module Core.Pretty(showPretty, dropModule, isOperator) where
import List
import Maybe
import Char
import Core.CoreType
dropModule :: String -> String
dropModule x = f x False x
f x False ('.':_) = x
f _ True ('.':x) = f x False x
f x _ (_:xs) = f x True xs
f x _ [] = x
isOperator x = case dropModule x of
(x:_) | isAlphaNum x || x `elem` "'_" -> False
_ -> True
showPretty :: Core -> String
showPretty x = unlines $ showCore x
indent :: [String] -> [String]
indent = map (" " ++)
showCore :: Core -> [String]
showCore (Core modName depends xs) =
("module " ++ modName ++ " where") : "" :
map ("import " ++) depends ++ "" :
showItems xs
showItems :: [CoreItem] -> [String]
showItems xs = concat $ intersperse [[]] $ map showItem xs
showItem :: CoreItem -> [String]
showItem (CoreData name free []) = ["data " ++ name ++ concatMap (' ':) free]
showItem (CoreData name free (c:tors)) =
("data " ++ name ++ concatMap (' ':) free ++ " =") :
(" " ++ showCtor c) :
(indent $ map (("| " ++) . showCtor) tors)
showItem (CoreFunc decl body) =
(showExprLine False decl ++ " = ") :
(indent $ showExpr False body)
showCtor :: CoreCtor -> String
showCtor (CoreCtor name args) = name ++ " " ++
['{' | useRecords] ++
(concat $ intersperse sep $ map f args) ++
['}' | useRecords]
useRecords = any (isJust . snd) args
sep = ([','|useRecords]++" ")
f (typ, Nothing) = typ
f (typ, Just x) = "_" ++ x ++ " :: " ++ typ
showExprLine :: Bool -> CoreExpr -> String
showExprLine b y = case showExpr b y of
[x] -> x
xs -> "{" ++ concat (intersperse "; " xs) ++ "}"
bracket False x = x
bracket b [x] = ["(" ++ x ++ ")"]
bracket b xs = ["("] ++ indent xs ++ [")"]
-- True = should bracket
showExpr :: Bool -> CoreExpr -> [String]
showExpr b (CoreCon x) = showExpr b (CoreVar x)
showExpr b (CoreVar x) | x == "Prelude.[]" = ["[]"] -- technically these aren't in
| x == "Prelude.:" = ["(:)"] -- the prelude
| isOperator x = ["(" ++ x ++ ")"]
| otherwise = [x]
showExpr b (CoreInt x) = [show x]
showExpr b (CoreChr x) = [show x]
showExpr b (CoreStr x) = [show x]
showExpr b (CorePos x y) = showExpr b y
showExpr b (CoreInteger x) = [show x]
showExpr b (CoreApp x []) = showExpr b x
showExpr b (CoreApp x y) = bracket b $
if all singleton items
then [concat (intersperse " " (map head items))]
else concat items
items = map (showExpr True) (x:y)
showExpr b (CoreCase x y) = bracket b $ line1 ++ rest
line1 = if singleton subject
then ["case " ++ head subject ++ " of"]
else ["case"] ++ indent subject ++ ["of"]
subject = showExpr True x
rest = concatMap f y
f (a,b) = indent $ [showExprLine False a ++ " ->"] ++ indent (showExpr False b)
showExpr b (CoreLet x y) = bracket b $ ["let"] ++ indent (showItems x) ++ ["in"] ++ showExpr True y
singleton [x] = True
singleton _ = False