Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fernan/escomma/Matrix/Complex/Pivot.hs

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module Matrix.Complex.Pivot (permute, permute_list, vswap, mswap) where 

import Data.Array
import Data.List
import Complex

-- Trivial Pivoting Routines
mswap :: [Int] -> Array (Int,Int) (Complex Double) -- ^ A
          -> Array (Int,Int) (Complex Double) -- ^ LU(A)

mswap n a = a'
    where a' = array bnds [ ((i,j), luij i j) | (i,j) <- range bnds ]
	  luij i j = a!(ie i,j)
	  bnds = bounds a
	  ie i = n!!(i - 1)

vswap :: [Int] -> Array Int (Complex Double) -- ^ A
   -> Array Int (Complex Double) -- ^ LU(A)

vswap n a = a'
    where a' = array bnds [ (j, luij j) | j <- range bnds ]
	  luij j = a!(ie j)
	  bnds = bounds a
	  ie j = n!!(j - 1)   

rows1 :: Int -> [(Complex Double)] -> [Int]
rows1 _ [] = []
rows1 n (x:xs) | abs (magnitude x) > 0 = (n + 1) : rows1 (n + 1) xs 
               | otherwise = rows1 (n + 1) xs
rowz l = rows1 0 l
split1 _ [] = []
split1 n l = (take n l) : (split1 n $ drop n l)

permute_list a = rowlist $ map rowz $ transpose $ split1 b $ elems a
                 where b = fst $ snd $ bounds a

permute :: Array (Int,Int) (Complex Double) -> [Int] 
permute a = tt 
         where tt = l!!(head $ findIndices ( == (maximum n)) n)
               n = map zz (dd a l)
               zz a = foldr1 (+) (map (abs.magnitude) (elems (diag a)))
               dd a d | d == [] = []
                      | otherwise = mswap (head d) a : dd a (tail d)
               l = permute_list a

rowlist :: Eq a => [[a]] -> [[a]]
rowlist [] = [[]]
rowlist (set:sets) = [x:xs | xs <- rowlist sets, x  <- set, not(x `elem` xs)]

diag :: Array (Int,Int) (Complex Double) -- ^ A
   -> Array (Int,Int) (Complex Double) -- ^ LU(A)

diag a = a'
    where a' = array bnds [ ((i,j), luij i j) | (i,j) <- range bnds ]
	  luij i j | i == j  = a!(i,j)
	           | otherwise = 0
	  bnds = bounds a

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