-- |
-- Module : Tsort
-- Copyright : Thomas Hallgren? Lennart Augustsson?
-- Maintainer : Malcolm Wallace <[email protected]>
-- Stability : Stable
-- Portability : All
-- partial topological sort
module Tsort(ptsort) where
import Compat(difference)
import List
-- | partial topological sort
-- ptsort G sorts the graph G. A graph is a list of nodes, each
-- node is a pair, a name and a list of names of connected nodes.
-- The output is a list of lists, where the lists contain nodes
-- that come before nodes occuring in later lists.
-- The order of nodes within each list is arbitrary and not
-- determined by the graph.
ptsort :: (Eq a) => [(a, [a])] -> [[a]]
ptsort [] = []
ptsort gG =
case partition (\(_, x) -> null x) gG of
([], _) -> error "ptsort: cycle in data\n"
(a, b) -> let a' = map fst a
in a' : ptsort (map (\(x, xs) -> (x, difference xs a')) b)