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<html><head><title>Hat - a Haskell tracer for nhc98</title></head>
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<center><h1>Hat - a Haskell tracer for nhc98</h1></center>


<em>Hat</em>, the nhc98 tracer, is applicable to a wide class of Haskell
computations, including those that:
<li> run to completion producing output, though perhaps not the
    output expected; <i>or</i>
<li> halt with a run-time error, such as a pattern-matching
    failure or a black hole; <i>or</i>
<li> appear to be stuck in an a recursive loop, whether or not
    output is being produced.

<h3> To obtain a trace of a computation: </h3>

    Compile all modules of the program with the <tt>-T</tt> option;
    also specify <tt>-T</tt> at link-time.  Using <tt>hmake -T</tt> does
    all the necessary compiling and linking automatically.
    Run the program.
    If the program halts, any normal output from the program will
    be followed by a summary line indicating whether it terminated
    correctly or if there was an error.  The trace is
    now available in a file called <tt>&lt;program&gt;.<em>hat</em></tt>.
    If it seems the program is stuck in an unproductive loop
    force it to halt by keying an interrupt (usually <i>ctrl</i>-<tt>C</tt>).
    This is now a variety of tools you can use to explore this trace.


<h3> To explore a trace using the <tt>hat-trail</tt> browser </h3>

    If there is not already a trace browser running, start
    one by giving the shell command <tt>hat-trail</tt>, optionally
    adding the name of the program whose trail you wish to browse.
    ****<br>Wrong here<br>****<br>
    With a traced Haskell program in the trace-available
    state, click over the `connect' button in the upper part
    of the trace-browser window.  
    Any program output is shown in the lower panel of the
    trace browser.  Clicking over a section of the output causes a
    parent expression for that output to be displayed in the upper trace
    panel.  There is one section of output for each monadic output
    operation performed by the program, and any currently selected
    section is shown in blue.
    If a run-time error has occurred, or the computation has been interrupted,
    the initial trace panel displays the expression under
    evaluation at the time.
    Moving the mouse over expressions in the trace panel causes
    the display of various forms of highlighting.  The most important
    ones are:

    <li> a red box highlights any currently-selected subexpression <i>S</i>;
    <li> expressions with the same parent as <i>S</i> (siblings) are shown in blue; however, subexpressions of these siblings which have a different parent are not shown in blue;
    <li> if the parent redex of <i>S</i> is already on display it is shown
         with a background highlight in yellow.
    Beyond the normal syntax for Haskell expressions, five special
    symbols may occur in trace expressions:
    <tr valign=top> <td> <em>bottom</em> </td>
                    <td> the undefined value, as usual; </td>
    <tr valign=top> <td> <em>empty box</em> </td>
                    <td> a placeholder for a subexpression suppressed for
                         the time-being (eg. to avoid over-wide displays); </td>
    <tr valign=top> <td> <em>slant box</em> </td>
                    <td> a placeholder for an expression that
                         is not available because it is part of a
                         <i>trusted</i> computation not recorded in
                         the trace -- however, the parent redex
                         is available; </td>
    <tr valign=top> <td> <em>cross box</em> </td>
                    <td> a placeholder for an expression that
                         is not available -- nor are its ancestral
                         redexes, as they have been
                         <i>pruned</i> from the trace; </td>
    <tr valign=top> <td> <em>within</em> </td>
                    <td> shown between the values of case
                         subjects, conditions or guards and those of
                         the expressions they belong to. </td>
    Mouse clicks in the trace panel have the following effects:
    <tr valign=top> <td> left: </td>
                    <td> show the parent redex of <i>S</i>, if any;
		         (<i>or</i>, if the parent is already on
                         display, remove it along with any of its
                         ancestors also on display) </td>
    <tr valign=top> <td> middle: </td>
                    <td> if <i>S</i> is a place-holder, expand it;
		         (<i>or</i>, if not, contract <i>S</i> to a
                         place-holder) </td>
    <tr valign=top> <td> right: </td>
                    <td> show where <i>S</i> originates in the
                         source program, displayed in lower panel.
                         (If <i>S</i> is a name, a plain right-click
                         requests the corresponding point of use,
                         but shift-right-click requests the
                         definition.) </td>

<h3> Partial traces (avoiding detail and saving space) </h3>

There are two ways to specify a partial trace:
   <i>Trusting:</i> details of computation within specified modules or
   functions are omitted from the trace.  The choice of which
   components to trust and which to suspect can be made at
   compile-time but can also be altered at run-time.
   At compile-time, use <tt>-T -trusted</tt> to compile a trusted module. 
   At run-time, after <tt>+RTS</tt> alter the compile-time specification
   of trusted modules or functions by <tt>-dt</tt> <i>name</i>, or suspected
   ones by <tt>-ds</tt> <i>name</i>.  Name functions in full with the
   module name as prefix: for example, <tt>-ds BinaryTree.Delete</tt>.
   The flags <tt>-dtr</tt> and <tt>-dsr</tt> can be used to trust or suspect
   not only the
   named module but also all other modules that it (recursively)
   depends on.
   By default only the <tt>Prelude</tt> is trusted.
   <i>Pruning:</i>at each garbage collection, trace structure more
   than a specified distance <i>k</i> from all continuing evaluation points
   is discarded.  Any pruning is specified at run-time: for example,
   <tt>+RTS -dk2 -RTS</tt>.
   Just using <tt>+RTS -dk -RTS</tt> prunes the trace structure to free just
   enough space to continue computation.
   By default there is no pruning.

<h3> Four limiting factors </h3>

  The tracer does not currently handle programs involving
  I/O other than to standard input and/or standard output.
  List comprehensions are traced in terms of their explicit
  translations to higher-order function applications.
  Traced execution can take 10-30 times longer than normal.
  Traced execution without pruning requires heap memory in
  rough proportion to the length of the computation.
  (As a rough rule of thumb, 100 bytes of heap memory are
  required for each traced reduction.)
We plan to address all four of these limitations in future versions.

The latest updates to these pages are available on the WWW from
<a href="">

27th April 2001<br>
<a href="">
York Functional Programming Group</a><br>
[email protected]


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