-- |
-- Module : RunAndReadStdout
-- Copyright : Malcolm Wallace
-- Maintainer : Malcolm Wallace <[email protected]>
-- Stability : Stable
-- Portability : All
-- A few commands to run a shell command and collect it's output, and
-- to handle filenames.
module RunAndReadStdout
( runAndReadStdout
, basename, dirname
) where
import System (system,ExitCode(..),getEnv)
import IO (openFile,IOMode(ReadMode),hClose,hGetChar,bracket,isEOFError)
import Directory (removeFile)
import List (isPrefixOf)
import Platform (unsafePerformIO,getProcessID,withDefault,windows)
-- | Generate a temporary filename unique to this process (uses unsafePerformIO)
tmpfile :: String -> String
tmpfile root =
let tmp = "TEMP" `withDefault` "/tmp" in
if windows
then (tmp++"/"++root++".tmp")
else unsafePerformIO $ do
p <- getProcessID
return (tmp++"/"++root++"."++show p)
-- | Run a shell command and collect its output.
runAndReadStdout :: String -> IO String
runAndReadStdout cmd = do
let output = tmpfile "hmakeconfig"
err <- system ("sh -c \""++cmd++"\" >"++output)
case err of
ExitFailure _ -> ioError (userError ("Command ("++cmd++") failed"))
_ -> return ()
s <- readFileNow output
removeFile output -- file will not be removed until readFile closes it
return (safeinit s) -- strip trailing newline added by shell
safeinit [] = []
safeinit ['\n'] = []
safeinit [x] = [x]
safeinit (x:xs) = x: safeinit xs
readFileNow f = bracket (openFile f ReadMode) hClose hGetContentsNow
hGetContentsNow h = loop ""
where loop cts = do x <- catch (hGetChar h >>= (return . Just))
(\e->if isEOFError e
then return $ Nothing
else ioError e)
case x of Just c -> loop (c:cts)
Nothing -> return $ reverse cts
-- | Strip directory and suffix from filenames (analogous to the shell
-- command of the same name).
basename :: String -> String
basename = reverse . takeWhile (not.(`elem`"\\/")) . reverse
-- | Strip non-directory suffix from file name (analogous to the shell
-- command of the same name).
dirname :: String -> String
dirname = reverse . safetail . dropWhile (not.(`elem`"\\/")) . reverse
where safetail [] = []
safetail (_:x) = x