-im : send im to person
-mail : send mail to person
-chat : send audio to a person
-blog : "subscribe" to person's news
-see : see their current "share buffer"
-files : see their current exported file system
There are dual permissions commands I'm not going to implement at first --
they are the analog of see and files and authorize that person to see your share
buffer or files. Since its a trusted environment, I don't think its worth implementing
these at first.
I was thinking that instead of having a central repository, it might be better to have
the equivilent of a /srv point where everyone can post an exported version of their
personal warren. This would allow a single instance to post to several warrens, but it
also puts the burdon on the user. A further extention would be to standardize a
warren directory for every user in their home directory -- the only disadvantage here
is it requires users to have home directories on the central server. I could see either
being an acceptable scenario.
Things get much more complicated, but its just a matter of sorting them out with
exportfs(4), import(4),srv(3)
Right - I've got the minute decay built in -- probably should up it to 2 minutes, or
lower the timer proc sleep to 30 seconds. Things seem to stay in place, so I think we are
* Plumb rules
* Watchdog thread (keeping my icon alive)
* Strip out unnecessary code
* Clarify Roadmap
* Get a contrib directory
* instead of auto-refreshing, obtain activity information based on keyboard/etc.
* instead of central directory, just use private directory in user directories
* allow users to set their icon based on mood activity
* update icon based on webcam feed
* two way audio chat
* use the Plumbing NS master askpects to give us /n (see [Using plumbing)
chat -> special application either in ACME or external
blog -> news on that particular person's special news file
share -> need some form of autoupdating viewer (or maybe just vnc)
file -> plumb directory to acme
Its really kind of hard -- a lot depends on whether the user is running ACME or not, so I'm not sure how to structure the rules. I think they are hit based, so maybe we can try with acme and if we fail, start some custom app elsewhere.