ndbopen, ndbcat, ndbchanged, ndbclose, ndbreopen, ndbsearch, ndbsnext, ndbgetvalue, ndbfree, ipattr, ndbgetipaddr, ndbipinfo, csipinfo, ndbhash, ndbparse, csgetvalue, ndbfindattr, dnsquery, ndbdiscard, ndbconcatenate, ndbreorder, ndbsubstitute, ndbgetval, csgetval, ndblookval – network database |
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <bio.h> #include <ndb.h> Ndb* ndbopen(char *file) Ndb* ndbcat(Ndb *db1, Ndb *db2) int ndbchanged(Ndb *db) int ndbreopen(Ndb *db) void ndbclose(Ndb *db) Ndbtuple* ndbsearch(Ndb *db, Ndbs *s, char *attr, char *val) Ndbtuple* ndbsnext(Ndbs *s, char *attr, char *val)
char* ndbgetvalue(Ndb *db, Ndbs *s, char *attr, char *val,
char* ipattr(char *name) Ndbtuple* ndbgetipaddr(Ndb *db, char *sys);
Ndbtuple* ndbipinfo(Ndb *db, char *attr, char *val, char **attrs,
Ndbtuple* ndbparse(Ndb *db) Ndbtuple* dnsquery(char *netroot, char *domainname, char *type) Ndbtuple* ndbfindattr(Ndbtuple *entry, Ndbtuple *line, char *attr) void ndbfree(Ndbtuple *db) Ndbtuple* ndbdiscard(Ndbtuple *t, Ndbtuple *a) Ndbtuple* ndbconcatenate(Ndbtuple *a, Ndbtuple *b) Ndbtuple* ndbreorder(Ndbtuple *t, Ndbtuple *a) Ndbtuple* ndbsubstitute(Ndbtuple *t, Ndbtuple *from, Ndbtuple *to)
void ndbsetmalloctag(Ndbtuple *t, uintptr tag) |
These routines are used by network administrative programs to
search the network database. They operate on the database files
described in ndb(6). Ndbopen opens the database file and calls malloc(2) to allocate a buffer for it. If file is zero, all network database files are opened. Ndbcat concatenates two open databases. Either argument may be nil. Ndbreopen throws out any cached information for the database files associated with db and reopens the files. Ndbclose closes any database files associated with db and frees all storage associated with them.
Ndbsearch and ndbsnext search a database for an entry containing
the attribute/value pair, attr=val. Ndbsearch is used to find
the first match and ndbsnext is used to find each successive match.
On a successful search both return a linked list of Ndbtuple structures
acquired by malloc(2) that represent the
attribute/value pairs in the entry. On failure they return zero.
The argument s of ndbsearch has type Ndbs and should be pointed
to valid storage before calling ndbsearch, which will fill it
with information used by ndbsnext to link successive searches.
The structure Ndbs looks like:
Ndbgetvalue searches the database for an entry containing not only an attribute/value pair, attr=val, but also a pair with the attribute rattr. If successful, it returns a malloced copy of the NUL–terminated value associated with rattr. If tp is non nil, *tp will point to the entry. Otherwise the entry will be freed. Csgetvalue is like ndbgetvalue but queries the connection server instead of looking directly at the database. Its first argument specifies the network root to use. If the argument is 0, it defaults to "/net". Ndbfree frees a list of tuples returned by one of the other routines.
Ipattr takes the name of an IP system and returns the attribute
it corresponds to:
Ndbipinfo looks up Internet protocol information about a system.
This is an IP aware search. It looks first for information in
the system's database entry and then in the database entries for
any IP subnets or networks containing the system. The system is
identified by the attribute/value pair, attr=val. Ndbipinfo
returns a list of tuples whose attributes match the attributes
in the n element array attrs. If any attrs begin with @, the @
is excluded from the attribute name, but causes any corresponding
value returned to be a resolved IP address(es), not a name. For
example, consider the following database entries describing a
network, a subnetwork, and a system.
Csipinfo is to ndbipinfo as csgetval is to ndbgetval. The next three routines are used by programs that create the hash tables and database files. Ndbhash computes a hash offset into a table of length hlen for the string val. Ndbparse reads and parses the next entry from the database file. Multiple calls to ndbparse parse sequential entries in the database file. A zero is returned at end of file.
Dnsquery submits a query about domainname to the ndb/dns mounted
at netroot/dns. It returns a linked list of Ndbtuple's representing
a single database entry. The tuples are logically arranged into
lines using the line field in the structure. The possible type's
of query are and the attributes on each returned
tuple line is:
ns name servers. Returns domain name (dom) and name server (ns) Ndbfindattr searches entry for the tuple with attribute attr and returns a pointer to the tuple. If line points to a particular line in the entry, the search starts there and then wraps around to the beginning of the entry. All of the routines provided to search the database provide an always consistent view of the relevant files. However, it may be advantageous for an application to read in the whole database using ndbopen and ndbparse and provide its own search routines. The ndbchanged routine can be used by the application to periodically check for changes. It returns zero if none of the files comprising the database have changes and non–zero if they have. Finally, a number of routines are provided for manipulating tuples. Ndbdiscard removes attr/val pair a from tuple t and frees it. If a isn't in t it is just freed. Ndbconcatenate concatenates two tuples and returns the result. Either or both tuples may be nil. Ndbreorder reorders a tuple t to make the line containing attr/val pair a first in the entry and making a first in its line. Ndbsubstitute replaces a single att/val pair from in t with the tuple to. All attr/val pairs in to end up on the same line. from is freed.
Ndbsetmalloctag sets the malloc tag (see setmalloctag in malloc(2))
of each tuple in the list t to tag. |
/lib/ndb directory of network database files |
/sys/src/libndb |
ndb(6), ndb(8) |
Ndbgetvalue, csgetvalue, and ndblookvalue set errstr to buffer
too short if the buffer provided isn't long enough for the returned
value. |
Ndbgetval, csgetval, and ndblookval are deprecated versions of
ndbgetvalue, csgetvalue, and ndblookvalue. They expect a fixed
64 byte long result buffer and existed when the values of a Ndbtuple
structure were fixed length. |