module Overlap
( Overlap
, Resolution
, addOverlap
, deAlias
) where
-- Added in H98: the overlap table, which allows for later resolution of
-- shared module aliases. [email protected]
import TokenId(TokenId)
import IdKind
import Id
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Util.Extra
import List (delete)
-- resolved yet?
-- source alias
-- other possible aliases
type Overlap = Map.Map (TokenId,IdKind) (Resolution,TokenId,[TokenId])
data Resolution = Unresolved | ResolvedTo | Excluded
-- For every ident that could resolve to more than one qualified ident,
-- add multiple entries into the Overlap table. For instance, if
-- could resolve to,, or, put all of:
-- <--- (Unresolved,"",["",""])
-- <--- (Unresolved,"",["",""])
-- <--- (Unresolved,"",["",""])
-- into the table. Eventually, through resolution, we will choose one
-- renaming (e.g. ---> and exclude the others
-- (e.g. -/->, -/->
addOverlap :: TokenId -> IdKind -> Overlap -> [TokenId] -> Overlap
addOverlap atid idKind o tids =
foldr add o tids
where add t o = Map.insert (t,idKind) (Unresolved, atid, delete t tids) o
-- In deAlias, we compute the new, fully-resolved, qualified-renaming function
-- given the Overlap table and all the idents to be renamed.
deAlias ::
(TokenId->[TokenId]) -- orig (imprecise) qualified renaming
-> Overlap -- table of known overlaps
-> Map.Map (TokenId,IdKind) (Either [Pos] [Id]) -- idents to be renamed
-> ([String], (TokenId->TokenId)) -- errors + new qual-renaming func
deAlias qf o rt =
(foldr findUndef err flatrt, newqf)
(err,o') = resolveOverlaps o flatrt
flatrt = Map.toList rt
findUndef (key, Left poss) err = checkNonUnique key poss err
findUndef (key, Right _) err = err
checkNonUnique key@(_,kind) poss err =
case Map.lookup key o' of
-- No overlap, remains undefined.
Nothing -> mkErrorND key poss: err
-- Overlap, but resolves to a different alias.
(Just (Excluded,alias,others)) -> err
-- Overlap, still unresolved.
(Just (Unresolved,alias,others)) -> mkErrorOVND key poss alias others: err
-- Overlap properly resolved, there must be some mistake.
(Just (ResolvedTo,alias,others)) -> mkErrorOVD key poss alias others: err
newqf t =
case Map.lookup t (foldr buildqf Map.empty (Map.toList o')) of
-- if in resolution table, use newly-resolved qual-renaming
(Just t') -> t'
-- if not in resolution table, use original qual-renaming
Nothing -> head (qf t)
buildqf ((tid,_), (ResolvedTo,alias,_)) t = Map.insertWith undefined alias tid t
buildqf ((tid,_), (Excluded,_,_)) t = t
buildqf ((tid,_), (Unresolved,_,_)) t = t
resolveOverlaps :: Overlap -> [((TokenId,IdKind), Either [Pos] [Id])]
-> ([String],Overlap)
resolveOverlaps o rt =
foldl resolve ([],o) rt
resolve o (key, Left poss) = o
resolve o (key, Right [x]) = mkUnique o key
resolve (err,o) (key, Right (x:xs)) =
if all (x==) xs then --- Tuples are entered twice
mkUnique (err,o) key
else (mkErrorMD key (x:xs): err, o)
mkUnique (err,o) key@(_,kind) =
case Map.lookup key o of
-- No overlap, nothing to do
Nothing -> (err, o)
-- Overlaps, already resolved to a different alias.
(Just (Excluded,alias,others)) -> (mkErrorOV key alias others: err, o)
-- Overlaps, still unresolved.
(Just (Unresolved,alias,others)) -> (err, foldr (undef kind) (def key o) others)
-- Overlaps, resolves to this alias.
(Just (ResolvedTo,alias,others)) -> (err, foldr (undef kind) o others)
undef kind tid o = Map.update (\(_,a,as)->Just(Excluded,a,as)) (tid,kind) o
def key o = Map.update (\(_,a,as)->Just(ResolvedTo,a,as)) key o
mkErrorMD :: (Show a, Show b) => (a,b) -> [c] -> String
mkErrorMD (tid,kind) xs =
show kind ++ ' ':show tid ++ " defined " ++ show (length xs) ++ " times."
mkErrorOV :: (Show a, Show b, Show c) => (a,c) -> b -> [a] -> String
mkErrorOV (tid,kind) alias others =
show kind ++ ' ':show alias ++ " resolves to two or more of "
++ showList (tid:others) "."
mkErrorND :: Show a => (a,IdKind) -> [Pos] -> String
mkErrorND (tid,Method) poss =
"The identifier " ++ show tid ++ " instantiated at "
++ mix "," (map strPos poss) ++ " does not belong to this class."
mkErrorND (tid,kind) poss =
show kind ++ ' ':show tid ++ " used at " ++ mix ", " (map strPos poss)
++ " is not defined."
mkErrorOVND :: (Show a, Show b, Show c) => (a,c) -> [Pos] -> b -> [a] -> String
mkErrorOVND (tid,kind) poss alias others =
show kind ++ ' ':show alias ++ " used at " ++ mix ", " (map strPos poss)
++ " cannot be resolved:\n none of " ++ showList (tid:others) " is defined."
mkErrorOVD :: (Show a, Show b, Show c) => (a,c) -> [Pos] -> b -> [a] -> String
mkErrorOVD (tid,kind) poss alias others =
show kind ++ ' ':show alias ++ " used at " ++ mix ", " (map strPos poss)
++ " is the correct qualified resolution for all of:\n "
++ showList (tid:others) ",\n but there is still some unknown problem."