :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> UserHooks -> InstallFlags -> IO (), -- |Hook to run after install command. postInst should be run -- on the target, not on the build machine. postInst :: Args -> InstallFlags -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO (), -- |Hook to run before sdist command. Second arg indicates verbosity level. preSDist :: Args -> SDistFlags -> IO HookedBuildInfo, -- |Over-ride this hook to get different behavior during sdist. sDistHook :: PackageDescription -> Maybe LocalBuildInfo -> UserHooks -> SDistFlags -> IO (), -- |Hook to run after sdist command. Second arg indicates verbosity level. postSDist :: Args -> SDistFlags -> PackageDescription -> Maybe LocalBuildInfo -> IO (), -- |Hook to run before register command preReg :: Args -> RegisterFlags -> IO HookedBuildInfo, -- |Over-ride this hook to get different behavior during pfe. regHook :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> UserHooks -> RegisterFlags -> IO (), -- |Hook to run after register command postReg :: Args -> RegisterFlags -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO (), -- |Hook to run before unregister command preUnreg :: Args -> RegisterFlags -> IO HookedBuildInfo, -- |Over-ride this hook to get different behavior during pfe. unregHook :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> UserHooks -> RegisterFlags -> IO (), -- |Hook to run after unregister command postUnreg :: Args -> RegisterFlags -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO (), -- |Hook to run before hscolour command. Second arg indicates verbosity level. preHscolour :: Args -> HscolourFlags -> IO HookedBuildInfo, -- |Over-ride this hook to get different behavior during hscolour. hscolourHook :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> UserHooks -> HscolourFlags -> IO (), -- |Hook to run after hscolour command. Second arg indicates verbosity level. postHscolour :: Args -> HscolourFlags -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO (), -- |Hook to run before haddock command. Second arg indicates verbosity level. preHaddock :: Args -> HaddockFlags -> IO HookedBuildInfo, -- |Over-ride this hook to get different behavior during haddock. haddockHook :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> UserHooks -> HaddockFlags -> IO (), -- |Hook to run after haddock command. Second arg indicates verbosity level. postHaddock :: Args -> HaddockFlags -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO (), -- |Hook to run before pfe command. Second arg indicates verbosity level. prePFE :: Args -> PFEFlags -> IO HookedBuildInfo, -- |Over-ride this hook to get different behavior during pfe. pfeHook :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> UserHooks -> PFEFlags -> IO (), -- |Hook to run after pfe command. Second arg indicates verbosity level. postPFE :: Args -> PFEFlags -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO () } -- | A simple implementation of @main@ for a Cabal setup script. -- It reads the package description file using IO, and performs the -- action specified on the command line. defaultMain :: IO () defaultMain = defaultMain__ Nothing Nothing Nothing -- | A version of 'defaultMain' that is passed the command line -- arguments, rather than getting them from the environment. defaultMainArgs :: [String] -> IO () defaultMainArgs args = defaultMain__ (Just args) Nothing Nothing -- | A customizable version of 'defaultMain'. defaultMainWithHooks :: UserHooks -> IO () defaultMainWithHooks hooks = defaultMain__ Nothing (Just hooks) Nothing -- | A customizable version of 'defaultMain' that also takes the command -- line arguments. defaultMainWithHooksArgs :: UserHooks -> [String] -> IO () defaultMainWithHooksArgs hooks args = defaultMain__ (Just args) (Just hooks) Nothing -- | Like 'defaultMain', but accepts the package description as input -- rather than using IO to read it. defaultMainNoRead :: PackageDescription -> IO () defaultMainNoRead pkg_descr = defaultMain__ Nothing Nothing (Just pkg_descr) defaultMain__ :: Maybe [String] -> Maybe UserHooks -> Maybe PackageDescription -> IO () defaultMain__ margs mhooks mdescr = do args <- maybe getArgs return margs let hooks = maybe simpleUserHooks id mhooks let prog_conf = allPrograms hooks (action, args') <- parseGlobalArgs prog_conf args let get_pkg_descr verbosity = case mdescr of Just pkg_descr -> return pkg_descr Nothing -> do maybeDesc <- readDesc hooks case maybeDesc of Nothing -> defaultPkgDescr Just p -> return p where defaultPkgDescr = do pkg_descr_file <- defaultPackageDesc verbosity readPackageDescription verbosity pkg_descr_file defaultMainWorker get_pkg_descr action args' hooks prog_conf -- | Combine the programs in the given hooks with the programs built -- into cabal. allPrograms :: UserHooks -> ProgramConfiguration -- combine defaults w/ user programs allPrograms h = foldl (flip updateProgram) defaultProgramConfiguration (hookedPrograms h) -- | Combine the preprocessors in the given hooks with the -- preprocessors built into cabal. allSuffixHandlers :: UserHooks -> [PPSuffixHandler] allSuffixHandlers hooks = overridesPP (hookedPreProcessors hooks) knownSuffixHandlers where overridesPP :: [PPSuffixHandler] -> [PPSuffixHandler] -> [PPSuffixHandler] overridesPP = unionBy (\x y -> fst x == fst y) -- | Helper function for /defaultMain/ defaultMainWorker :: (Verbosity -> IO PackageDescription) -> Action -> [String] -> UserHooks -> ProgramConfiguration -> IO () defaultMainWorker get_pkg_descr action all_args hooks prog_conf = do case action of ConfigCmd flags -> do (flags', optFns, args) <- parseConfigureArgs prog_conf flags all_args [scratchDirOpt] pbi <- preConf hooks args flags' pkg_descr0 <- get_pkg_descr (configVerbose flags') let pkg_descr = updatePackageDescription pbi pkg_descr0 (warns, ers) <- sanityCheckPackage pkg_descr errorOut (configVerbose flags') warns ers localbuildinfo <- confHook hooks pkg_descr flags' writePersistBuildConfig (foldr id localbuildinfo optFns) postConf hooks args flags' pkg_descr localbuildinfo BuildCmd -> command (parseBuildArgs emptyBuildFlags) buildVerbose preBuild buildHook postBuild getPersistBuildConfig MakefileCmd -> command (parseMakefileArgs emptyMakefileFlags) makefileVerbose preMakefile makefileHook postMakefile getPersistBuildConfig HscolourCmd -> command (parseHscolourArgs emptyHscolourFlags) hscolourVerbose preHscolour hscolourHook postHscolour getPersistBuildConfig HaddockCmd -> command (parseHaddockArgs emptyHaddockFlags) haddockVerbose preHaddock haddockHook postHaddock getPersistBuildConfig ProgramaticaCmd -> do command parseProgramaticaArgs pfeVerbose prePFE pfeHook postPFE getPersistBuildConfig CleanCmd -> do command (parseCleanArgs emptyCleanFlags) cleanVerbose preClean cleanHook postClean maybeGetPersistBuildConfig CopyCmd mprefix -> do command (parseCopyArgs (emptyCopyFlags mprefix)) copyVerbose preCopy copyHook postCopy getPersistBuildConfig InstallCmd -> do command (parseInstallArgs emptyInstallFlags) installVerbose preInst instHook postInst getPersistBuildConfig SDistCmd -> do command parseSDistArgs sDistVerbose preSDist sDistHook postSDist maybeGetPersistBuildConfig TestCmd -> do (verbosity,_, args) <- parseTestArgs all_args [] localbuildinfo <- getPersistBuildConfig pkg_descr <- get_pkg_descr verbosity runTests hooks args False pkg_descr localbuildinfo RegisterCmd -> do command (parseRegisterArgs emptyRegisterFlags) regVerbose preReg regHook postReg getPersistBuildConfig UnregisterCmd -> do command (parseUnregisterArgs emptyRegisterFlags) regVerbose preUnreg unregHook postUnreg getPersistBuildConfig HelpCmd -> return () -- this is handled elsewhere where command parse_args get_verbosity pre_hook cmd_hook post_hook get_build_config = do (flags, _, args) <- parse_args all_args [] pbi <- pre_hook hooks args flags pkg_descr0 <- get_pkg_descr (get_verbosity flags) let pkg_descr = updatePackageDescription pbi pkg_descr0 localbuildinfo <- get_build_config cmd_hook hooks pkg_descr localbuildinfo hooks flags post_hook hooks args flags pkg_descr localbuildinfo getModulePaths :: LocalBuildInfo -> BuildInfo -> [String] -> IO [FilePath] getModulePaths lbi bi = fmap concat . mapM (flip (moduleToFilePath (buildDir lbi : hsSourceDirs bi)) ["hs", "lhs"]) -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Haddock support haddock :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> UserHooks -> HaddockFlags -> IO () haddock pkg_descr lbi hooks haddockFlags@HaddockFlags { haddockExecutables = doExes, haddockHscolour = hsColour, haddockHscolourCss = hsColourCss, haddockVerbose = verbosity } = do when hsColour $ hscolour pkg_descr lbi hooks $ HscolourFlags hsColourCss doExes verbosity let pps = allSuffixHandlers hooks confHaddock <- do let programConf = withPrograms lbi let haddockPath = programName haddockProgram mHaddock <- lookupProgram haddockPath programConf maybe (die "haddock command not found") return mHaddock let tmpDir = buildDir lbi </> "tmp" createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True tmpDir createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True $ haddockPref pkg_descr preprocessSources pkg_descr lbi verbosity pps setupMessage verbosity "Running Haddock for" pkg_descr let replaceLitExts = map ( (tmpDir </>) . (`replaceExtension` "hs") ) let mockAll bi = mapM_ (mockPP ["-D__HADDOCK__"] bi tmpDir) let showPkg = showPackageId (package pkg_descr) let outputFlag = if haddockHoogle haddockFlags then "--hoogle" else "--html" version <- haddockVersion verbosity lbi let have_src_hyperlink_flags = version >= Version [0,8] [] have_new_flags = version > Version [0,8] [] let ghcpkgFlags = if have_new_flags then ["--ghc-pkg=" ++ compilerPkgTool (compiler lbi)] else [] let cssFileFlag = case haddockCss haddockFlags of Nothing -> [] Just cssFile -> ["--css=" ++ cssFile] let verboseFlags = if verbosity > deafening then ["--verbose"] else [] let allowMissingHtmlFlags = if have_new_flags then ["--allow-missing-html"] else [] when (hsColour && not have_src_hyperlink_flags) $ die "haddock --hscolour requires Haddock version 0.8 or later" let linkToHscolour = if hsColour then ["--source-module=src/%{MODULE/./-}.html" ,"--source-entity=src/%{MODULE/./-}.html#%{NAME}"] else [] let pkgTool = compilerPkgTool (compiler lbi) let trim = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse . dropWhile isSpace let getField pkgId f = do let name = showPackageId pkgId s <- rawSystemStdout verbosity pkgTool ["field", name, f] return $ trim $ dropWhile (not . isSpace) $ head $ lines s let makeReadInterface pkgId = do interface <- getField pkgId "haddock-interfaces" html <- case haddockHtmlLocation haddockFlags of Nothing -> getField pkgId "haddock-html" Just htmlTemplate -> return (substDir pkgId lbi htmlTemplate) return $ if null interface then Nothing else Just $ "--read-interface=" ++ (if null html then "" else html ++ ",") ++ interface packageFlags <- liftM catMaybes $ mapM makeReadInterface (packageDeps lbi) withLib pkg_descr () $ \lib -> do let bi = libBuildInfo lib inFiles <- getModulePaths lbi bi (exposedModules lib ++ otherModules bi) mockAll bi inFiles let prologName = showPkg ++ "-haddock-prolog.txt" writeFile prologName (description pkg_descr ++ "\n") let outFiles = replaceLitExts inFiles let haddockFile = haddockPref pkg_descr </> haddockName pkg_descr -- FIX: replace w/ rawSystemProgramConf? rawSystemProgram verbosity confHaddock ([outputFlag, "--odir=" ++ haddockPref pkg_descr, "--title=" ++ showPkg ++ ": " ++ synopsis pkg_descr, "--package=" ++ showPkg, "--dump-interface=" ++ haddockFile, "--prologue=" ++ prologName] ++ ghcpkgFlags ++ allowMissingHtmlFlags ++ cssFileFlag ++ linkToHscolour ++ packageFlags ++ programArgs confHaddock ++ verboseFlags ++ outFiles ++ map ("--hide=" ++) (otherModules bi) ) removeFile prologName withExe pkg_descr $ \exe -> when doExes $ do let bi = buildInfo exe exeTargetDir = haddockPref pkg_descr </> exeName exe createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True exeTargetDir inFiles' <- getModulePaths lbi bi (otherModules bi) srcMainPath <- findFile (hsSourceDirs bi) (modulePath exe) let inFiles = srcMainPath : inFiles' mockAll bi inFiles let outFiles = replaceLitExts inFiles rawSystemProgram verbosity confHaddock ([outputFlag, "--odir=" ++ exeTargetDir, "--title=" ++ exeName exe] ++ ghcpkgFlags ++ allowMissingHtmlFlags ++ linkToHscolour ++ packageFlags ++ programArgs confHaddock ++ verboseFlags ++ outFiles ) removeDirectoryRecursive tmpDir where mockPP inputArgs bi pref file = do let (filePref, fileName) = splitFileName file let targetDir = pref </> filePref let targetFile = targetDir </> fileName let (targetFileNoext, targetFileExt) = splitExtension targetFile createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True targetDir if needsCpp bi then runSimplePreProcessor (ppCpp' inputArgs bi lbi) file targetFile verbosity else copyFile file targetFile when (targetFileExt == ".lhs") $ do runSimplePreProcessor ppUnlit targetFile (targetFileNoext <.> "hs") verbosity return () needsCpp :: BuildInfo -> Bool needsCpp bi = CPP `elem` extensions bi -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- hscolour support hscolour :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> UserHooks -> HscolourFlags -> IO () hscolour pkg_descr lbi hooks (HscolourFlags stylesheet doExes verbosity) = do let pps = allSuffixHandlers hooks confHscolour <- do let programConf = withPrograms lbi let hscolourPath = programName hscolourProgram mHscol <- lookupProgram hscolourPath programConf maybe (die "HsColour command not found") return mHscol haveLines <- fmap (>= Version [1,8] []) (hscolourVersion verbosity lbi) unless haveLines $ die "hscolour version >= 1.8 required" createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True $ hscolourPref pkg_descr preprocessSources pkg_descr lbi verbosity pps setupMessage verbosity "Running hscolour for" pkg_descr let replaceDot = map (\c -> if c == '.' then '-' else c) withLib pkg_descr () $ \lib -> when (isJust $ library pkg_descr) $ do let bi = libBuildInfo lib let modules = exposedModules lib ++ otherModules bi inFiles <- getModulePaths lbi bi modules flip mapM_ (zip modules inFiles) $ \(mo, inFile) -> do let outputDir = hscolourPref pkg_descr </> "src" let outFile = outputDir </> replaceDot mo <.> "html" createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True outputDir copyCSS outputDir rawSystemProgram verbosity confHscolour ["-css", "-anchor", "-o" ++ outFile, inFile] withExe pkg_descr $ \exe -> when doExes $ do let bi = buildInfo exe let modules = "Main" : otherModules bi let outputDir = hscolourPref pkg_descr </> exeName exe </> "src" createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True outputDir copyCSS outputDir srcMainPath <- findFile (hsSourceDirs bi) (modulePath exe) inFiles <- liftM (srcMainPath :) $ getModulePaths lbi bi (otherModules bi) flip mapM_ (zip modules inFiles) $ \(mo, inFile) -> do let outFile = outputDir </> replaceDot mo <.> "html" rawSystemProgram verbosity confHscolour ["-css", "-anchor", "-o" ++ outFile, inFile] where copyCSS dir = case stylesheet of Nothing -> return () Just s -> copyFile s (dir </> "hscolour.css") -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Programmatica support pfe :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> UserHooks -> PFEFlags -> IO () pfe pkg_descr _lbi hooks (PFEFlags verbosity) = do let pps = allSuffixHandlers hooks unless (hasLibs pkg_descr) $ die "no libraries found in this project" withLib pkg_descr () $ \lib -> do lbi <- getPersistBuildConfig let bi = libBuildInfo lib let mods = exposedModules lib ++ otherModules (libBuildInfo lib) preprocessSources pkg_descr lbi verbosity pps inFiles <- getModulePaths lbi bi mods let verbFlags = if verbosity >= deafening then ["-v"] else [] rawSystemProgramConf verbosity (programName pfesetupProgram) (withPrograms lbi) ("noplogic" : "cpp" : verbFlags ++ inFiles) return () -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Cleaning clean :: PackageDescription -> Maybe LocalBuildInfo -> UserHooks -> CleanFlags -> IO () clean pkg_descr maybeLbi hooks (CleanFlags saveConfigure _verbosity) = do let pps = allSuffixHandlers hooks putStrLn "cleaning..." try $ removeDirectoryRecursive (distPref </> "doc") try $ removeFile installedPkgConfigFile try $ unless saveConfigure (removeFile localBuildInfoFile) try $ removeFile regScriptLocation try $ removeFile unregScriptLocation removePreprocessedPackage pkg_descr currentDir (ppSuffixes pps) mapM_ removeFileOrDirectory (extraTmpFiles pkg_descr) case maybeLbi of Nothing -> return () Just lbi -> do try $ removeDirectoryRecursive (buildDir lbi) case compilerFlavor (compiler lbi) of GHC -> cleanGHCExtras lbi JHC -> cleanJHCExtras lbi _ -> return () where cleanGHCExtras _ = do -- remove source stubs for library withLib pkg_descr () $ \ Library{libBuildInfo=bi} -> removeGHCModuleStubs bi (libModules pkg_descr) -- remove source stubs for executables withExe pkg_descr $ \ Executable{modulePath=exeSrcName ,buildInfo=bi} -> do removeGHCModuleStubs bi (exeModules pkg_descr) let (startN, _) = splitExtension exeSrcName try $ removeFile (startN ++ "_stub.h") try $ removeFile (startN ++ "_stub.c") removeGHCModuleStubs :: BuildInfo -> [String] -> IO () removeGHCModuleStubs (BuildInfo{hsSourceDirs=dirs}) mods = do s <- mapM (\x -> moduleToFilePath dirs (x ++"_stub") ["h", "c"]) mods mapM_ removeFile (concat s) -- JHC FIXME remove exe-sources cleanJHCExtras lbi = do try $ removeFile (buildDir lbi </> "jhc-pkg.conf") removePreprocessedPackage pkg_descr currentDir ["ho"] removeFileOrDirectory :: FilePath -> IO () removeFileOrDirectory fname = do isDir <- doesDirectoryExist fname isFile <- doesFileExist fname if isDir then removeDirectoryRecursive fname else if isFile then removeFile fname else return () -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Default hooks no_extra_flags :: [String] -> IO () no_extra_flags [] = return () no_extra_flags extra_flags = die $ concat $ intersperse "\n" ("Unrecognised flags:" : map (' ' :) extra_flags) scratchDirOpt :: OptDescr (LocalBuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo) scratchDirOpt = Option "b" ["scratchdir"] (reqDirArg setScratchDir) "directory to receive the built package [dist/scratch]" where setScratchDir dir lbi = lbi { scratchDir = dir } -- |Empty 'UserHooks' which do nothing. emptyUserHooks :: UserHooks emptyUserHooks = UserHooks { runTests = ru, readDesc = return Nothing, hookedPreProcessors = [], hookedPrograms = [], preConf = rn, confHook = (\_ _ -> return (error "No local build info generated during configure. Over-ride empty configure hook.")), postConf = ru, preBuild = rn, buildHook = ru, postBuild = ru, preMakefile = rn, makefileHook = ru, postMakefile = ru, preClean = rn, cleanHook = ru, postClean = ru, preCopy = rn, copyHook = ru, postCopy = ru, preInst = rn, instHook = ru, postInst = ru, preSDist = rn, sDistHook = ru, postSDist = ru, preReg = rn, regHook = ru, postReg = ru, preUnreg = rn, unregHook = ru, postUnreg = ru, prePFE = rn, pfeHook = ru, postPFE = ru, preHscolour = rn, hscolourHook = ru, postHscolour = ru, preHaddock = rn, haddockHook = ru, postHaddock = ru } where rn args _ = no_extra_flags args >> return emptyHookedBuildInfo ru _ _ _ _ = return () -- | Hooks that correspond to a plain instantiation of the -- "simple" build system simpleUserHooks :: UserHooks simpleUserHooks = emptyUserHooks { confHook = configure, buildHook = defaultBuildHook, makefileHook = defaultMakefileHook, copyHook = \desc lbi _ f -> install desc lbi f, -- has correct 'copy' behavior with params instHook = defaultInstallHook, sDistHook = \p l h f -> sdist p l f srcPref distPref (allSuffixHandlers h), pfeHook = pfe, cleanHook = clean, hscolourHook = hscolour, haddockHook = haddock, regHook = defaultRegHook, unregHook = \p l _ f -> unregister p l f } -- | Basic autoconf 'UserHooks': -- -- * on non-Windows systems, 'postConf' runs @.\/configure@, if present. -- -- * the pre-hooks 'preBuild', 'preClean', 'preCopy', 'preInst', -- 'preReg' and 'preUnreg' read additional build information from -- /package/@.buildinfo@, if present. -- -- Thus @configure@ can use local system information to generate -- /package/@.buildinfo@ and possibly other files. -- FIXME: do something sensible for windows, or do nothing in postConf. defaultUserHooks :: UserHooks defaultUserHooks = autoconfUserHooks autoconfUserHooks :: UserHooks autoconfUserHooks = simpleUserHooks { postConf = defaultPostConf, preBuild = readHook buildVerbose, preMakefile = readHook makefileVerbose, preClean = readHook cleanVerbose, preCopy = readHook copyVerbose, preInst = readHook installVerbose, preHscolour = readHook hscolourVerbose, preHaddock = readHook haddockVerbose, preReg = readHook regVerbose, preUnreg = readHook regVerbose } where defaultPostConf :: Args -> ConfigFlags -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO () defaultPostConf args flags _ _ = do let verbosity = configVerbose flags no_extra_flags args confExists <- doesFileExist "configure" when confExists $ rawSystemPathExit verbosity "sh" $ "configure" : configureArgs flags readHook :: (a -> Verbosity) -> Args -> a -> IO HookedBuildInfo readHook get_verbosity a flags = do no_extra_flags a maybe_infoFile <- defaultHookedPackageDesc case maybe_infoFile of Nothing -> return emptyHookedBuildInfo Just infoFile -> do let verbosity = get_verbosity flags when (verbosity >= normal) $ putStrLn $ "Reading parameters from " ++ infoFile readHookedBuildInfo verbosity infoFile defaultInstallHook :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> UserHooks -> InstallFlags -> IO () defaultInstallHook pkg_descr localbuildinfo _ (InstallFlags uInstFlag verbosity) = do install pkg_descr localbuildinfo (CopyFlags NoCopyDest verbosity) when (hasLibs pkg_descr) $ register pkg_descr localbuildinfo emptyRegisterFlags{ regUser=uInstFlag, regVerbose=verbosity } defaultBuildHook :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> UserHooks -> BuildFlags -> IO () defaultBuildHook pkg_descr localbuildinfo hooks flags = do build pkg_descr localbuildinfo flags (allSuffixHandlers hooks) when (hasLibs pkg_descr) $ writeInstalledConfig pkg_descr localbuildinfo False defaultMakefileHook :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> UserHooks -> MakefileFlags -> IO () defaultMakefileHook pkg_descr localbuildinfo hooks flags = do makefile pkg_descr localbuildinfo flags (allSuffixHandlers hooks) when (hasLibs pkg_descr) $ writeInstalledConfig pkg_descr localbuildinfo False defaultRegHook :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> UserHooks -> RegisterFlags -> IO () defaultRegHook pkg_descr localbuildinfo _ flags = if hasLibs pkg_descr then register pkg_descr localbuildinfo flags else setupMessage (regVerbose flags) "Package contains no library to register:" pkg_descr -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Utils -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- |Output warnings and errors. Exit if any errors. errorOut :: Verbosity -- ^Verbosity -> [String] -- ^Warnings -> [String] -- ^errors -> IO () errorOut verbosity warnings errors = do mapM_ (warn verbosity) warnings when (not (null errors)) $ do pname <- getProgName mapM (hPutStrLn stderr . ((pname ++ ": Error: ") ++)) errors exitWith (ExitFailure 1) -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Testing -- ------------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef DEBUG simpleHunitTests :: [Test] simpleHunitTests = [] #endif