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<html><head><title>The hmake compilation tool</title></head>
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<center><h1>The <em>hmake</em> compilation management tool</h1></center>
<table><tr><td width=200 align=center>
<a href="#use">Usage</a><br>
<a href="#comp">Choosing a compiler</a><br>
<a href="#targets">Targets</a><br>
<a href="#options">Hmake options</a><br>
</td><td width=200 align=center>
<a href="#compiler">Compiler options</a><br>
<a href="#preproc">Preprocessors</a><br>
<a href="#hat">Hat options</a><br>

<em>Hmake</em> is an intelligent compilation management tool for
Haskell programs.  It automatically extracts dependencies between
source modules, and issues the appropriate compiler commands to
rebuild only those that have changed, given just the name of the
program or module that you want to build.  Yes, you need never
write a <em>Makefile</em> again!

<em>hmake</em> knows about interface
(<em>.hi</em>) files.  Even though a source module has changed, if
its interface file has not changed, then other modules which import
it do not need to be recompiled.

<em>hmake</em> is compiler-independent.  The installation process
automatically detects which Haskell compilers you have, and sets
up <em>hmake</em> to use any of them.  You can separately add or
remove compilers to the configuration at any time after installation,
and change which compiler is used as the default.  You can easily
use different versions of a compiler (e.g. ghc 4.08 + 5.02) without
any extra hassle.  (See <a href="hmake-config.html">hmake-config</a>.)

<em>hmake</em> is aware of many pre-processors.  Not only is the C
preprocessor commonly used for selective imports, but tools such
as happy, hsc2hs, c2hs, greencard, are also often used to generate
Haskell modules.  If <em>hmake</em> finds a module with the
appropriate filename extension (.y, .ly, .hsc, .chs, .gc), it
automatically runs the preprocessor before the compiler.

<b>Minor Features</b>
<li><em>hmake</em> can generate object files in a separate directory
    from your sources.
<li><em>hmake</em> understands the library package system.
<li><em>hmake</em> understands hierarchical module namespaces.
<li><em>hmake</em> understands the Hat tracer.

<center><h3><a name="use">Usage</a></h3></center>
The basic option summary is:
    Usage: hmake [compiler] [hmake-opts] [compiler-opts] target ...

<b><a name="comp">Choosing a compiler</a></b>
<table border=1 width=400><tr>
    <b>-HC </b><em>comp</em><br>
    <b>-hc </b><em>comp</em><br>
	<td>Specify which compiler you want to use.  If no compiler is
            specified, the default compiler is used.  (See
            <a href="hmake-config.html">hmake-config</a> to set the
<td><b>-f</b> <em>cfgfile</em></td>
	<td>Use <em>cfgfile</em> as the hmake configuration file.  This
	file contains information about the Haskell compilers that
	are available.
	(See <a href="hmake-config.html">hmake-config</a> for more
You can use any form of the compiler name that would normally work
directly on the command-line, for instance
  hmake -ghc Prog.hs
  hmake -HC=/usr/local/bin/ghc-5.02.2 Prog.hs
  hmake -hc ghc-5.02.2 Prog.hs
provided only that its configuration is already known to
<em>hmake</em>, via <em>hmake-config</em>.

<b><a name="targets">Targets</a></b>
<li>You can have more than one target: all of them are built.
<li>If the target is a module source filename (i.e. with <em>.lhs</em>,
    <em>.hs</em>, <em>.hi</em>, or pre-processor extension), the module
    and everything it depends on is compiled, but not linked.  e.g.
    <pre>    hmake LiterateMod.lhs </pre>
<li>If the target is a program name (i.e. <em>no</em> extension),
    the appropriate modules are linked as well as compiled.  e.g.
    <pre>    hmake Prog </pre>
<li>An object or archive filename (<em>.o</em>, <em>.a</em> extension)
    cannot be a target, but if you add it to the commandline, it will
    be added into the final link.

<b><a name="options">Hmake Options</a></b>
Most options are passed straight through to the appropriate compiler.
However, <em>hmake</em> understands and strips the following options.
<table border=1 width=400><tr>
	<td>remove all .o files relevant to the given targets
           (does not compile anything).</td>
	<td>remove all .o and .hi files relevant to the given targets
           (does not compile anything).</td>
	<td>compile for the Hat tracing system.</td>
	<td>Quiet - don't echo compilation commands.</td>
	<td>Noexec - echo the compilation commands but don't execute them.</td>
	<td>Graph - show module dependency graph (implies -n -q).</td>
	<td>Makefile - show dependencies in Makefile format (implies -n -q).</td>
	<td>as for -M, but treats <b>-d</b> <em>objdir</em> specially.</td>
	<td>turn on debugging output.</td>

<b><a name="compiler">Compiler Options</a></b>
<em>Hmake</em> also makes use of some compiler options if you specify them.
(That is, the options are used by <em>hmake</em> as well as being
passed on to the compiler, with suitable translation if necessary.)
<table border=1 width=400><tr>
	<td>Search for (and compile) object files in(to) a separate objdir.</td>
	<td>Search the directory <em>dir</em> for imported modules -
        compile them if necessary, and link against the resulting
        <em>.o</em> files.</td>
<td><b>-package</b> <em>pkgname</em></td>
	<td>Add the library package <em>pkgname</em> to the search path for
	interface files for imported modules.  <em>hmake</em> knows how
	packages work in both ghc and nhc98.  A warning is produced if
	the package cannot be found.</td>
	<td>Search the directory <em>dir</em> for interface files for
	imported modules.  If an interface is found here, don't look
	for a source file to compile or link against.  (<em>hmake</em>
	assumes it is the prelude or a library module that is already
	linked into the program in some other manner).  This option is
	pretty-much obsolete now that packages are supported.</td>

Some options are passed to the compiler's runtime system (using whatever
underlying mechanism is appropriate for the particular compiler).
<table border=1 width=400><tr>
	<td>Compiler's heap size.</td>
	<td>Compiler's stack size.</td>
	<td>Compiler's garbage collector information options.</td>

You can force an option which would otherwise be interpreted by another
part of the system to be passed to the compiler by enclosing it
within <em>+CTS</em> ... <em>-CTS</em> delimiters.  For example, with
<b>nhc98</b>, to set the final executable's default heapsize rather than
the compiler's heapsize, use <em>+CTS -H4mb -CTS</em>.

<b><a name="preproc">Pre-processors</a></b>
<em>hmake</em> understands <em>cpp</em> directives in the source modules:
this is particularly useful for imports which differ depending on which
compiler you are using.
For example,
        #if defined(__HBC__) || defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__)
        import Native
        #elsif __NHC__
        import Binary
<em>hmake</em> automatically inserts the <em><b>-cpp</b></em> compiler
option, but only for those modules which require it.  
The compiler symbols are defined automatically - you can also define
other symbols on the commandline.
<table border=1 width=400><tr>
	<td>Define the cpp symbol <em>sym</em>.</td>
	<td>Define the cpp symbol <em>sym</em> with the value <em>val</em>.</td>

Various other Haskell-specific preprocessors (happy, c2hs, hsc2hs,
greencard) are recognised and called automatically when the source
filename indicates by its extension that they are required.  It is not
currently possible to pass extra options just to the preprocessor.
<table border=1 width=400><tr>
<td><b>.y</b></td> <td>A Happy grammar</td>
<td><b>.ly</b></td> <td>A literate Happy grammar</td>
<td><b>.x</b></td> <td>An Alex lexical analyser</td>
<td><b>.lx</b></td> <td>A literate Alex lexical analyser</td>
<td><b>.gh</b></td> <td>Generic Haskell pre-processor</td>
<td><b>.gc</b></td> <td>GreenCard input</td>
<td><b>.chs</b></td> <td>c2hs input</td>
<td><b>.hsc</b></td> <td>hsc2hs input</td>

<b><a name="hat">Hat Options</a></b>
<em>hmake</em> understands the Hat tracing system.  This is essentially
just a more complex pre-processor.  For every module, the file is first
transformed by <em>hat-trans</em>, generating a new module which is
then compiled with some extra options.  Additionally, if any other
pre-processing is required, it must be done before <em>hat-trans</em>
is called; an auxiliary interface file (<em>.hx</em>) is also tracked.
<table border=1 width=400><tr>
	<td>compile for the Hat tracing system.</td>
	<td>in conjunction with <em>-hat</em>, compile the targets
	in trusted mode, so that their internal calls are not traced.</td>

The latest updates to this software are available on the WWW from
<a href="">
(<a href="">

Information last updated: 24th June 2004<br>
<a href="">
York Functional Programming Group</a><br>
[email protected]


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