# altalias guest-domain user - look up aliases in a names file for a guest domain
# To use:
# • Make an "namefiles.alt" containing only "names.local".
# • Make a names.<whatever>, in the same format as names.local.
# • Tell /mail/lib/rewrite to use altalias to translate that domain, eg:
# (kremvax\.org)!(.+) translate "/mail/lib/altalias '\1' '\2'"
# use only the guest names file (and not the user's!)
rfork n
bind /mail/lib/namefiles.alt /mail/lib/namefiles
bind /mail/lib/names.`{echo $1 | tr A-Z a-z} /mail/lib/names.local
bind /n/none /mail/box
# bounce unknown addresses and make the guest domain the default
upas/aliasmail $2 | sed '